
Terms for subject Compressors containing 质量 | all forms | in specified order only
全面质量培训total quality training
全面质量系统total quality system
干空气质量流量dry air mass flow
平均相对分子质量mean molecular weight
排气口质量流量discharge mass rate of flow
摩尔质量mole mass
残余质量residual mass forces
气体相对分子质量molecular weight of gas
焊接质量welding quality
相对分子质量molecular mass
质量合格证certificate of fitness
质量合格证certificate of compliance
质量平衡mass balancing
质量检验证书inspection certificate of quality
质量比能量mass specific energy
质量流量mass flow rate
进口质量流量inlet mass rate of flow
随机质量probability mass