
Terms for subject Economy containing 货站 | all forms | in specified order only
内地货站inland depot
内陆运输保款货站inland clearance depot
到站交货前费用已付delivered free to destination
回送发货站return forwarding station
在车站交货价at station
在…车站交货条件at ... station terms
在铁路终点站交货at railhead
指定火车站交货价at named station
集装箱的货站receiving station
普通货物站general freight station
火车站交货ex rail (价)
目的站交货价free destination station
装货港货运站集装一卸货港堆场整卸container freight station-container yard
装货港货运站集装一卸货港货运站分卸container freight station-container freight station
请给我们一个能站得住的理由,说明为什么推迟发货Please give us a viable reason for late delivery of the goods
货物站台freight dock
集装箱到达站交货价free arrival station
集装箱收货站交换delivered at container collection depot
集装箱收货站交货delivered at container collection depot
集装箱货运站货物container freight station cargo
集装箱集散站分卸交货container freight station delivery