
Terms for subject International trade containing 货物 | all forms | in specified order only
一堆货物单位码头存放面积为120平方英尺lot unit
一宗货物的项目item of parcel
一批大宗货物lot cargo
一批特别托运的货物special consignment
一般货物general cargo
一般货物运费率general cargo rate
下卸的他港货物residue cargo
不受其他人权利和债权限制的货物goods free from all rights and claims
不受第三人权利和债权限制的货物goods free from the rights or claims of third persons
不合格货物disqualified goods
不同种类货物价值划分different species
不完整货物goods in bad order
不符合合同规定的货物non-conformity of the goods
不符合规定的货物non-conforming goods
与其他货物接触受损damage through contact with other cargo
与其它货物接触受损damage through contact with other cargo
世界空运货物分类worldwide air cargo commodity classification
世界航空货物手册world air cargo manual
业经装运的货物afloat goods
丢失货物说明书statement of missing goods
中转货物摘录transit abstract
中转货物规则transhipment cargo rule
卖方中途截止货物stoppage in transit
中间货物intermediate goods
临时堆存货物shed cargo
临界集装箱货物marginal containerizable cargoes
为买方分别开的货物goods set aside on behalf of the buyer
为履行合同而指定的货物goods identified for the performance of the contract
为替代而买进的货物goods bought in replacement
主要出货物的数量与价值quantity and value of principal exports (imports)
低档货物inferior goods
低档货物吉芬货物,劣质物品inferior goods (Giffen goods)
低运费货物low-paying cargo
低运费货物low paying cargo
体积货物measurement cargo
债务偿还占货物和劳务出口额的%debt service as a % of exports of goods and services
停发货物stop for freight
停止承运货物stoppage on acceptance of goods
停靠小站的零担货物列车way car
充公货物confiscated goods
先到货物forward arrivals
先期到达货物forward arrivals
免税货物商品duty-free goods
免税货物non-dutiable goods
免税货物free goods
免税货物进口报单entry of free goods
免税货物进口报单entry for free goods
全套货物full line
全程运送货物through cargo
分别开的货物goods set aside
分送货物distribution service
列入表定运费的货物closed cargo
初级货物primary goods
到达货物办公室office dealing with inward goods traffic
前批装船货物late shipment
包装货物packing cargo
包装货物package cargo
包装货物cargoes in packages
包装货物详单packing list
包退包换货物goods on approval
半成品货物semi-finished goods
半易腐烂货物semi-perishable goods
协会货物保险条款institute cargo clause
单位化货物unitized cargo
单位化货物unitized cargoes
卖方保留对货物的所有权的条款clause reserving title to the goods in the seller
各种货物full line
各色俱全的货物well assorted goods
各色倶全的货物well assorted goods
合同所列的货物contract goods
合装货物LCL cargo
合装货物CFS cargo
同盟货物conference cargo
同种类货物homogeneous cargoes
同质货物homogeneous cargoes
后程承运人装运的货物successive-carrier shipments
在关栈货物goods in bond
在海运途中的货物cargo afloat
在运输途中受损的货物goods damaged in transit
在途货物cargo afloat
在途货物报价to arrive price
备存货物goods in stock
外国进口货物清单inward foreign manifest
外贸货物traded goods
大宗货物bulk goods
大宗货物bulk cargo
大宗货物及杂货装载bulk and general cargo loading
大宗货物和杂货装载bulk*and general cargo loading
大宗货物运输量traffic in the bulk commodities
大宗货物采购员bulk commodity buyer
大量货物lot cargo
存仓货物担保field warehousing
存仓货物易于转运easy transfer of storaged merchandise
存货仓库内货物goods in stock
货物提交海关检查submit goods to customs control
小件货物运入许可证invoice licence
货物灭失或损坏提起的诉讼action in respect of loss or damage to goods
开包装货物unpacked cargo
异味货物smelly cargo (smelling cargo)
强调货物的季节性underlie the seasonal character of the goods
归程货物船只等载运的back cargo
成组货物the unit load
成组货物unitized cargoes
托售货物consigned goods
托盘化货物palletized cargo
托运货物goods consigned
托运货物freight consignment
扣存关栈货物bonded goods
扣留货物detainment of the cargo
扣留货物detained goods
扣留船只或货物detention of vessel or cargo
按实卸货物支付运费concurrent with discharge
按规定路线发送货物route the goods
按"路货"出售的货物goods sold "floating"
挥发性货物volatile cargo
搜査船上的货物rummage a ship
收到货物receipt of the goods
收到货物付款cash on receipt of merchandise
收取议价运费的货物open rated cargo
收回货物repossessed goods
收回已出售之货物repossessed goods
收货人拒收的货物refused freight
放置货物arrangement of goods
散件货物conventional cargo
散批货物broken lot
散装货物bulk goods
散装货物bulk freight
散装货物goods in bulk
散装货物bulk commodity
明显地置之一边的货物goods dearly set aside
明确地认定为履行合同的货物goods clearly identified to the contract
易燃货物inflammable cargo
易爆炸货物explosive cargo
易破损货物fragile commodities
易碎货物fragile goods
易腐货物perishables product
易腐货物perishable freight
易腐货物perishable cargo
易销货物marketable goods
普通货物break bulk cargo
普通货物slow goods
普通货物general cargo
最适合集装箱装运的货物prime containerizable cargoes
有关货物品质的证据evidence as to the quality of goods
1964 年海牙有关国际货物买卖统一法的公约Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1964
有收入的货物吨公里freight revenue ton-kilometers
有瑕疵货物goods in bad order
有瑕疵的货物defective goods
未保险的货物uncovered goods
未列入载货清单货物unmanifested cargo
未列名货物unencumbered articles
未列名货物unenumerated articles
未加工的货物rough cargo (goods)
未卖出货物unsold goods
未卸货物goods afloat
未完税货物转口许可单bill of sufferance
未提进 口货物科目undeliverable import goods a/c
未提进口货物科目undeliverable import goods a/c
未经加工的货物rough cargo
未经捆扎的货物loose cargo
未经申报的货物undeclared cargo
未经确定的货物unascertained goods
未购买货物non-purchased goods
未领的货物unclaimed goods
杂凑成的货物odds and ends
标志货物marking of goods
正式拨归合同的货物goods duly appropriated to the contract
水运货物waterborne goods
污染货物dirty cargo
派员查抄货物的令状distress warrant
港口货物吞吐量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port
生产者货物producer's goods
用于散装货物买卖的 F.O.B. 条件F.O.B. ex chute
货物瑕疵而产生的权利rights arising from defects
由买方处置的货物goods placed at the disposal of the buyer
甲板货物deck cargo
甲板下货物inboard cargo
申报货物declare goods
申报不实的货物wrongfully declared cargo
破损货物的估价assessment of damaged goods
税关存留的货物goods stored by the customs
符合合同的货物goods conforming with the contract
符合合同规定的货物goods of the contract description
笨重货物每长吨不超过40立方英尺(约1. 13立米)的货物dead weight cargo
笨重货物bulky goods
笨重货物起重费heavy lift charge
第三方所开的货物符合合同证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
联合国国际货物多式联运公约United Nations Convention on International Multimodel Transport of Goods
联合国国际销售货物合同公约United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods
联合国海上货物运输会议United Nations Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
联运货物运单through consignment note
腐蚀性货物corrosive cargo
航空运输货物保险air transportation cargo insurance
货物风险on deck risks
舱内货物hold cargo
因颠簸舱内货物移动了位置shifted in the hold
舱面货物goods carried on deck
舱面货物由货主担风险deck cargo shipper’s account
舱面载运货物goods carried on deck
船上特种货物舱房silk room
船内应税货物申报书mariner's declaration and store content
船内特种货物库房包括邮件及贵重品等silk room
船舱货物hatch cargo
船舱内货物inboard cargo
船舶货物载重量dead weight cargo capacity
谷类货物证明grain cargo certificate
负责将货物交到纽约港口的船上FOB vessel New York
货主不明货物unclaimed merchandise
货主不明货物unclaimed goods
货柜货物container freight station
货柜货物集散站container freight station
货棚堆存货物shed cargo
货物cargoes and parcels
货物一切险条款一cargo all risks clause
货物上的印记stamp on goods
货物上的担保物权security interest in goods
货物上门取送费collection and delivery charges
货物不符合同所产生的索赔诉权claim based on lack of conformity of the goods
货物不符通知notice of lack of conformity
货物与劳务goods and services
货物中产生的汗潮sweat generated in cargo
货物中转站freight transfer station
英国货物买卖法Sale of Goods Act (UK)
货物交换commodity exchanges
货物交换比率rate of interchange
货物交换比率rate on interchange
货物交接单list of freight delivered and received
货物交接单cargo landing-over memo
货物交易比率terms of interchange
货物交流表table of interflow of goods
货物产地证明书certificate of origin
货物估价单valuation form
货物估值单valuation form
货物体积measurement of cargo
货物保管收据custody-of-cargo receipt
货物保险insurance of goods
货物保险人cargo insurer
货物保险单cargo insurance policy
货物保险条款cargo clauses
货物保险费cargo premium
货物保险费率cargo insurance rate
货物倒装transfer of load
货物免费占用港口设施保管的时间free time of cargo
货物内容particulars of goods
货物内容、品名或重量声明书declaration of contents, description or weight
货物出仓凭单delivery order
货物分等表freight classification
货物分类freight classification
货物分类出售sale by description
货物分类名称generic description
货物利益与货物有关的保险权益cargo interests
货物到埠运费卸载时付给freight to be paid after discharge at destination
货物到岸证明书landing book
货物包机cargo charter flight
货物单证cargo papers
货物占有者owner of goods
货物原产国country of origin
货物原产地证original certificate
货物及劳务goods and services
货物发送细则forwarding instruction
货物号码清单numerical list of commodities
货物名称description of goods
货物cargo ton
货物周转量tonnage mileage
货物周转量freight turnover
货物周转量freight mileage
货物和劳务出口额exports of goods and services
货物和服务的平衡balance on goods and services
货物品名表nomenclature of goods
货物品质证书certificate of quality
货物处理单据document of title to goods
货物外表outward appearance of cargo
货物存放处所cargo stored at
货物安抵出口地点时有效subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
货物密度cargo density
货物情况particulars of goods
货物成交书confirmation of purchase
货物成交书和交运确认书confirmation of purchase and shipping instruction
货物所产生的汗潮sweat generated in cargo
货物所在地法lex rei sitae
货物所有人owner of the goods
货物所有权凭证document of title to the goods
货物托运号consignment number
货物承保人cargo underwriter
货物承保人cargo insurer
货物报关clearance of goods
货物报关单goods declaration
货物抵押货款goods credit
货物抵押贷款goods credit
货物押汇的汇票document bill
货物押运人员cargo attendants
货物拆散到低于货车最低载重量knocked-down in less than carloads
货物拆散到货车最低载重量knocked-down in carloads
货物拨移许可证removal permit
货物拼装集装箱cargo consolidation
货物拼装人cargo consolidator
货物损坏项防cargo damage prevention
货物损害报告damaged cargo report
货物推销员训练班sales training course
货物搬移许可removal permit
货物搬运freight handling
货物搬运区面积freight handling area
货物搬运及装卸cargo handling
货物搬运合同removal bond
货物搬运负责人master porter
货物摘要description of goods
货物支线spur line
货物收入凭单stock debit notes
货物收据article receipt
货物收据cargo receipt
货物数量证书certificate of quantity
货物数量证明书certificate of quantity
货物明细单specification of commodity
货物明细单particular of cargo
货物有形计算单位.physical unit of goods
货物有形计算单位physical unit of goods
货物来源证original certificate
货物查询freight enquiry
货物标志cargo marking
货物检查单inspecting order
货物检验cargo damage survey
货物残损报告exception list
货物残损报告damaged cargo report
货物残损检验inspection on damage cargo
货物残损检验inspection on damaged cargo
货物水上运输条件floating conditions
货物清单manifest of cargo
货物港务费weight dues
货物港务费cargo dues
货物溢卸单overlanded cargo list
货物灭失或损失所产生的索赔诉权claim based on physical loss damage
货物特别运价率special commodity rate
货物运费牺牲sacrifices of cargo (freight)
货物运费牺牲sacrifice of cargo (freight)
货物状态state of goods
货物瑕疵所引起的索赔claim arising from a defect of the goods
货物申报书merchandise declaration
货物申报单merchandise declaration
货物畅销meet with a ready sale
货物留置权lien on goods
货物留置权cargo lien
租船代理人货物登记册cargo book
货物的件数与件号case number
货物的保护贸易制度protection of goods
货物的保管preservation of the goods
货物的充公impounding of goods
货物的包装情况packing of the goods
货物的固有瑕疵潜在缺陷inherent vice of the goods
货物的固有缺陷inherent vice of the goods
货物的外表状况conditioning of goods
货物的尺码容积,货载衡量measurements of cargo
货物的尺码容积,货载衡量measurement of cargo
货物的所有权title to the goods
货物的损失loss damage or delay of goods
货物的搬运和操作manipulation of goods
货物的收货地reception of the goods
货物的数量和说明quantity and description of the goods
货物的权利主张人claimant of the goods
货物的灭失、损坏或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
货物的特性nature of goods
货物的瑕疵defect in the goods
货物的类别series of lot
货物的认定identification of the goods
货物短缺short delivery
货物短缺证明书"bad-order" certificate
货物种类type of merchandise
货物种类type of goods
货物积载图stowage plans for cargoes
货物goods tax
货物excise duty
货物consolidated tax
货物commodity tax
货物空运费率表cargo air tariff
货物空运过境air transit of goods
货物符合合同规定conformity of the goods
货物符合合同第三者证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
货物索赔cargo claims
货物结关clearance of goods
货物联运公约Convention on the Combined Transport of Goods (TCM convention)
货物航运执照cargo navicert
货物舱位space for cargo
货物舱单cargo manifest
货物commodity lists
货物装卸freight handling
货物装卸业务goods handling service
货物装卸作业cargo handling operation
货物装卸情况cargo in out
货物装卸手册load cargo manual
货物装卸量cargoes loaded and unloaded
货物装运单shipping invoice
货物装运单位化unionization of cargo
货物装运成组化unitization of cargo
货物装运指南cargo billing system
货物要求在……日前到达require the goods to arrive on/before
货物订舱单booking note
货物订舱表booking list
货物课税估价公约Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes
货物账款通知单cargo accounting advice
货物赔偿的要求freight claim
货物起卸机freight lift
货物起运吨数freight tonnage originated
货物路程单freight waybill
货物转口cargo transhipment
货物转让freight release
货物转运人freight forwarder
货物运价率goods rate
货物运单声明事项declaration on consignment note
货物运筹计划cargo consolidation scheme
货物运费goods freight
货物运输goods freight
货物运输保险cargo transportation insurance
货物运输保险cargo insurance
货物运输保险单cargo insurance policy
货物运输保险费率cargo insurance rate
货物运输报关行freight forwarder
货物运输行freight forwarders
货物运输路线的选定routing of goods
货物运输险cargo transportation insurance
货物运送goods traffic
货物运送代理行freight agent
货物运送吨数freight tonnage carried
货物追查单cargo tracer
货物送达时所取之样本outturn sample
货物送运时所取的样本outturn sample
货物选择权optional right for cargo
货物遭受的损害property damage
货物遭受的物质损失physical damage to the goods
货物配给rationing of goods
货物配载计划cargo planning
货物销售条件conditions of commercial sale
货物锈损险rust risk
货物集中人cargo consolidator
货物集装箱freight container
货物集运人cargo consolidator
货物预约保险单open cover cargo insurance
货物领取单receipt note
货盘装运货物palletized cargo
货票分离的货物astray freight
贮藏箱货物locker cargo
贵重货物valuable cargo
贵重货物valuable goods
贵重货物treasure cargo
贷物的货权担保security interest in goods
赚得货物的保证warranty of merchandise purchased
转卖货物resell goods
转口货物floating goods
转手货物switch cargo
转运货物transhipment cargo
转运货物transhipment goods
转运货物tranship cargo
退关货物清单shut out memo
退回未付价金的货物return of the goods for non-pay-ment
适合集装箱货物suitable containerizable cargoes
适合集装箱货物container load cargo
适用货物清单lists of excluded goods
适用货物清单list of excluded goods
选择卸货港货物optional cargo
选港货物optional cargo
选购的货物shipping goods
通知货物有瑕疵give notice of defects in goods
通运货物through cargo
遗失货物missing cargo
遗失货物missing goods
遗失货物lost goods
遗失货物list of missing articles
遗失货物目录清单missing list
陆上运输货物保险overland transportation cargo insurance
陆上运输货物保险条款overland transportation cargo insurance clauses
易燃品等限制条件下的货物restricted freight
除外货物清单lists of excluded goods
除外货物清单list of excluded goods
需要大量劳力的货物labor-intensive goods
非禁运品货物non-contraband goods
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