
Terms for subject Nautical containing 货物 | all forms | in specified order only
货物相关联的废弃物cargo associated wastes
公会承认的货物goods carried by the conference
具有中等失火危险的辅机处所、货物处所、货油舱和其他油舱以及其他类似处所auxiliary machinery spaces, cargo spaces, cargo and other oil tanks and other similar spaces of moderate fire risk
冷却货物chilled cargo
冷藏货物refrigerated cargo
冷藏货物运输船refrigerated cargo ship
冷藏货物运输船refer cargo carrier
包装货物舱容bale capacity
包装危险货物packaged dangerous goods
单元货物运输船unit cargo ship
危险货物事故dangerous goods incident
危险货物舱单或配载图dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan
危险品、固体货物和集装箱运输分委员会Sub-committee on Dangerous Goods Solid Cargos and Container
可流态货物cargoes which may liquefy
可重复使用的货物单元returnable cargo unit
固体货物专用舱exclusive solid cargo hold
固体货物/油、货兼用舱solid cargo/oil hold
固体散装货物dangerous goods in solid form in bulk
固体散装货物规则code for solid bulk cargoes
国际货物买卖合同contract of international goods sales
国际货物保险International cargo insurance
国际海运危险货物输规则International Maritime Dangerous Goods IMDG Code (IMDG 规则)
国际装运 INF 货物适装证书certificate of fitness for the carriage of INF cargo
国际贸易货物结构composition of international trade
国际运输密封装辐射性核燃料货物适装证书International certificate of fitness for the carriage of INF cargo
安全装卸货物手册safe loading and unloading of cargos manual
对外贸易货物结构composition of foreign trade
摊款货物contributing cargo
散装货物密度bulk density
散装危险货物dangerous cargo in bulk
易燃货物inflammability car-go
易燃货物flammable cargoes
有毒货物noxious cargo
有毒液体物质 NLS 液货船NLS tanker
海上货物运输合同carriage contract at sea
海运货物集中运输aggregation of marine cargo
液化气体货物liquefied gas cargo
符合船舶载运危险货物特别要求的文件document of compliance with the special requirements
B 组货物group B cargo
C 组货物group C cargo
A 组货物group A cargo
能引起额外失火危险的货物cargo introducing additional fire hazards
INF 货物INF cargo
货物保险条款institute cargo clauses
货物冷藏refrigerated cargo
货物冷藏装置refrigerated cargo installation
货物区域cargo zone
货物区域cargo length area
货物区域或货物长度区域cargo area or cargo length area
货物围护系统cargo containment system
货物处所高速船cargo spaces
货物处所cargo space
货物承运单shipping permit
货物报警cargo alarm
货物控制室cargo control room
货物控制站cargo control stations
货物提升设备cargo lifts
货物残余物cargo residues
货物渗透率cargo permeability
货物渡船freight ferry
货物渡船cargo ferry
货物系固手册securing manual
货物系固手册cargo securing manual
货物结露cargo sweat
货物舷梯cargo ramps
货物蒸发气体排放控制系统标准standard for vapor emission control system
货物装卸设备cargo handling appliances
货物装船清单shipping bill
货物贸易goods trade
货物运输carriage of goods
货物长度区域cargo length area
货物附属装置cargo fittings
载运危险货物船舶特殊要求的符合证明document of compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods
进入货物区域内各处所的通道access to spaces in the cargo area
进入油船货物区域中处所的通道access to spaces in the cargo area of oil tankers
非黏性货物non-cohesive cargoes