
Terms for subject Business containing 货物 | all forms | in specified order only
一批货物bill of goods
一批同一定价的货物price line
一批订价相同的货物price line
一揽子货物basket of goods
一般货物general merchandise
上门取送货物collection and delivery
不受权利和债权限制的货物goods free from all rights and claims
不可转让货物nontransferable goods
不合标准货物non-standard goods
不合标准货物non-standard cargo
不合需求货物指不适应顾客消费水平inferior goods
不符合规定的货物non-confirming goods
不附货物所有权单据的汇票clean bill of exchange
与其他货物合运with other goods
与其它装载货物相触碰contact with other charges
与合同相符的货物goods which conform with the contract
专卖货物monopoly goods
中低档货物less expensive and reasonable price goods
中等价格货物medium-priced goods
中转货物goods to be transhipped
中间货物指在原料与制成品之间的产品intermediate goods
临时仓库堆存货物shed cargo
货物运输办理投保手续effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods
为偿债而变卖债务人货物或财产sell up
为履行合同指定的货物goods identified for the performance of the contract
为旺季储备货物stock up for the busy season
主要大宗货物predominant goods
债务偿还占货物和劳务出口额的%debt service as a... % of exports of goods and services
分开的货物goods set aside
分期取款发运货物merchandise shipped on installment sales
分类货物classified goods
列名货物运费率named cargo rate
到收货价的一批货物cash on delivery consignment
到达货物on arrival
包件货物cargoes in package
包装货物baled cargo
包装货物package goods
包装货物件货cargo in package
包装货物清单packing list
包装完整无损的货物货载clean cargo
各式俱全的货物well assorted goods
各样货物every description of goods
各种货物descriptions of goods
各类货物goods of all kinds
各类货物投入产出清单input-output bill of goods
各色货物full line
各色货物具备good assortment of goods to choose from
各色各类的货物well-assorted goods
合同货物contract goods
合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
合同规定的货物即合同规定,买方不能向其它供货人购买本合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
吊索上货物sling of cargo
吊运货物lift cargo
吊运货物设备lifting equipment
同批货物不同标志various mark
后续承运人装运货物successive-carrier shipments
向国外倾销过剩货物dump surplus goods abroad
向某国倾销货物dump goods into a certain country
吸湿性货物如盐、糖等商品hygroscopic cargo
售出货物的所有权property in the goods sold
在保税仓库转让货物申请书application for transfer in bond
在控温下的货物运输traffic carried under controlled temperature
在途货物goods afloat
在途货物sailing goods
在途货物路货cargo afloat
在途货物条款afloat terms
地方公共货物local public goods
地方运送货物local consignment
外贸货物运输保险insurance of transport of foreign trade goods
大型集装箱货物van cargo
大宗货物运输量traffic in the bulk commodity
大批货物lot cargo
货物交由承运人保管delivery into the custody of the carrier
货物分成包件lot out goods in parcel
货物卖给投标者knock an article down to bidder
将订单货物集中一次装运pool the order into one shipment
小件货物运单parcel ticket
小批货物small lot cargo
市场货物充斥glut the market
带轮货物goods running on their own wheel
异味货物smelly cargo
强调货物季节性underlie the seasonal character of the goods
为履约急於抢运的货物distress cargo
总公司运来货物shipments from home office
成件货物package goods
成套货物full line
成组货物运输集装箱运输unitized goods transport
成组装运的货物goods in unit load
我们对贵方浮雕防盗门的质量感到很满意,但我们不知道货物的质量能否和样品大体相同We find the quality of the anti-theft carved door is satisfactory, but we're not sure whether the quality of the goods is about equal to the sample
指定出口货物earmark goods for export
指拨货物appropriated goods
货物体积计收运费cubic measurement
货物现状as is
按合同拨给的货物goods appropriated to the contract
按消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
搭卖货物tying goods
收回货物recover the goods
收回售出的货物repossessed goods
购货人不付款时,卖方收回货物recourse back
收领货物通知advice of receipt
易变质货物goods subject to early deterioration
易爆货物explosive cargo
易腐货物如鱼, 肉等perishable cargo
有争议的货物goods forming the subject matter in dispute
有关货物质量的证明evidence as to the quality of goods
The Hague, 1964有关国际货物销售合同统一法的公约海牙,1964年Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
有商标货物branded goods
有形货物material goods
有死亡率的货物mortality cargo
有毒性货物poisonous goods
未交付货物undelivered cargo
未交付货物failed to deliver the goods
未列入载货清单的货物unmanifested cargo
未列名货物即未在航运公司运费费率表上列名的货物cargo not otherwise specified
未列明运费率的货物cargo not otherwise specified
未包装货物non-packed cargo
未包装货物unpacked cargo
未包装货物goods unpacked
未另列名货物articles not other wise provided for
未售出货物unsold goods
未售出寄销货物退回returns of unsold consignment
未售寄销货物退回return of unsold consigned
未完关税货物uncustomed goods
未报税货物bona vacantia
未满箱货物less-than-container load cargo
未申报货物undeclared cargo
未申报的货物undeclared cargo
未确定的货物unascertained goods
未精细加工货物rough goods
未经特定化的货物unidentified goods
次等货物second-rate goods
水上运输货物条件floating condition
水渍货物water-damaged cargo
水运货物cargo afloat
清洁货物如罐头、瓷器、玩具等fine cargo
港口货物吞吐量traffic of port
港口货物装卸能力cargo handling capacity of a port
漏报应税货物evade declaration of dutiable goods
生产货物production goods
生产各种品质的货物produce goods in various qualities
甲板上堆放的露天货物deck load
申报货物有误wrongfully declared cargo
申请运输保税货物application for transportation in bond
破产拍卖货物bankrupt stock
破损货物估价assessment of damaged goods
笨重货物bulky cargo
不易碎烂的笨重货物dead freight
第三方所开的货物符合合同的证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
舱内货物inboard cargo
舱面货物on deck cargo
舱面货物cargo on deck
舱面装运的货物goods carried on deck
船上所载货物ship's inventory
船舶货物载重量deadweight cargo capacity
船舶货物载重量dead-weight cargo capacity
船舶及货物检查inspection on hatch and/or cargo
船载货物lading of a ship
船运货物shipping goods
船运货物sailing goods
谷物货运容积grain capacity
谷类货物grain cargo
负担货物的一切费用及风险bear all cost and risks of the goods
货主不明的货物unclaimed goods
货单与货物不符discrepancy between cargo and document
货品齐全的购物中心self-contained shopping centre
货币项目物价水平调整price level adjustment of monetary items
货方货物保险权益cargo interest
货物一旦准备好,我们就立刻发货We shall effect shipment as soon as the goods are ready
货物一览表schedule of goods
货物下落不明missing cargo
货物不符索赔claim based on non-conformity
货物与劳务出口export of goods and services
货物与劳务进口额imports of goods and service
货物与劳务进口额imports of goods and services
货物买卖buying-selling of goods
货物买卖buying and selling of goods
货物买卖合同merchandise trade contract
货物买卖合同merchandise selling contract
货物买卖合同buying and selling contract of goods
货物买方purchaser of goods
货物亏损sacrifices of cargo
货物交接handing over
货物交火车运送consign goods by rail
货物产生的汗潮sweat generated in cargo
货物什么时候能到达我方港口?When will the goods reach our port?
货物介绍introduction of goods
货物保单cargo insurance policy
货物保护protection of goods
货物保险insurance on cargo
货物保险merchandise insurance
货物保险goods insurance
货物保险包括全损险、水渍险及综合验cargo insurance
货物保险合同contract of insurance of goods
货物保险契约contract of insurance for goods
货物保险费cargo insurance premium
货物保险退费return of premium-cargo
保单注明的货物保险除外责任指保险人不负赔偿责任的损失excluded loss-cargo
货物信息cargo information
货物停留时间dwell time (of cargo)
货物停留时间delayed time of cargo
货物充公impounding of goods
货物全险一切险条款cargo all risks clause
货物内在缺点缺陷cargo inherent vice
货物内在缺陷cargo inherent vice
货物再加工reprocess the goods
货物出口export of cargos
货物出口净额net exports of goods
货物出口量physical volume of exports
货物分为包件lot out goods in parcel
货物分期付款payment of goods by installment
货物分标记费charge for sorting out cargo mark
货物分类classification of goods
货物分类classification of cargo
货物分类与编号classification and numbering of goods
货物分配中心distribution center
货物分配惯例Goods Dispensing Practice
货物到目的地卸货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
货物到达arrival of goods
货物到达后见票即付汇票after-arrival-of-goods draft
货物到达通知cargo arrival notice
货物制销成本cost of goods manufactured and sold
货物加工费processing charge of goods
货物、劳务与汇款的平衡balance on goods, service and remittances
货物包租飞机cargo charter flight
货物单位体积重量density of cargo
货物单位化费用bulk unitization charge
货物单元化unitization of cargo
货物单据cargo papers
货物单程保险证书cargo single risk certificate
货物卸讫记录clearance note
货物卸载上陆后不保风险no risk after landing
货物原产地origin of goods
货物原产地country where the cargo originate
货物及散装件货cargo and parcels
货物及财产税tax on goods and property
货物又装又卸双重作业double-goods operation
货物变现realization of the goods
货物变质deterioration of goods
货物变质耗损deterioration of goods
货物号码清单numerical list of commodity
货物吊装法lift-on/lift-off system
货物名称description of cargo
单位货物后进先出法unit LIFO method
货物吞吐量turnover volume of cargo
货物吨代理费agency fee on tonnage
货物吨位cargo ton
货物启运国country where consigned
货物周转量cargo turnover
货物周转量turnover volume of cargo
货物品质quality of the goods
货物固有属性inherent nature of cargo
货物固有瑕疵inherent vice of the goods
货物在买主支配下placing the goods at the disposal of the buyer
货物在途floating cargo
货物均衡装载equated distributed load
货物基本等级basic grade of goods
货物堆装cargo stowage
货物处理disposition of goods
货物外表完好in outward good condition
货物外表良好完整in outward good condition
船运货物外观状况良好apparent good order and condition
货物外观状态apparent condition of goods
货物存放在…处cargo stored at
货物卸船后货物存放记录员location clerk
货物存栈请验并请准出口报单examination and granting export of goods in godown, application for
货物实物计算单位physical unit of goods
货物实际损失physical damage to the goods
货物容积货物堆舱所占空间measurement of cargo
货物密度density of cargo
货物将到goods to arrive
货物属性inherent nature of goods
货物平均运程average freight haul
货物并箱cargo consolidation
货物并箱人cargo consolidator
货物异常cargo irregularity
货物异常报告cargo irregularity report
货物弃权证或让与证freight release F. R.
货物成本cost of goods
货物所有权title to the goods
货物所有权要求者claimant to the goods
货物托运单application for cargo
货物托运清单invoice of goods
货物扣存关栈以待完税的债款准备reserve for bonded debts
货物扣押attachment of goods
货物承运人cargo carrier
货物承运代理佣金forwarding commission
货物承运公司forwarding company
货物承运单forwarding order
货物承运站forwarding station
货物承运说明书forwarding instruction
货物投入产出清单input-output bills of goods
货物报关单申报单goods declaration
货物报关单application to pass goods through the customs
货物抵押mortgage of goods
货物押运员cargo attendants
货物拒收rejection of the goods
货物拒收险rejection risk
货物拥挤congestion of cargoes
货物拥挤危险congestion hazard
货物按件交接handing over as per number of package
货物捐税dues of the cargo
货物损坏率proportion of goods damaged
货物损失索赔claim for loss and damage of cargo
货物搬运业务goods handling service
货物搬运管理management of shifting goods
货物或集装箱收发区receiving and delivery bay
货物收据articles receipt
货物数量与类别quantities and descriptions of the goods
货物数量和类别quantity and description of the goods
货物整批单位化费用bulk unitization charge
货物明细单particular of goods
货物明细单particulars of goods
货物明细表specific list
货物普通分等表general classification of merchandise
货物普通分类表General Classification of Merchandise
货物权利主张人claimant of the goods
货物标志designation of goods
货物样品musters of goods for sale
货物检验examination of cargo
货物检验cargo survey
货物检验examination of goods
货物检验inspection of cargo
货物检验人员商检人员cargo surveyor
货物检验和理赔代理cargo surveying and claim settling agent
航运货物残损报告exception control
货物残损率percentage of damaged goods
货物没收充公impounding of goods
货物cargo oil
货物注意标志cargo care mark
货物流动goods flow
货物流向direction of goods flow
货物流程形式flow pattern
货物流转流动flow of goods traffic
货物流通circulation of goods
货物流通管理physical distribution management
货物流通费用physical distribution expense
货物混杂及污损险intermixture and contamination risks
货物清单bill of goods
货物港务费weight due
货物港口税harbour duties on goods
货物overflow the warehouse
货物火灾危险fire risk on freight
货物火险与海运险fire and marine insurance
货物灭失或残损的索赔处理disposal of claim for consignments lost or damage
货物瑕疵defect in the goods
货物瑕疵索赔claim arising from a defect of the goods
货物留置为按期收回运费而留置货物cargo lien
货物登记cargo booking
租船经纪人货物登记册cargo book
货物的内在性质intrinsic nature of goods
货物的损失sacrifices of cargo
货物的灭失,损坏或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
货物的灭失、损坏或延误loss, damage or delay of goods
货物的物权担保security interest in goods
货物的物质损失physical damage to the goods
货物的预先申报preentry of goods
货物目录catalogue of goods
货物与合同规定相符conformity of the goods
货物短少rate of short-landed and overland cargo
订货货物短缺bad order
货物短缺证明书bad order certificate
订购货物短缺证明书bad order certificate
货物种类cargo class
货物积压overstocking of goods
货物积压backlog of goods
货物积载系数cargo coefficient
货物税则分类tariff classification of goods
货物空运carriage of goods by air
货物符合合同conformity of the goods
货物符合合同的第三方鉴定人证明书expert in third party certificate of confirmation of the goods
货物等级grade of goods
货物等级class of cargo
货物筹集cargo consolidation
货物组配组成component of goods
货物经营范围goods line
货物结关报关clearance of goods
货物编号number of goods
货物缺损证明书carrier's statement
货物置存费用carrying expenses
货物联运combined carriage of goods
货物自运cash and carry sale
货物航运执照cargo navigation certificate
货物、行李及包裹的赔偿compensation for goods, baggage and parcel claims
货物装卸包括移动、 搬运、装卸cargo handing
货物装卸作业cargo handing operation
货物装卸单cargo handling over bill
货物装卸定额装卸货物的单位劳动量cargo handing quote
货物装卸工人cargo stevedores
货物装卸工序指装卸作业的各工序cargo handing unit operation
货物装卸情况cargo in and out
货物装卸技术cargo handling technology
货物装卸效率efficiency of cargo-handling
货物装卸系数coefficient of cargo-handling
货物装卸能力cargo handling productivity
货物装卸能力cargo handling capacity
货物装卸能力cargo handing productivity
货物装卸设备cargo handing equipment
货物装卸设备cargo gear
货物装卸过程process of cargo-handling
货物装舱stow cargo in the hold
经纪人收到的货物装船清单broker's return
货物装载率rate of loading
货物装运指南cargo boarding advisory
船运公司所签货物订舱单booking note
货物认定identification of goods
货物证书cargo certificate
货物识别标志leading mark
货物详情particulars of goods
货物误运miscarriage of goods
货物说明书description of the goods
货物贸易trade by goods
货物资料交换制Cargo Data Interchange System
货物赊销牌charge plate
货物超载和短载单overloaded and shortladed cargo list
货物转让transfer of cargoes
货物转让goods transfer
货物转让税tax on transfer of goods
货物运输merchandise transportation
货物运输cargo freight
货物运输与货物总量比率coefficient of product transported to total produced
货物运输确认书confirmation of shipping instruction
货物运输系数coefficient of product transported to total produced
货物运达后所取样品outturn sample
货物运销系统physical distribution system
货物进口净额net imports of goods
货物进口量physical volume of imports
货物迫查单查询单指船公司在卸货中发现货物短缺或残损时,向起运港及沿途各港发岀的查询单cargo tracer
货物退仓store returned
货物退回卖方goods returned to vendor
货物选分站Bulk Breaking Point
货物选样cargo alternative
货物选样cargo alteration
货物通关cargo clearance
货物配载distribution of goods
货物配载allocation of goods
货物重量cargo weight
货物量自然减重normal loss of quantity
货物销售法规sales of goods legislation
货物销路outlets for goods
货物销路outlet for goods
货物错运:货物不按规定运送miscarriage of goods
货物集中统筹计划cargo consolidation scheme
货物需求情况demand for the goods
货物预先申报preentry of goods
货物验收员cargo checker
货物验残证明书certificate on damaged cargo
货物齐全all sorts of goods in stock
货、票分离的货物astray freight
货船上应纳税舱存货物申报单mariner' declaration and store content
购入的补充货物goods bought in replacement
购进货物由你方负责to buy in against you
贮藏货物lay up goods
贵重货物variable cargo
贵重货物金饰、珠宝等precious cargo
退关货物cargo shutout
退关货物清单shutout memo
退回货物退货returned goods
退回货物back cargo
退回库存货物物资store returned
退回未付款货物return of the goods for non-payment
退回未付货款的货物return of the goods for non-payment
适于集装箱运输的货物containerable cargo
适航货物cargo worthy
适销货物marketable goods
逃税货物evade declaration of dutiable goods
途损货物goods damaged in transit
通知货物有斑疵give notice of defects in goods
销售货物样品musters of goods for sale
需要的货物demand goods
霉变货物fusty goods
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