
Terms for subject International trade containing 货方 的 | all forms
为买方分别开的货物goods set aside on behalf of the buyer
买卖双方的直接交易货主与货主之间的直接交易principal to principal transaction
以买方看货后定的报价offer subject to buyers' inspection or approval
出售买方"所要求货物"的合同"requirements" contract
卖方交纳进口税的交货条件duty paid terms
卖方保留对货物的所有权的条款clause reserving title to the goods in the seller
在海关区交与买方的交货条件ex customs compounds
由买方处置的货物goods placed at the disposal of the buyer
由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
目的地买方指定地点交货价franco render
租买合同上租买人不付款时卖方取回货物的协定办法recourse agreement
第三方所开的货物符合合同证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods