
Terms containing 货到付 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.事实上,如果货物已到达,您却不经意忽略了,您可能要支付码头费Actually, if you miss the freight arrival, you d probably have to pay dock dues on the cargo
commer.兹收到你方20,000美元支票,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst
commer.到岸价加战争险在内条件,货到付CIF and war risk payment upon arrival
tech.到岸价格加兵险货到付款价payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival
tech.到岸价格加战争险货到付款价payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival
econ.到期货价迟延付款费late charge
econ.到站交货前费用已付delivered free to destination
tech.到货付款cash on delivery
interntl.trade.到货付运费freight payable on delivery
fin.到货后付款汇票arrival bill
busin.到货后付款汇票arrival draft
busin.到货后付款汇票票据arrival bill
econ.到货后定期付款的汇票time arrival bill
interntl.trade.到货后见票即付汇票straight arrival bill
interntl.trade.到货时付运费carriage charges to paid
econ.到货时付运费carriage charges to pay
el.到达指定港口后由收货人支付运费freight to collect
commer.在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
econ.成本加运费保费、 加保战争险货到付CIFW payment upon arrival
econ.我们已得到通知海关将在付清罚款后放行该货We have been informed that the Customs will release the goods against payment of a fine
busin.拒付到期款与收回货物default and repossession
econ.按到货日期确定付款日期the receipt-of-good dating
econ.按到货日期确定付款日期the ROG dating
tech.收到货后付款pay on receipt
econ.收到货应付款,此种款项不得留成On acceptance of the delivery payment shall be made without retention of a percent age
interntl.trade.收到货物付款cash on receipt of merchandise
textile收货后付现,货到付款,收货时付款cash on receipt of merchandise
econ.有缺陷的货物将发送至你们仓库,运费到付The defective goods will be delivered to your warehouse, carriage forward
econ.海关送达书面罚款通知并扣留货物,直到货主付款Upon the service of a notice of a fine, the customs will detain the cargo until the owner offers the payment
econ.货到付现方式订货,我们至少要求付20%定金We generally require a deposit of at least 20% on goods C.O.D
interntl.trade.货到交付delivery on arrival
econ.货到交付delivery to arrive
earth.sc.货到付cash on arrival
logist.货到付Paid On Delivery
exhib.货到付freight to collect
logist.货到付Payment On Delivery
proj.manag.货到付cash on delivery (COD)
avia.货到付pay on receipt
busin.货到付on delivery
commer.货到付payment upon arrival of goods
commer.货到付payment on arrival of goods
law货到付现款交货略作 C. 0. Dcash on delivery
avia.货到付cash on delivery, collect on delivery
securit.货到付spot cash
econ.货到付cash on receipt of merchandise
fin.货到付cash against delivery
fin.货到付cash at delivery
interntl.trade.货到付cash on arrival
interntl.trade.货到付C.I.F.W. payment upon arrival
interntl.trade.货到付payment against arrival
textile货到付payment on arrival
textile货到付against delivery
interntl.trade.货到付C.O.D. cash on delivery
interntl.trade., fr.货到付contre remboursement
interntl.trade.货到付collect on delivery
interntl.trade.货到付cash on delivery
interntl.trade.货到付cash and delivery
fin.货到付pay on delivery
gen.货到付carrier on-board delivery
textile货到付款业务cash on delivery service
commer.货到付款买卖COD sales
commer.货到付款交易COD transaction
textile货到付款价COD price
busin.货到付款价格cash on delivery price
textile货到付款佣金COD commission
busin.货到付款佣金cash on delivery commission
textile货到付款包裹COD parcel
busin.货到付款包裹cash on delivery parcel
commer.货到付款手续费COD commission
textile货到付款条件arrival payment terms
textile货到付款汇票arrival bill
econ.货到付款汇票arrival draft
econ.货到付款汇票an arrival bill
commer.货到付款汇票arrival bill (draft)
textile货到付款证书COD certificate
econ.货到付款销售cash on delivery sales COD sales
textile货到付款销售COD sales
textile货到付款销售cash on delivery
busin.货到付款销售C.O.D. sale
busin.货到付款销售cash on delivery sale
busin.货到付款销售cash on delivery sales
interntl.trade.货到付collect on delivery
interntl.trade.货到付spot cash
interntl.trade.货到付collect on delivery sales
interntl.trade.货到付cash on arrival
econ.货到付cash on delivery
earth.sc.货到付cash on delivery
commer.货到付cash on receipt of merchandise
busin.货到付cash down
busin.货到付现款cash on arrival
tech.货到付现金collect on delivery
tech.货到付现金cash on delivery
securit.货到付pay on delivery
busin.货到付运费freight payable on delivery
busin.货到付运费freight at destination
econ.货到付运费freight on delivery
tech.货到付运费freight payable at destination
econ.货到凭单付现款payment net cash against shipping documents arrival of the goods
interntl.trade.货到凭运单付现款payment net cash against shipping documents on arrival of goods
tech.货到前付款cash before delivery
busin.货到即付cash on the line
commer.货到即付cash on arrival
busin.货到即付cash down
econ.货到即付账款The bill is payable on delivery
busin.货到后付款payment after the delivery
securit.货到后付款汇票arrival draft
securit.货到后付款汇票arrival bill
tech.货到后收货人自付运费charges forward
econ.货到后…日付款payment ... days after arrival of goods
econ.货到后…日付款payment... days after arrival of goods
busin.货到后…日付款payment...days after arrival of goods
tech.货到后由收货人自付运费charges forward
fin.货到后若干日付款payment …days after arrival of goods
busin.货到后见票即付汇票after-arrival-of-goods draft
tech.货到埠卸载时付给运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
tech.货到收款人付费charges forward
econ.货到目的地方向付款人提示的汇票arrival draft
econ.货款到期迟付费late charge
logist.货物到埠卸载后付给运费freight to be paid after discharge at the destination
interntl.trade.货物到埠运费卸载时付给freight to be paid after discharge at destination
econ.货物到港即付运费destination freight
busin.货物到目的地卸货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
econ.货物到达以后见票即付款的汇票the after-arrival-of-goods draft
textile货物到达后见票即付款的汇票after-arrival-of-goods draft
fin.货物到达后见票即付汇票after-arrival -of -goods draft
busin.货物到达后见票即付汇票after-arrival-of-goods draft
busin.货运单到付款payment upon the arrival of shipment documents
commer.货运单据到后付款payment on arrival of shipping documents
econ.运费到目的地卸货后付freight to be paid after discharge at destination
interntl.trade.运费等货到后由收货人支付charges forward
econ.运费等货到后由收货人自付charges forward
interntl.trade.送货到户费已付delivery free
tech.送货到户费已付paid home
interntl.trade.送货到用户费已付delivered home
fin.送货到门费已付paid home