
Terms for subject International trade containing 货仓 | all forms | in specified order only
中转货仓transfer house
买方仓库交货价ex buyer's godown
〔法语〕买方仓库交货价格ex buyer's godown
买方仓库交货价格ex buyer’s godown
仓库交货ex store
仓库交货deliver from godown
仓库交货价ex warehouse
仓库交货价ex store
仓库交货价格ex warehouse price
仓库交货条件ex warehouse terms
仓库交货条件ex store tenns
仓库交货现价cash and carry
仓库前交货delivery ex-warehouse
仓库提货单godown delivery order
仓库理货warehouse tally
以筹资人仓库存货作抵押的资助field warehousing
保税仓库交货价ex bond warehouse
保税仓库交货条件in bond terms
保税目的港海关仓库交货价in bond
到岸轮船仓底交货价C.I.F. ex-ship's hold
到岸轮船仓底交货价cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold
到岸轮船仓底交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold
制造商仓库交货ex maker’s godown
包括平仓费在内的船上交货价free on board trimmed
卖方仓库交货价ex warehouse
卖方仓库交货价ex godown
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller’s warehouse
〔拉丁语〕卖方仓库交货价格ex seller's godown
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller’s godown
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller's godown
发送货仓outbound freight house
在买方所在地仓库交货价free godown
外国仓库收货制度terminal receiving system
货仓库内货物goods in stock
存仓货物担保field warehousing
存仓货物易于转运easy transfer of storaged merchandise
指定的仓库可以用来交货的商品certificate stock
收货人仓库consignee's warehouses
散装货仓bulk storage warehouse
海关仓库交货价ex bond
海关保管没收货物的仓库king's warehouse
〈英〉海关保管没收货物的仓库King's Warehouse
私人仓库之储货private storage
货仓freight house
货仓freight house canopy
货物出仓凭单delivery order