
Terms for subject Economy containing 货仓 | all forms | in specified order only
买方货仓交货价ex buyer's godown
买方仓库交货价free godown
仓库交货ex store (价)
仓库交货exchange warehouse
仓库交货at godown
拉丁语仓库交货价格ex warehouse
仓库交货价格ex warehouse
仓库交货delivery ex warehouse
仓库交货ex. warehouse
仓库交货价X whse (ex warehouse)
仓库交货价warehouse price
仓库内的存货goods in stock
仓库里的备件存货过多The warehouse is overstocked with spare parts
仓面装货an over-deck shipment
仓面货物goods carrier on deck
他们在仓库里堆满了卖不出去的货They filled the warehouse with unsellable goods
他们把货搬进几天前就空出的仓库They moved the goods into the warehouse which had been vacated several days before
供应商承担保险、卸货、仓储及搬运的费用The supplier bore the charges for insurance, unloading, storage and handling
保税仓库交货价in bond
免费送货到买方仓库价free warehouse
关仓交货ex bonded warehouse
关仓交货价ex bonded warehouse
到岸轮船仓底交货价ex ship's hold cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold (货价、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价)
制造商仓库交货价ex maker's godown
卖方交货仓ex sellers' warehouse
卖方仓库交货ex seller's warehouse (价)
卖方仓库交货ex warehouse (价)
卖方仓库交货ex seller's godown (价)
取自保税仓库的进口货import from bonded warehouse
货仓交货at godown
货仓deposit godown
存入保税仓库的进口货import for storage
普通定货仓general order warehouse
有缺陷的货物将发送至你们仓库,运费到付The defective goods will be delivered to your warehouse, carriage forward
海关仓库交货价in bond
海关仓库交货条件ex bond terms
海关仓库货价ex bond
清扫过的货仓clean and swept hold
燃料仓交货free in bunker
燃料仓交货价free into bunker
现金结算发货仓cash-and-carry, warehouse
货仓公司godown company
货仓公司warehouse company
鉴于目前市场形势,我们只能暂时把这些货存放在仓库内In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being