
Terms for subject Business containing 货仓 | all forms | in specified order only
临时仓库堆存货物shed cargo
买方仓库交货价free into store
拉丁语仓库交货价格ex store
仓库交货价格ex store
仓库交货价指卖方仓库ex warehouse
仓库交货价price ex warehouse
仓库交货价ex stock
仓库交货现价cash and carry warehouse
仓库存货标签bin tag
英国海关发给保税仓库的仓库提货证dandy note
仓库货物收发簿stores received and issued book
保税仓库交货价ex bonded warehouse
保税货物出仓复出口报单application for withdrawal from bond for export
保税货物出仓完税进口报单application for withdrawal from bond for import
到岸仓底交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价C.I.F. ex ship's hold
制造厂商仓库交货价ex maker's godown
制造商仓库交货价ex makers godown
卖方仓库交货价ex seller's godown
卖方仓库交货价指以输出地卖方仓库为交货地点ex godown
卖方仓库交货条件ex warehouse terms
在买方住地仓库交货条件free godown
在保税仓库转让货物申请书application for transfer in bond
多用途货仓multipurpose godown
海关仓库货物岀仓单customs warrant
清仓减价出售存货指季节性存货及滞仓货clearance sales
货仓交货at godown
货仓作业班shift of freight-house operation
货物满overflow the warehouse
货物退仓store returned
货运仓库transportation stores
货运仓库freight house
载货重量仓位weight and measurement capacity available
辅助仓库存货backroom stock
露天货仓open freight storage
飞机仓内交货价free on board plane