
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一般户收入receipts of general accounts
一般固定资产general fixed assets group of accounts
户制three-account system
上下级往来account current among senior administrative and subordinate unit
与债权人清算settle with creditors
与……有账务来往be in account with
与…结清账目balance account with
separate accounts
专栏日记split column journal
业主提款drawing account
业务activity account
业务基金business fund account
临时interim account
临时收入temporary receipts account
主要primary account
主要簿head book
主要分类key ledger
企业往来business account
会计簿account books
会计期终结fiscal closing date
会计机器记accounting by machine method
伪造falsify accounts
伪造cook accounts
伪造帐false accounting
估价appraisal account
估价account valuation
借入资金borrowed money accounts
借款borrowed money accounts
借款分类loan ledger
借款总loan ledger
借贷双方认可的细account stated
指贷方交给借方审査和清算的借贷细account rendered
借贷记debit-credit bookkeeping method
借贷记debit-credit plan
借贷记debit and credit accounting system
债券debenture account
债券bond account
债券贴现及费用bond discount and expenses account
债权人分户creditor's ledger
false account
分公司branch account
分列式separate checks
分别开itemize bill
分布distribution ledger
分店branch account
分店交易由总店记branch records on home office books
分店往来branch office general account
分店总branch ledger
分店总余额本branch balance book
分店控制branch control account
分录页码journal folio
分录日记journal day book
分户individual's account
分批成本分类job cost ledger
分支店interoffice account
分支店间往来inter-branch account
分支机构分类branch ledger
分支机构往来branch account
分支机构往来branch office general account
分支机构现金branch cash account
分支机构管制branch control account
分时记time-sharing accounting
分期付款instalment payment account
分期付款应收account receivable from installment
分期应收instalment receivable account
分期销货的应收accounts receivable from instalment sales
分析应付款欠的时间aging the receivable
分栏式分类column ledger
分步人工labour in process
分步人工labor in process
分段统制block method
分类departmental account
分类general ledger
分类ledger sheet
分类journal ledger
分类branch account
分类上的资产ledger assets
分类余额ledger balance
分类分析ledger analysis
分类分析表ledger analysis sheet
分类ledger accounts
分类group accounts
分类控制ledger control
分类目录card of account
分类目簿card of account
分类科目account as recorded in a ledger
分类簿ledger books
分类结转法ledger transfer method
分类表格ledger forms
分类账目account as recorded in a ledger
分类转账ledger transfer
分类页数ledger folio
分类页次ledger sheet
分类页次ledger folio
分类日记ledger journal
分类统制ledger control
分经理agency account
分行branch account
分部分类sectional ledger
分部营业departmental trading accounts
分配分类distribution ledger
分配appropriation account
分项明细itemized account
通知传票inter-office voucher
初期opening accounts
删除面值write off
合同分类contract ledgers
合同日记contract journal
合并consolidated account
合并consolidated account
同行业单位之间应付account payable interline
同行间应付account payable interline
名义nominal account
名义nominal account
名义项总账nominal ledger
bad loan
和票据doubtful notes and accounts
备抵allowance for bad debts
商业簿commercial account
商业簿business books
土地台land files
在制manufacturing account
在途account in transit
备抵offset account
备抵户性质nature of allowance account
备抵坏allowance for uncollectible accounts receivable
备査memorandum account
复合日记分录compound journal entry
复式double account system
复式book by double entry
复式户制double account system
复式簿记记double entry accounting system
复式簿记记bookkeeping by Italian method
复式记double entry (法)
复式记double entry bookkeeping
复式记book by double entry
复式记惯例dual aspect convention
复式记double bookkeeping method
复式记double entry method
复式记double account system
复式运费multiple freight
复算adjust accounts
外壳shell account
多栏式columnar accounting
多栏式簿columnar book
多栏式分类columnar account method
多栏式日记columnar journal
多栏式现金支出日记columnar cash payment journal
多栏式现金日记columnar cash book
封存blocked account
封存block account
封锁blocked account
局内自动信息记local automatic message accounting
常备客票结管理系统hard regular card financial statement system
opening the books
make out an account
tabulation of bill
render a bill
billing clerk
开出附说明的descriptive billing
开列render bill
开列render account
开支expense account (户)
开票记bill and charge system
开立簿opening the books
开立公司簿opening corporation book
开立新户申请书new account application
开立结算open a settlement account
开立透支establishment of credit
开立银行户的申请书application form for a banking account
开设establish an account
开预存记open a credit account
control account
余额balance in ledger
余额簿balance book
卡片ledger card
平衡ledger balance
总分类general ledger accounts
总结final settled account statement
总计及过的检验verification of footing and posting
意外准备金contingency account
成本cost record
成本cost account (户)
成本cost sheet
成本cost account
成本与面价值差异difference between cost and book value
成本加利润force account
成本加费用force account
成本类cost accumulation accounts
成本类cost accounts
成本记cost clerk
成材台lumber tally
房屋lot and building account
房屋house account
挂名fictitious account
支付disbursement account (目)
支付currency of payment
支出outlay accounts
支出giving account
支出明细appropriation analysis
支出预算分类appropriation ledger
支店branch office account
支票cheque account
collect account
collection clerk
bill collector
collection clerk
bill collector
报告书collection report
政策collection policy
collection period
流动值collection float
程序account-receivable programme
程序account-receivable program
部门collection department
收入account of receipts
收入分配distribution of income account
收回坏bad debt recovery
收回坏收益income from recoveries of bad debts
收支account of receipts and payments
收支明细receipt and disbursement statement
收款人现金receiver's cash account
收款入account payee
收益income account (户)
收益表income statement accounts
be credited
和收账费用credit and collection expenses
明细itemized account
明细detailed account
明细account stated
明细分类subsidiary ledger account (户)
明细分类detail account
明细分类审计detail ledger audit
明细分类核对proving the subsidiary ledger
最后结final closing
月份结accounting by month
有争议account in dispute
有存款的银行active bank account
期末截end-of-period cutoff
未了old account
未付outstanding account
未付讫的unpaid account
未付资本unpaid up capital account (目)
未入存款unrecorded deposit
未入收入unrecorded revenue
未入收入unrecorded income
未入负债unrecorded liabilities
未入费用unrecorded expenses
未决应收suspended accounts receivable
未决算的open account
未到商品goods to arrive account
未开单工程un-billed works
未清unliquidated account
未清unliquidated account
未清outstanding account
未清outstanding account
未结销量unbilled sales
未结平open account
未结算outstanding account
未结算open account
未达account in transit
未还account en route
未销outstanding account
this account
机器过machine posting
杂项miscellaneous account
标准standard account
标准成本的单一记single plan of standard cost
标准成本的单行记single plan of standard cost
标准成本的双行记dual plan for standard cost
标准记单位standard unit of accounting
标准货币记单位standard money unit of account
标红字的专款rubricated account
核对verification of accounts
核对明细分类prove the subsidiary ledger
核对过checking posting
核对过check figures in posting
credit account
bills due
欠往来户款due to correspondent's account
水利资源清inventory of water resources
活动active account
活期current account
活期借贷working account
活期存款currency account
流动sweep account
流动active account
流动目收支差额balance of payments on current account
流水day-to-day account
流水blotting book
流水current account
流水journal account
流水water book
流水打印机daily logging printer
流水的登记keeping current account
流水记录daily logging
general ledger
close account
clear account
清理clearing account
清理square account
清理adjust accounts
清算liquidating account
清算损失deficiency statement
清结clearing account
清结balance account
理货statement of tally account
生产成本production cost account
用户subscriber's account
用钢笔过pen-and-ink posting
由客户直接退回查员的对账回单direct verification
电动记electrical accounting machine
电动记electric accounting machine
画线转支票crossed check
码头卸货wharf landing account
码头卸货dock landing account
破产bankrupt account
税前面收益pretax accounting income
第三者保管escrow account
累计accumulation account
累计分类progressive ledger
short-landed account
航次voyage account
航次trip account
营业operating account (户)
调整后面现金额adjusted book balance of cash
调节accommodating accounts
调节银行存款reconciling bank account
负债liability account
负债抵销contra-liability account
负债类liability account
负资产negative assets account
财产property account (户)
财产account of finance (户)
财产变现损益profit and loss on realization account
财产商品总分类general ledger for property and commodities
财产明细分类subsidiary ledger for property
财务financial account
财政收支平衡exchequer equalization account
上货币money on account
account books
册用纸account book paper
务机构识别码accounting authority identification code
务科account section
务调整accounting adjustment
account note
单插入件bill insert
单登记卡bill register card
accounting number
外物资hidden assets
外负债liabilities out of book
外财产off-the-book property
外财产concealed property
外资产off-the-book property
外资产hidden assets
外资产invisible assets
外资产assets out of account (book)
存数量book quantity
户一览表account chart
户分类account category
户名称account heading
户式损益计算表account form of profit-loss statement
户式收益表account form of income statement
户式收益表account form of income sheet
户明细表detailed statement of accounts
户流程图account flow chart
户滚存余额结单running balance statement of account
户簿accounting form
户结构account structure
户结清余额closing balance in account
户结清借方余额closing debit balance in account
户结转bring down on account
户编号account number
户项目account item
casher's department
bookkeeper's departure
房先生accountant and secretary
本底线bottom line
funds on account
款回收率collection rate
款抵消offset against accounts
款清单settlement of account
款结清account settled
款贴现簿discount account register
目不清accounts are not in order
目不清account not in order
目事务account transaction
目分析account analysis
目单account note
目摘要extract of an account
目混乱confused account
目设账keep additional accounts in addition to the authorized ones
簿financial book
簿reckoning book
簿book of accounts
簿accounting books
簿制度book system
簿纸ledger paper
簿记录book entry
面上的余额balance of accounts
面价值recorded valuation
面价值减少decrease in book value
面价值股票book-value shares
面价格book price
面价格accounting price
面信用book credit
面信贷book credit
面债券book debt
面利益paper profit
面原值gross book value
面差额book balance
面总价值gross book value
面成本recorded cost
面折扣book depreciation
面收益accounting income
面收益率book rate of return
面欠债book debt
面汇率accounting rate
面盘存法book inventory method
面盘存表book inventory sheet
面盘存记book inventory record
面税金差额book tax difference
面负债stated liabilities
面赤字deficit on the books
面金额book amount
页参考folio reference
项付清account paid
龄分析表aging schedule
龄分类age distribution
货物和物质性服务accounts for goods and material services
购买分类bought ledger
购货account of goods purchased
贴水agio account
贴水agio account
贴现票据簿discount cash book
贴现票据日记bills discounted daily list
贷款结loan closing
贸易清算commercial clearing account
费用分摊absorption account
费用分析expense analysis book
费用分类expense ledger
费用抵销expense contra account
费用日记expense journal
费用调整expense adjust account
费用附加expense adjunct account
资产面价值depreciated value
资产对销contra-asset account
资产抵减assets reduction account
资产转让分类assets transfer ledger
资本capital account (目)
资本户平衡表capital account balance sheet
资本户科目capital account items
资本目资料capital account data
资本交易capital transaction account
资本收支receipt and expenditures on capital account
资金运用account of application of fund
退料return materials journal
退料日记material returned journal
退货及销货折让日记sales return and allowance journal
透支on call account
造假wangle accounts
造假falsify accounts
造假cook the accounts
逾期delinquent account
逾期overdue account
逾期未付overdue account
逾期未收delinquent account receivable
cross off account
cross off an account
release of record (解除抵押品的留置权)
remove from an account
cancel debt
cancel from an account
cancel a debt
销售account sale
销售分类sales ledger
销售合同应收sales contract receivable
销售日记sales journal
销货sales account
销货merchandise sales account
销货account of goods sold
销货account of sales
销货簿sales book
销货日记sales journal
销货日记sales daybook
销货退回returns book inward
销货退回returned sales account
errors of account
附加adjunct account
附属absorption account (户)
附说明的descriptive bill
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