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与…结清账目close an one's accounts with
两个单人间,三个晚上。两位是分开付吗?Two single rooms for three nights. Will you be paying separately?
cash in
book down
今天超市里真是人山人海啊,等待结的队伍太长了!There are hundreds of people today at the supermarket. So many people are waiting in the checkout line!
他会立即将单拿回去并支付He will immediately take the bill back and pay for it
foot the bill
meet the bill
会算be good at figures
你的户余额是34 000美元Your balance is 34, 000 dollars
信用卡credit account
假如您认为单有误,我们可以为您核对一下If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you
停记业务cbse the books
先生,您的行李拿下来了吗?能请您在行李拿下来后再结吗?Is your baggage down yet, sir? Could you check out after your baggage has been brought down, please?
先生,所有单都需要另加15%的服务费All the bills are subject to 15% service charge, sir
先生,请问您想怎样结?美国运通卡还是维萨卡?How would you like to pay for your bill, sir? American Express Card or Visa Card?
先生,请问您是用现金付款还是用信用卡付How would you like to pay, sir, in cash or by credit card ?
减低…的账面write down
出租车taxi bill
分开结吧,还有单要细分一下Separate, please. And I'd like a breakdown of the bill
分户individual account
别忘了单上已经额外加了小费Don't forget the gratuity has already been added
只收现金结通道cash only lane
各付各自餐go Dutch
M 和 M 结清quit score with
大多数情况下,人们通常按单总额的15%减去税费以后的标准给小费People usually tip 15% of the overall bill, minus the tax, in most cases
如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的单总额中加收一点手续费If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill
如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的户中If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website
客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,同时您的消费额将被计入您的There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded
对不起,先生,您的单算错了。请稍候,我马上把它改过来I am sorry, sir. There has been an error in your bill. Please wait a minute while I correct it
对不起,我为你结时,忽略了细目Sorry, I neglected the detail when I drew up your bill
就我们的情况而言,不允许有人拥有的支票户余额为负数In our case, we do not allow anyone to have a negative checking account balance
恐怕那不够付I am afraid it is not enough to cover the amount
您今天是否挂用酒店的服务?Do you have any charges for this morning?
您可以在这结,用现金还是信用卡?You can pay right here. In cash or by credit card?
您想分开结还是一起结账?Do you want separate bills or just one single bill?
您打算如何付呢?How would you make payment?
您的目要细分吗?Would you like a breakdown of the bill?
我今天要结退房,请把账单给我I'm checking out today. Get me the bill, please
我今天要走了。可以结吗?I'm leaving today. Can I have my bill settled?
我们一会儿把单给您拿过来We will bring the bill here later
我们会为您办理退款手续,退款将会回到您的信用卡户中We will help you to finish the refundment procedure. The money will be refunded to your credit account
我们吃完了。请把单拿来好吗?We are through with our meal. Could I have the bill, please?
我们在等服务员替我们结We are waiting for the waiter to foot up our bill
我们将把您的单改过来,从总额中减去180美兀We'll correct your bill by deducting $180 from the total
我们用一张信用卡付We're paying on the one card
我可以用信用卡付吗?Can I pay by credit card?
我帮您结I'll draw up the bill for you
我很抱歉你现在是在只收现金的结通道上I'm sorry you are on the Cash Only Lane
我想开一个支票存款户。300美元作最低存款额够了吗?I would like to open a checking account. Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?
我想开一个活期I'd like to open a current account
我想往克罗地亚的境外户里存点儿钱I want to deposit some money in a foreign account, Croatia
我来付Let me pick up the tab
我没带支票簿,就用现金结I didn't have my checkbook with me, so I paid in cash
我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change
我没有钥匙。我已经结退房了I don't have it. I've already checked out
我能为您核对单上的详细内容吗?May I check the details for you, please?
把 M 记人 N 的put down M to N 's account
把 M 记人 N 的charge M to N 's account
M 把一笔 N 的记人 M 的借方debit M with debit N to
M 把一笔 N 的记人 M 的借方debit M with debit N against
charge to the room
损益profit and loss
损益loss and gain
支票checking account
支票是客户要求银行从自己户付出一笔钱的书面指示A cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account
晚餐后年轻的导游告诉我们要分摊The young guide told us that we should divide the bill equally after dinner
服务员,请为我们分开结Waiter, we'll have separate checks, please
未结open-book account
来两杯白兰地,请记在我的Two cups of brandy, chalk it up to me, please
be in debt (to)
消费税加在单上Consumption tax is added to the bill
用户场景为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行户,查找支行和自动取款机,以及与银行雇员联系Consumer scenarios provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts, find branch offices and ATMs, and initiate communications with banking staff
向某人报复settle accounts
settle one's account
settle the account
settle up
时请自行支付杂费好吗?Could you settle any incidental charges yourself when you check out, please?
时间是明天中午12点,早餐是7点半到10点半在餐厅用餐。这是您的早餐券Check-out time should be before 12 at tomorrow noon. Breakfast time is from 7:30 am till 10:30 am, available in restaurant. Here are your breakfast vouchers
退房check out
结算even up
翻老rake up
能给我们分别开两张单吗?Could you make out two separate bills for us?
让我看看你的旅费申报单。出租车的单太离谱了吧!Let me see your travel expense report. Taxi bills are so high!
on account
on account (o/a)
chalk up
请你务必在这几日内结清这笔We must now ask you to work it out and settle the account within the next few days
请在支票背面写上你的Please write your account number on the back of the check
请您先结然后再离开酒店Please settle your bill before leaving the hotel
请您在单上签名好吗?Would you please sign the bill?
请把我上的节余金额告诉我好吗?Would you please tell me my balance?
请稍等。布朗先生,这是您的单,请您检查Just a second, please. Mr. Brown, here is your bill. Please check
请稍等,收银员马上为您准备One second, please. The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment
请稍等,收银员马上会准备好您的Just a moment, please. The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment
请记在我的Please add to my account
请问您怎么结呢?用现金还是信用卡?How would you like to settle your account, by credit card or cash?
account (A/C 或 Acct.)
final bill
专用 account cart
户查询account inquiry
赴美旅游团组预约:不少于15人组成的目的相同,且共同出行的团组,可以申请特殊团组预约。如果旅行社需要反复为其他游客进行签证申请预约,可以网上创建一个“旅行协调员”户,而不使用团组预约Groups of not fewer than 15 individuals, traveling in the U. S. together for the same purpose, may request a special group appointment. If you are a travel agency repeatedly booking appointments for other travelers, you can create a travel coordinator profile in our online system, rather than booking group appointments
跟某人算be even with sb.
跟某人算get even with sb.
资料cross-indexing (reference)
这儿太挤了,我来付,然后到外面找你It's too crowded here. Let me settle up. I'll meet you outside the supermarket
这是你的出院证,我叫护士马上到住院处取你的单。然后就可以办理出院手续了This is your discharge certificate. I'll send a nurse to fetch your bill at the Admission Office and then you can go through the discharge formalities
这是您的单。总共2 000元Here is your bill. It's 2, 000 yuan in all
造假doctor the accounts
cross ojf accounts
预算中经常收支above the line payments and receipts