
Terms for subject Securities containing 账款 | all forms | in specified order only
久欠不还的应收账款defaulted receivable
付清账款clear off an account
伪造的应收账款fictitious accounts receivable
供款账户contribution account
债款分类账creditor ledger
催缴股款账册call book
分期付款收据账册instalment scrip book
分期付款账册instalment book
分期付款账户instalment account
到期应付票据账簿/款账册bill payable maturity book
即时存款账户instant saving account
可转让的提款单账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
呆账贷款frozen loan
坏账准备条款bad debt provision
坏账备款allowance for doubtful accounts
坏账条款doubtful debts provision
外汇存款账户foreign exchange deposit account
存于账户的款项money to be kept in account
存人收款人账户account payee only
定期付款汇票/账单bill payable at a fixed date
定期付款的远期汇票/账单bill payable at a determinable future time
定期存款账户fixed deposit account
定期存款账户certificate account
尚未结算的账款account enroute
应付账款分类账account payable ledger
应付账款周转accounts receivable turnover
应付子公司账款accounts payable to subsidiary company
应付附属公司账款accounts payable to affiliated company
应收账款bill receivable
应收账款周转额turnover of receivable
应收账款周转额turnover of accounts receivables
应收账款周转额receivables turnover
应收账款明细分类账account receivable ledger
应收账款筹资receivable financing
应收账款证券化future receivable securitization
应收账款账龄aging of receivables
应收款项账龄accounts receivable aging
延期付款账户deferred payment account
开设存款账户opening a deposit account
当日到账的款项good money
往来存款账户account current
待交割差额缴款账户pending position marks account
待收账款account receivable
抵押贷款分类账目mortgage loan ledger record
拖欠的应收账款delinquent receivable
拖欠的应收账款delinquent account receivable
拨款账appropriation account
按账单付款payment on statement
收款账号shroff account number
收款账户collection account
无款账户short account
无法收款的账户uncollectible account
无须通知的应收账款业务non-notification factoring
期货账户规定的保证金存款deposits required for futures accounts
款项记账money ledger
活期存款账户quick deposit account
活期存款账户instant access account
活期存款账户demand account
活期存款账户current account (CA)
现有应收账款证券化existing receivables securitization
盈余拨款账户surplus appropriation account
直接存款账户direct deposit account
联邦储备银行收款账户Federal Reserve Bank collections account
虚假应收账款fictitious accounts receivable
让售应收账款account receivable assigned
账款回收率collection ratio
账款账龄分析account balance aging analysis
货币存款账户currency hold account
贷款坏账额loan loss charge-offs
贷款转账credit transfer
超期账款account in arrears
超级可转让支付命令存款账户super NOW account
跨境代理账款业务cross border factoring
转让应收账款assignment of account receivable
转让应收账款account receivable assigned
转账付款制gyrations of stock market
转账存款branch credit
转账存款传票transfer credit voucher
过期应收账款过期未收回,但也未注销的应收账款delinquent receivable
过期未收账户款项delinquent account
远期合约应付账款account payable under forward contract
远期合约应收账款account receivable under forward contract
逾期未付账款利息interest on past due account
逾期结算差额款账户overdue position marks account
预定日期付款的汇票/账单bill payable at a definite time