
Terms for subject Commerce containing 账款 | all forms | in specified order only
以应收账款作抵押的贷款non-notification loan
债权人账款accounts payable
债权人账款credited payments
债权人账款creditor accounts
分期定期付款账户time payment account
可开可转让支付命令的活期存款账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
可收账款collectible amount
可收账款collectable amount
可转让提款单账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
国外账款支付payment of overseas accounts
垫款账户advance account (美国银行为进口商提供的一至三个月的资金融通)
定期存款账户deposit account
应付账款周转率turnover ratio of payables (与应收账款周转率(turnover ratio of receivables) 相对)
应付账款明细表schedule of accounts payable (与应收账款明细表(schedule of accounts receivable) 相对)
应付分期账款installment account payable (与应收分期账款(installment account receivable) 相对)
应付票据对应付账款的比率ratio of notes payable to accounts payable
应付贸易账款trade account payable (与应收贸易账款(trade account receivable) 相对)
应收账款亦缩为 A/Raccounts receivable
应收账款代办商号factor company
放款与票据贴现账户loan and bill discounted accounts
无担保账款unsecured account
无法收回的账款dead account (bad debt)
无法收回的账款uncollectible debt (bad debt)
无法收回的账款uncollectible account (bad debt)
暂记付款账户suspense payments account (与暂记收款账户(suspense receipts account) 相对)
未付账款unpaid account
股息存款账户dividend bank account
解冻的银行存款账户released bank account
账户余款account balance
账户余款balance of account
账款结算settle ment of account
账目价款value in account
账面借款项目book account
过期应收账款delinquent account