
Terms for subject Commerce containing 责 任 | all forms | in specified order only
不履行责任non-performance of obligation
不负赔偿损失费责任hold no liability for damages
交互责任cross liability
人员受伤责任负担overhead burden of liability for injury
企业社会责任social responsibility of business
你方答复旨在逃避责任Your reply is an evasion of responsibility
保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与否不负责任The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract
保险责任中止termination of cover
保险责任开始生效attachment of risk
保险责任的起讫commencement and termination of cover
保险除外责任条款exclusion clause
共同责任co-owner liability
共同海损责任obligation in general average
制造厂商责任manufacturer's liability
单位责任限度unit limitation of liability
各别责任several liability
在 CIF 条件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装上船并交由船方保管时即告结束Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody
契约责任contractual obligation
契约责任contractual liability
安全责任条例safety responsibility regulations
审计责任auditor's liability
对延期直接负着责任directly responsible for delay
对延误负有责任be responsible for delay
对损失所负责任liability for losses
履约责任burden of contract
履行承担的责任keep to one's commitments
工作岗位责任system of job responsibility
个人岗位责任system of personal responsibility
我们不能承担这起事故的责任We cannot assume the responsibility for this accident
我方不负责任without our responsibility
承担的责任assumed liability
承担贷款风险责任bear responsibility for consequences of loans
技术经济责任technical and economic responsibility
责任推给卖方shift the responsibility on to the seller
无限责任公司unlimited company
责任及时交货be obligated to deliver the goods in time
责任投保be responsible for covering insurance
责任订舱have the responsibility for of booking shipping space
有限责任公司incorporated company
有限责任合伙企业limited partnership
本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
债务等方面的民事责任civil liability
规章等方面的民事责任civil responsibility
民事责任诉权claim for liability
独家经营并具有无限责任的商号sole proprietorship with unlimited liability
生产责任responsibility for production
直接责任的或有负债contingent liability of direct obligation (与第二责任的或有负债(contingent liability of secondary obligation) 相对)
直线责任line responsibility
碰撞责任条款collision clause
经营责任responsibility for operation
背书人责任endorser's liabilities
腐烂不负责任N/R for decay
船东责任限度limitation of shipowner's liability
船舶互有责任碰撞条款both to blame collision clause
被免除一项责任be absolved from an obligation
程租船责任中止条款cesser clause
责任争议dispute over liabilities
责任会计responsibility accounting (指作业会计 (activity accounting))
责任审计responsibility audit (指内部审计 (internal audit))
责任sense of duty
责任party liable
责任范围scope of liability
质量方面的责任responsibility for quality
质量责任制度quality responsibility system
质量方面的责任responsibility for quality
过错责任原则principle of liability for fault
违约责任responsibility for breach of contract
逃避责任evade one's responsibility
集体或单独地均不承担责任jointly or severally assume no liability
首要责任paramount responsibility