
Terms containing 责任的 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.上市公司的刑事责任criminal liability of listed company
fin.上年度的未决赔偿责任loss portfolio on the preceding year
interntl.trade.上年度的未决赔款责任loss portfolio of the preceding year
textile不受法律约束的责任imperfect obligation
tech.不可推卸的责任indispensable obligation
el.不可避免的责任unshirkable duty
securit.不可避免的责任unavoidable commitment
econ.不履行义务引起的责任liability for nonperformance of an obligation
fin.不履行债务义务引起的责任liability for nonperformance of an obligation
interntl.trade.不履行债务引起的责任liability for nonperformance of an obligation
fin.不履行债务引起的责任liability for non-performance of an obligation
textile不承担责任的not responsible
tech.不法行为的责任delictual liability
interntl.trade.不能改变的责任范围"unbreakable" limitation
econ.不能改变的责任范围the unbreakable limitation
busin.不能改变的责任范围unbreakable limitation
agric.不负责任的irresponsible (irresponsibilis)
gen.不负责任的irresponsible (for)
securit.不负责任的失实陈述reckless misrepresentation
busin.不负责任的推销blind selling
securit.不负责任的放款人bad lender
econ.不追求责任的保险no-fault insurance
tech.不追究责任的保险no-fault insurance
corp.gov.与人事有关的责任personnel-related liabilities
busin.与债务人相连的责任人any other party jointly and severally with the debter
interntl.trade.与债务人负连带责任的party jointly or severally liable with the debtor
interntl.trade.与债务人连带负责的任何其他方any other party jointly and severally liable with the debtor
proj.manag.业主的责任liability of the client
fin.业主的责任owner's liability
proj.manag.业主的责任保险employer's liability insurance
securit.严格的责任strict liability
securit.严格的赔付责任strict liability
econ.为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
interntl.trade.举反证的责任reversed burden of proof
econ.举反证的责任the reversed burden of proof
econ.举证的责任burden of persuasion
el.义不容辞的责任unshirkable duty
securit.买家可能为目标公司债务承担的责任buyer's potential liability for target's debts
interntl.trade.人命丧失或人身伤害的责任liability for loss of life or personal injury
econ.他们将承担支付税款和关税的责任They will assume responsibility for the payment of taxes and duties
econ.他们必须承担由于申报手续不完备而造成的延期付款的责任They have to shoulder the responsibility for any delay in payment due to incompleteness of application
shipb.代替别人承担的责任vicarious responsibility
shipb.代理人的责任liability of agent
securit.以有限责任合伙人的身份投资investing as common partner
busin.企业的社会责任social responsibility of enterprise
proj.manag.伪造、变造、转让商业银行经营许可证的、依法追究刑事责任Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed on those who fabricate, change and transfer the business license of a commercial bank
econ.你方必须承担使他们补足短欠30吨化肥的责任you must assume the responsibility of getting them to make up a shortage of 30 ton fertilizer
interntl.trade.侵权行为的赔偿责任tort liability
China, law促进就业的目标责任制度target responsibility system for promotion of employment
econ.保赔责任的承保人P&I liability insurer
busin.保赔责任的承保人P and I liability insurer
commer.保险责任的起讫commencement and termination of cover
tech.保险责任的起讫commencement and termination of cover (日期)
tech.保险公司的责任liability of the insurer
China, polit.修正1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约的1992年议定书Protocol of 1992 to Amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969
logist.〔多式联运〕修正的统一责任制modified uniform liability
econ.借款人担保债务的责任borrower's liabilities on account of guarantee
securit.债权人的权力和责任creditor's rights and liabilities
tech.健全的项目法人责任制the system of holding the legal person responsible for project
shipb.免除责任的规定stipulation of nonliability
econ.免除汇票上的责任the exclusion of liability on the bill
interntl.trade.免除汇票上的责任exclusion of liability on the bill
econ.免除汇票上的责任exclusion of liability in the bill
tech.免除汇票上的责任exchange of liability on the bill
securit.免除票据/汇票的责任exchange of liability on the bill
tech.免除责任条款的删除deletion of exclusion
interntl.trade.公司由于知情而应负的责任corporate privity
nautic., tech.公司的具体责任specific responsibility of companies
securit.公司管理人员的责任duty of officers of corporation
securit.公司管理层人员的责任liability of officers of corporation
UN, police公安与预防犯罪:警察和地方当局在民主化过程中的作用和责任Public Security and Crime Prevention: Roles and Responsibilities of the Police and the Local Authorities in the Context of Democratization
securit.公布信息的责任duty to publish information
clim.共同但有区别的责任common but differentiated responsibility
nautic., tech.共同但有区别的责任common but differentiated responsibilities
busin.共同承担责任的原则principle of co-responsibility
proj.manag.共同的和各自的责任joint and several liability
econ.关于货物的责任liability in respect of (cargo)
org.name.关于个人、群体和社会机构在促进和保护普遍公认的人权和基本自由方面的权利和责任宣言Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
org.name.关于在地中海地区实施粮农组织《负责任渔业行为守则》第9条的磋商会Consultation on the Application of Article 9 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean
org.name.关于实施负责任渔业行为守则的罗马宣言Rome Declaration on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
interntl.trade.关于延迟的责任限制limitation of liability for delay
interntl.trade.关于无责任的合同规定stipulation of non-liability
nautic., tech.关于油污损害民事责任的保险和其他财务保证的证书certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
interntl.trade.关于海上运载核材料方面民事赔偿责任的国际公约1975年7月15 日International Convention Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
interntl.trade.关于货物的责任liability in respect of cargo
UN, law, transp.关于道路、铁路和内陆航运船只运载危险物品引起损害的民事责任公约CRTD Convention
UN, law, transp.关于道路、铁路和内陆航运船只运载危险物品引起损害的民事责任公约Convention on Civil Liability for Damage caused during Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Navigation Vessels
UN, law, transp.再进口的责任duty to re-import
busin.减轻的责任diminished responsibility
China, law分支机构的民事责任civil liabilities of the branch
busin.列明的责任范围positive grant of cover
econ.列明除外责任的广泛承保范围broad grant of cover subject to enumerated exception
busin.列明除外责任的广泛承保范围broad grant of cover minus exception
interntl.trade.制造商对产品所负的责任products liability
econ.制造商对这些机器可能发生的正常损耗不负责任The manufacturers are not responsible for the normal wear and tear that may occur to the machines
sport.协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何会员协会或其官员的责任It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing
tech.协议中有关开脱责任的条款exculpatory clause
interntl.trade.单一的责任范围single limitation of liability
interntl.trade.单一的责任限制single limitation of liability
econ.单一的责任限制办法single limitation approach
interntl.trade.单独承担的责任undivided responsibility
econ.单独承担的责任the undivided responsibility
busin.单独的责任independent liability
tech.单独的责任severally liability
gen.M 单独负 M 的责任have the sole responsibility of
tech.危险责任的起期attachment of risk
UN, law, transp.危险废物及其他废物越境转移及处置所造成损害的责任及赔偿巴塞尔议定书Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation for Damage resulting from the Transboundary Movement and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
interntl.trade., lat.原告负举证的责任actori incumbit probatio
tech.双方之间的责任liability between the parties
interntl.trade.发票人限制责任的规定stipulation by drawer restricting liability
econ.发票人限制责任的规定the stipulation by drawer restricting liability
avia.可依赖的、有责任的、可支援的、能答疑的、有见识的responsible, accountable, support, consulted, informed
expl.司机必须承担这起事故的全部责任The driver must undertake full responsibility for this accident
China, law各自应负的民事责任respective civil liability
China, law各船的赔偿责任liability for compensation of any of the colliding ships
busin.合伙人之间的责任liability bet ween partners
econ.合伙人对他们自己的毁约要负法律上的责任The partners should be legally liable for breaking their engagements
interntl.trade.合伙人间的责任liability between partners
busin.合同责任的保证security of contract obligation
proj.manag.合同的一般责任general contractual liability
tech.合同的一般责任general contractual liabilities
interntl.trade.合同规定的责任contractual liability
tech.合同规定的责任contractual obligation
econ.合资公司的协议应明确说明双方的利润、权利和责任The agreement of the joint venture should spell out the benefits, rights and duties of both parties
econ.否决或抵制任何有缺陷的施工或材料是工程师应尽的职责It is an engineer's responsibility to disapprove or reject any defective work or material
proj.manag.咨询专家的责任liability of the consultant
tech.咨询人的责任liability of the consultant
tech.咨询工程师的责任liability of the consultant
securit.因市场不当行为而需承担的民事责任civil liability for market misconduct
UN国家为今世后代保护自然的历史责任Historical responsibility of States for the preservation of nature for present and future generations
China, polit.国家机关的权力与责任powers and responsibilities of State organs
commer.在 CIF 条件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装上船并交由船方保管时即告结束Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody
econ.在合同到期之前,合同签署人不应推卸根据本合同应承担的任何义务、责任和职责The undersigned will not be relieved from any of their obligations, responsibilities and liabilities under the contract before its expiration
fin.坚持共同但有区别的责任原则stick to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
fin.坚持共同但有区别的责任原则follow the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities
econ.处理船主责任范围以外的索赔基金limitation fund
interntl.trade.处理船主责任范围以外的索赔的基金limitation fund
securit.外商投资的有限责任公司limited liability companies with foreign investment
interntl.trade.多种方式联运人的"绝对"赔偿责任制度system of "absolute" liability for the MTO
econ.契约规定的责任contractual obligation
econ.如果损坏的主要原因不是由于他们的疏忽,他们对损坏不负主要责任They will bear no major responsibility for the damage if the primary cause of the damage isn't due to their negligence
sport.如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge
econ.如果贵方对我方的财务责任有什么怀疑,贵方可以拒绝交货If you have any doubt about our financial responsibility, you may decline to make deliveries
avia.如规定的构型责任as designed configuration accountability
proj.manag.委托人的责任liability of the client
textile定期租船人的责任time charterer's liability
interntl.trade.定期租船人的责任time charterer’s liability
shipb.定期租船人的责任和权利liabilities and right of time charterer
shipb.定期租船租船人的责任和权利liabilities and right of time charterer
shipb.定期租船船东的责任和权利liabilities and right of owner under time chart
shipb.定期租船船东的责任和权利liabilities and right of owner under time charter
fin.实施负责任的宏观经济政策implement responsible macroeconomic policies
fin.实施负责任的政策adopt responsible policies
China, polit.实行各种形式的社会主义责任制institute the socialist system of responsibility in various forms
fin.审计查帐员的责任auditor’s liability
econ.审计人员的法律责任legal responsibility of auditor
proj.manag.客户保密的责任client confidentiality
refrig.室内空气质量案例的法律责任legal responsibility for IAQ cases
tech.责任的保险insurance for liability
econ.对于任何由于不可保的风险而造成的推迟交货或不能交货,卖方概不负责The seller shall not be responsible for late delivery or non-delivery resulting from any uninsurable risks
econ.对于因此而发生的一切损失,我方将被认为负有责任We will be held responsible for all losses arise-ing therefrom
econ.对于本协议的任何更新而造成的损失,第一方概不负责The first party shall not bear responsibility for the loss upon any renewal of Ms agreement
econ.对产品质量的责任product liability
gen.…对…应负责任的liable for
shipb.对损失所负的责任liability for loss
econ.对损害应负责任的liable for damage
proj.manag.对有限责任合伙人的亏损给予税项宽免limited partner loss relief
fin.对股东的责任义务liability to the shareholders
interntl.trade.对财产损失的责任liability for damage to property
econ.对财产损失的责任liability damage to property
securit.对账户谨慎行事的责任duty of care to the account
econ.货主对非目的港不负责任条款free harbour clause
shoot.射手本人的责任fault of the shooter
commer.履行承担的责任keep to one's commitments
expl.工人的赔偿/雇主责任worker's compensation/employers liability
busin.工人责任造成的损失时间lost time accountable to the workers
econ.工程师有权拒绝或谴责任何不符合本说明书的材料的使用The engineer is entitled to reject or condemn the usage of any material which does not comply with this instruction
UN, tech.干租赁"安排,即部队/警察部队派遣国仅提供主要装备,而联合国或第三方责任维护,偿还部队/警察部队派遣国的费用dry lease, whereby troop/police contributors would provide only major equipment, with the united nations or a third party assuming responsibility for maintenance
insur.美国 1943 年和 1952 年的水险扩展条款或水险延长责任期限条款Marine Extension Clause 1943&1952
China, polit.1969 年国际油污损害民事责任公约的议定书Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
interntl.trade.年布鲁塞尔关于统一若干有关海船船东责任范围规则的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Seagoing Vessels Brussels, 25 August 1924 1924
securit.庄家的责任market maker obligation
interntl.trade.应负票据上的责任liable on a bill of exchange
econ.延误责任的免除the exoneration from liability for delay
fin.延迟的责任liability for delay
org.name.建设一个更加安全的世界:我们共同的责任A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility
busin.开脱责任的免责事项exculpatory exception
securit.引诱他人投资资金的民事责任civil liability for inducing others to invest money
securit.强化追究证券违规与犯罪的刑事责任intensifying criminal liabilities for securities irregularity and crimes
gen.很抱歉通知您,但这是我们的责任I' m sorry to inform you of this, but this is our responsibility
econ.很清楚,损失的责任在于你方It is clear that responsibility for such losses rests with you
gen.您应该当时检验核对现金的数量与真伪,因为现金一旦离开前台我们将不再担负任何责任The genuineness and amount of the cash should be checked as soon as you get it. I'm afraid we bear no responsibilities for that after you leave the Front Desk
securit.成员对公司犯罪行为应负担的法律责任liability of members for offences by corporation
commer.我们不能承担这起事故的责任We cannot assume the responsibility for this accident
econ.我们对因暴动而迟交货物的事不负责任We shall not be responsible for the late delivery of the goods because of the riot
econ.我们对由于不可避免的意外事故而造成损失或损坏不负责任We shall not be responsible for losses or damages caused by unavoidable accidents
econ.我们要求你方取道经由新加坡,如果你方选错航线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay
econ.我方仍然认为延迟交货并非仅是我方单方的责任We are still of the opinion that we are not the only party to be liable for the late-delivery
econ.我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
busin.托运人的赔偿责任indemnity of the shipper
fin.扮演一个负责任的角色play a responsible role
busin.承保对被保险人提出的责任索赔cover liability claim against the assured
econ.承保对被保险人提岀的责任索赔cover liability claim against the assured
proj.manag.承包商的责任contractor's liability
econ.承担保赔责任的承保人protection and indemnity liability insurer
fin.承担力所能及的义务和责任assume whatever duties and responsibilities
fin.承担应尽的责任和义务undertake due responsibilities and obligations
fin.承担的保险业务责任portfolio assumed
commer.承担的责任assumed liability
securit.承诺的责任promised obligation
China, law承运人责任的规定provisions regarding the responsibility of the carrier
interntl.trade.承运人责任的豁免immunities of the carrier
busin.承运人责任的豁免immunity of the carrier
tech.承运人对货物的责任carrier's liability to cargo
interntl.trade.承运人对迟延的责任carrier liability for delay
shipb.承运人的最大责任限制carrier's maximum liability
interntl.trade.承运人的最高责任限度carrier's maximum liability
econ.承运人的最高责任限度the carrier's maximum liability
econ.承运人的最高限度责任carrier's maximum liability
tech.承运人的责任liability of the carrier
shipb.承运人的责任carrier's liability
gen.把N的责任归咎于Mlay the blame on M for (N)
gen.把N的责任归咎于Mlay the blame upon M for (N)
gen.把N的责任归咎于Mput the blame upon M for (N)
gen.把N的责任归咎于Mput the blame on M for (N)
econ.担任负责的工作hold a position of trust
gen.担任负责的工作be in a position of trust
securit.担负一定责任的职务position of responsibility
shipb.拖轮和被拖船的责任liability of towboat and tow
interntl.trade.指出相反证据的责任burden of rebuttal
econ.按包件计算的责任限制per package limitation liability (范围)
busin.按包件计算的责任限制per package limitation liability
interntl.trade.按包计算的责任范围per package limitation of liability
interntl.trade.集装箱提单按单位的责任限制unit limitation of liability
transp.按单位的责任限制unit limitation of liability
interntl.trade.按单位的责任限制集装箱提单unit limitation of liability
interntl.trade.按单位的责任限制limit on unit liability
econ.按期付息的责任the gale of interest
econ.按比例反摊责任的条款prorate liability clause
China, polit.按照任务、时间、组织、责任四落实的要求take into consideration the requirements of the assigned tasks, their responsibilities, time constraints and organization
interntl.trade.按重量的责任限制per weight limitation of liability
interntl.trade.按重量的责任限制per weight limitation (of liability)
securit.授权交易所控股人的责任duties of recognized exchange controller
securit.授权交易所的责任duties of recognized exchange company
baseb.接球时的责任失分率Earned Run Average when Catching
fin.推行负责任的经济政策pursue responsible economic policies
busin.提供有缺陷设备的责任liability for defective equipment
securit.提供虚假信息的刑事责任criminal liability on the provision of false information
tech.提供证明的责任burden of proof
tech.提供说明的责任burden of persuasion
econ.保险、 仲裁提出证据的责任onus
interntl.trade.提出证据的责任onus of proof
econ.提出证据的责任the onus of proof
busin.提出证据的责任onus probandi
busin.提示相反证据的责任burden of rebuttal
econ.揭示相反证据的责任burden of rebuttal
busin.收回诺言承担的责任back out
securit.放弃了监管市场的责任abdicate the responsibility of regulating markets
securit.放款人的关联责任connected lender liability
securit.责任的not held
securit.责任的no hold
econ.责任的一方innocent party
fin.无承包责任的养老金方案uninsured pension plan
China, polit.无权占有人的侵权责任the liability for tort committed by illegal possessors
proj.manag.无限责任的投资unlimited liability investment
China, law无限责任的投资investment which may give rise to unlimited liability
econ.既然这既不是不可抗力也不是你们难以控制的别的任何意外事故,我方不得不要你方承担延迟交货的责任Since it was neither force majesty nor any other contingencies beyond your control, we have to hold you responsible for the delay of the delivery
econ.是… 的责任〔任务〕be across to
econ.是…的责任lie upon
econ.是…的责任lie on
gen.是…的责任be upto
gen.是…的责任lie at one's door
interntl.trade.普通责任的债券general-obligation bonds
tech.普通责任的债务general obligation bond
tech.最大的赔偿责任maximum liability
proj.manag.最大限度的责任maximum liability
China, law责任的广告主responsible advertiser
el.责任的机构组织responsible organization
interntl.trade.有关民事责任的诉权claim for liability
econ.有关责任范围的双重制度dual system of liability
proj.manag.有法律责任须偿还的债项legally binding debt
fin.有清算责任的合伙人、liquidating partner
busin.有清算责任的合伙人liquidating partner
fin.有票面外责任的股票assessment share
busin.有责任感的人responsible individual
interntl.trade.有限责任的合伙人limited partner
proj.manag.有限法律责任的公司company with limited liability
busin.有限责任公司的法律规定legal provision for a limited liability company
tech.未履行责任的on default
shipb.未履行的责任undischarged obligation
commer.本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
fin.材料的支付责任payment of labor and material obligation
gen.极其重大的责任terrible responsibility
tech.核破坏的责任liability for nuclear damages
econ.根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement
econ.根据责任范围提出的抗辩defences and limits of liability
interntl.trade.根据责任范围提出的抗辩权defenses and limits of liability
econ.此处的物权担保既担保一切现有债务和责任,又担保一切今后的垫款Not only all present debts and liabilities but all future advances shall be secured by the security interest hereof
econ.此条款不应被认为是解除承运商对运输中造成货物损坏应负的责任This clause shall not be construed to release the carrier from responsibility for causing damage to the goods in transit
econ.民事责任的赔偿civil remedy
securit.汇票的主要责任prime liability on bill of exchange
securit.汇票的主要责任primary liability on bill of exchange
fin.汇票的最初责任primary liability on bill of exchange
fin.汇票的第一位责任primary liability on bill of exchange
interntl.trade.汇票的第一位责任primary liability (on a bill of exchange)
busin.汇票的第一位责任prime liability on bill of exchange
tech.污染应负的责任pollution liability
gen.没有责任的unanswerable (for)
tech.法人的责任能力capacity for responsibility of juristic person
tech.法定的审计责任statutory audit responsibilities
tech.法定的责任legal responsibility
logist.法律上举证的责任burden of proof
China, law法律规定的责任限制的权利right to limitation of liability stipulated by law
busin.派生的责任derived liability
securit.特别承担的责任special commitment
UN, tech.特派团团长是指在安全理事会的同意下由秘书长任命的特别代表/指挥官,负责联合国在特派团内的所有活动head of mission means the special Representative/Commander appointed by the Secretary-General with the consent of the security council responsible for all united nations activities within the mission
UN, tech.特遣队自备装备偿还制度的责任responsibilities for contingent-owned equipment system of reimbursement
commer.独家经营并具有无限责任的商号sole proprietorship with unlimited liability
manag.独立的责任independent liability
UN, ecol.环境损害的责任liability for environmental damage
tech.环境损害的责任liability for environment damage
interntl.trade.理论上的最高责任maximum theoretical liability
tech.理论上的最高责任maximum theoretic liability
econ.由于责任在于船运公司,所以我们意见是你方的补偿要求应向该公司提出Your claim for indemnification of the loss sustained should, in our opinion, be referred to the shipping company as the liability rests with them
gen.N的责任〔任务〕是Mexpect M of (N)
gen.的责任就落在…的头上it falls to the lot of... to (+ inf.)
interntl.trade.目的港船上交货价 ex ship,货离钩绳不负责任之交付free overside
commer.直接责任的或有负债contingent liability of direct obligation (与第二责任的或有负债(contingent liability of secondary obligation) 相对)
busin.直接责任的或有负债contingent liability of direct obligation
interntl.trade.票据上的责任liability on the instrument
interntl.trade.票据外的责任liability outside the instrument
busin.票据上的责任liability on the instrument
econ.私人有限责任公司澳大利亚、南非有限责任的股份有限公司Proprietary Limited (Pty, Ltd.)
econ.租约中的绝对责任条款a hell or highwater clause
UN, tech.第三方责任问题将是谅解备忘录补充安排或增编中的内容third-party liability will be the subject of supplementary arrangement or addendum to the MOU
securit.管理层的责任management liability
econ.管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托给雇用的经理人员The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers
manag.管理的责任managerial responsibility
gen.纯粹操作员的责任single operator resposibility
tech.经济管理的责任制responsibility system in economy management
proj.manag.缴交差饷的法律责任liability for payment of rates
proj.manag.缺陷责任期的延长extension of defects liability
tech.缺陷责任期的延长extension of defects liability period
UN, police联合国雇用人员的刑事责任criminal accountability of individuals employed by the United Nations
fin.股东的责任义务liability of shareholder
securit.自己引发的侵权责任de son tort demesne
lat., busin.自己引起的侵权责任de son tort demesne
busin.自我导致的侵权责任de son tort demesne
tech.船东的有限责任shipowner's limitation of liability
fin.董事及主管的责任保险directors and officers liability insurance
securit.董事的责任director responsibility
securit.行情分析家的责任chartist's liability
shipb.行李和包裹的运输责任carrier's responsibility for baggage and parcel
busin.要求他方履行分担责任的诉讼action for contribution
nautic., tech.—视同仁的责任no more favorable treatment
busin.解除汇票上前手当事人的责任discharge of a prior party
interntl.trade.解除汇票上前手的责任discharge of a prior party
securit.解除汇票上前手的责任discharge of a prior party on a bill
busin.解除汇票前手即原持有人的责任discharge of a prior party
econ.解除汇票前手人的责任discharge of a prior party
econ.解除汇票前手的责任discharge of a prior party
UN, tech.警务专员指根据秘书长授权任命的负责特派团所有警务行动的官员police commissioner means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all police operations within the mission
proj.manag.设立海事赔偿责任限制基金程序的有关问题on procedure for constitution of limitation fund for maritime claims
econ.证明的责任burden of persuasion
securit.证监会总的责任general duties of Commission
securit.证监会的一般责任general duties of Commission
econ.该保用单承担修理和更换备件的责任The warranty covers repairs and replacement of spare parts
econ.该公司对于任何政府禁运所造成的损失不负任何责任The company has no liability for damages from embargoes on freight of any government
China, law诬告应负的法律责任legal responsibility that shall be incurred for making a false accusation
gen.…的责任assume the responsibility of + ing
gen.…的责任take the responsibility of + ing
gen.…的责任take the responsibility for
gen.…的责任assume the responsibility for
fin.责任的利益攸关者responsible stakeholder
econ.责任的国际投资responsible international investment
fin.责任的大国responsible large nation
plann.责任的渔业responsible fisheries
UN, police责任的预防犯罪的要素elements of responsible crime prevention
fin.负有责任的即未经事前审核的支付命令accountable warrants
tech.负有责任的支付命令accountable warrants
interntl.trade.负有不同的举证责任with variation as to the burden of proof
corp.gov.负有抚养责任的人员比例dependency rate
el.负有社会责任的计算机专家computer professionals for social responsibility
tech.负有连带责任的jointly and severally liable
gen.负…的责任in charge of
gen.负…的责任be charged with
fin.负责任和稳健的金融监管政策responsible and sound financial regulatory policy
tech.负连带责任的债务several liability
law负连带责任的担保joint and several guarantees
busin.负连带责任的担保joint and several guarantee
China, law责任保险的被保险人insured of a liability insurance
gen.责任心不强的lacking in responsibility
securit.责任承担的制度accountability system
proj.manag.责任的分担division of responsibility
proj.manag.责任的分担allocation of responsibility
manag.责任的划分division of responsibility
el.责任的归属channelling of liability
interntl.trade.责任的最高限度limitation limit
proj.manag.责任的期限duration of liability
econ.责任的程度level of liability
interntl.trade.责任的过失标准fault standard of liability
econ.责任的金额限制monetary limit of liability
fin.责任的金额限额monetary limit of liability
manag.责任的chain of responsibility
shipb.责任限制权利的丧失loss of right to limit of responsibility
commer.质量方面的责任responsibility for quality
securit.资产的经管责任/会计责任accountability for assets
securit.资金上的法律责任pecuniary liability
interntl.trade.赔偿责任的免责事项exception from liability
tech.赔偿责任的免责事项exceptions form liability
econ.赔偿责任的区域限制geographical limits of liability
busin.赔偿责任的区域限制geographical limit of liability
interntl.trade.赔偿责任的时效和地效temporal and geographical limits of liability
interntl.trade.赔偿责任的时间及地区限制temporal and geographical limit of liability
econ.赔偿责任的时间及地区限制the temporal and geographical limit of liability
econ.赔偿责任的范围area of liability
econ.转移责任的约定hold harmless agreement
proj.manag.这是我们作为金融中介的责任所在、 也是我们坚持诚信以及公司商业准则的要求Our responsibility as a financial intermediary requires it and our commitment to integrity and the firm's business principles demand it
shipb.违反合同的责任liabilities for breach of contract
busin.连带责任的joint and severally liable
busin.逃避不了的责任inescapable duty
gen.…逃避对…的责任escape one's responsibilities for
securit.造市商的责任market maker obligation
manag.道义上的责任moral obligation
econ.道德的责任moral duty
fin.遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人的责任duties of executor or the administrator
UN, tech.部队指挥官是指根据秘书长授权任命的官员,负责特派团内所有的军事行动force commander means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all military operations within the mission
econ.采购部经理应该对公司购进的货物负全面责任The purchasing manager should have overall responsibility for the goods bought for the company
securit.金融行业不负责任的行为irresponsible conduct of the financial sector
interntl.trade.金钱责任的最高限度monetary limitation amount
proj.manag.金钱上的法律责任pecuniary liability
econ.金额责任的最高限度monetary limitation amount
tech.铁路局对固定资产管理的责任fixed assets management responsibility of railway bureau
tech.铁路的连带责任joint responsibility of railway
busin.银行的社会责任social responsibility of banks
busin.间接责任的或有负债contingent liability of secondary obligation
busin.附条件的承担责任conditional liability
interntl.trade.限制责任的规则limitation of liability rule
tech.限定保险人责任的条款clause limiting insurer liability
econ.除了送货给客户的外,发货部别无其他责任The dispatch department fulfils no other commitments than delivering goods to customers
econ.集体贷款的共同责任shared responsibility group loan
proj.manag.雇主的责任employer's liability
tech.非合同上的责任或义务non-contractual obligation
tech.非工人责任造成的损失时间lost working hours unaccountable to workers
proj.manag.风险责任的起期即保险责任开始生效attachment of risk
gen.飞机晚点是我们的责任,如果您继续搭乘我们的航班,您的住宿费用将由我们来承担Since the flight delay was our fault and you are continuing on with our airline, we will cover the cost of a hotel room