
Terms for subject United Nations containing 财务 | all forms | in specified order only
为联合国服务所引起的死亡、受伤或疾病和个人财产损失的索赔要求compensation claims in respect of death, injury or illness attributable to united nations service and/or loss of personal property
修订世界粮食计划署总条例和财务条例不限成员名额工作组Open-Ended Working Group on the Revision of WFP's General and Financial Regulations
向特遣队提供综合人员、运输、维持供应、医疗和财务支助integral personnel, transport, supply maintenance, medical and financial support to the contingent
布雷顿森林机构的财务健全financial integrity of the Bretton Woods institutions
简单、问责制、财务和管理控制simplicity, accountability, financial and management control
调动财务资源促进新能源和可再生能源高级别区域协商会议High-Level Regional Consultative Meeting for Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy
财务和预算科Finance and Budget Section
财务和预算网Finance and Budget Network
财务报告处Financial Reporting Service
财务Financial Services Section
财务Finance Section
财务管理信息系统Financial Management Information System
财务管理和支助处财管处finance management and support service
防治荒漠化行动计划的财务问题咨询会议Advisory Meeting on the Financial Aspects of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
预算和财务Budget and Finance Section
预算和财务管理处Budget and Financial Management Service