
Terms for subject Securities containing 财务 | all forms | in specified order only
上市公司财务香港联合交易所有限公司Listing-Corporate Finance Department Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
与股利有关的财务政策financial policy with respect to dividend
个人财务报告personal financial statement
个性化财务方案personalized financial solution
中期财务报告interim financial report
临时财务报表interim financial statement
为公司财务服务的银行业务corporate banking
主要财务指标principal financial indicator
主要财务数据和指标major financial datas and indicators
主要财务比率key financial ratios
企业财务division of corporate finance
企业财务corporate finance department
会计财务报表account statement
公司财务financial affairs of company
公司财务咨询服务corporate financial advisory service
公司财务惯例corporate finance practice
公司财务管理corporate finance management
公司财务规划corporate finance planning
公司业绩和财务状况的披露标准Disclosure Standards of Corporate Performance Results and Financial Position
关联财务公司associated finance company
关联财务公司affiliated finance company
兼并后财务杠杆post-merger financial leverage
历史财务分析historical financial analysis
反虚假财务报告委员会的赞助组织委员会Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
合并财务报表的原则combined reporting principle
合并财务状况变动表consolidated statement of changes in financial position
合格财务报表certified financial statement
国际财务顾问international financial adviser
国际注册财务策划师协会International Association of Registered Financial Planners
国际金融工程师协会 IAFP International Association for Financial Planning 国际财务策划协会International Association of Financial Engineers
国际银行同业财务通讯协会银行电子转账系统society for worldwide interbank financial telecom
基金财务报表fund statement
境外财务子公司offshore finance subsidiary
备考财务信息pro forma financial information
外行财务报告为非财会专业人员淮备的报告layman financial statement
已审核的财务报表audited financial statement
已审计的财务报告audited financial report
常规财务报表common size statement
常青树财务公司green tree financial
强化企业财务管理strengthen financial management of enterprise
恒生财务有限公司Hang Seng Finance Limited
授权财务机构的获豁免人士exempt persons who are authorised financial institutions
授权财务顾问chartered financial counselor
授权机构财务披露的最佳实施指导Best Practice Guide on Financial Disclosure by Authorized Institutions
授权的财务机构authorized financial institution
收购公司和被收购目标合并财务报表combining acquirer's and target's financial
政府债务和财产损失索赔准备金public liability and property damage claim reserve
整体财务global finance
财务上的重要性non-financial based materiality
无债务财产unencumbered property
月度财务报表monthly statement
财务危机的债务distress debt
有重点的财务报表pro forma financial statement
未经审计的补充财务资料招股书附录unaudited supplementary financial information prospectus'appendix
注册财务策划师registered financial planner
注册财务规划师certified financial planner
注册授权机构披露的财务资料financial disclosure by incorporated authorized institution
注册的财务策划师registered financial planner
海外财务机构overseas financial institution
特许财务顾问chartered financial consultant
独揽财务大权assume arbitrary power in finance
独立财务顾问independent financial adviser
百分比财务报表percentage financial statement
目标企业"独立"历史财务分析target "stand alone" historical financial analysis
破产财务管理者accountant in bankruptcy
简明财务报告summary financial report
简明财务报告layman financial statement
粉饰财务状况window-dress the financial position
粉饰财务状况dressing financial position
经营财务业务financial business operation
经过审计的财务报告audited financial report
综合财务报表consolidated account
编造虚假财务信息making up fake financial information
联合财务报表combined financial statement
良好的财务sound finance
表见财务能力apparent financial solvency
认可的财务会计准则accepted financial accounting standards
证券交易所管理委员会财务报表 S-X 规则regulation S-X
证券商综合财务经营报告Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single report
评估财务预测evaluating financial projections
财务上的义务financial obligation
财务上的协同作用financial synergy
财务上的可靠性financial reliability
财务不健全blue sky
财务不确定性financial uncertainty
财务不规范financial irregularity
财务丑闻financial scandal
财务丑闻accounting scandal
财务专员financial attache
财务主管financial controller
财务交易financial transactions
财务代理fiscal agent
财务代理银行或商行的职能function of fiscal agent
财务代理人financial agent
财务代理机构的现金存在财务代理机构的资金,用于归还到期债券的本金和利息cash with fiscal agent
财务会计准则委员会Financial Accounting Standard Board
财务会计标准说明Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
财务传动作用financial gearing
财务偿还比率financial coverage ratio
财务公关financial public relations
财务公司financial company
财务公司finance firm
财务准则financial guideline
财务出版社financial press
财务分析中的会计数据矩阵和分析工具matrix of accounting data and analytical tools for financial analysis
财务分析师协会Financial Analyst Society
财务分析预测表proforma financial statement
财务利差financial margin
财务协议financing agreement
财务协议执行execution of financing agreement
财务危机financial collapse
财务及运营总览financial and operations principal
财务变动表statement on changes in the financial position
财务合规审计financial compliance audit
财务和经营合并统一报表Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single report
财务咨询financial counselling
财务咨询机构financial adviser
财务因素financial consideration
财务困境financial embarrassment
财务困难financial distress
财务垄断fiscal monopoly
财务基本因素financial based materiality
财务处理financial treatment
财务委托人financial principal
财务审查financial auditing
财务审核financial review
财务工作financial work
财务工程financial engineering
财务年度fiscal period
财务建议书financial proposals
财务总监chief financial officer (CFO)
财务总经理chief financial officer (CFO)
财务情况表position statement
财务情况说明书statement explaining the financial situation
财务投资financial investment
财务投资贷款loan for financial investment
财务报告financial reporting/reports
财务报告摘要summary financial report
财务报告注释notes to the financial statement
财务报告重点financial highlights
财务报表statement of condition
财务报表分析的说明illustration of financial statement analysis
财务报表数据financial statement data
财务报表注解foot-note to financial statement
财务报表注释note to financial statement
财务报表编制drafting financial statement
财务报表附注note to financial statement
财务披露financial disclosure
财务担保债券financial guaranty
财务担保债券保险公司financial guaranty insurance company
财务指引financial guideline
财务控制体系financial control system
财务操作欠妥financial irregularity
财务改组financial reorganization
财务文件financial documents
财务文件印制商financial printer
财务方针financial guideline
财务机关financial authority
财务材料印刷financial printing
财务杠杆客户financial leverage clientele
财务杠杆率financial leverage ratios
财务概况financial summary
财务模式financial pattern
财务清单schedule of property
财务状况pecuniary condition
财务状况accounts status
财务状况变动表fund flow statement
财务状况报表statement of position
财务状况格式表资产负债表financial position form
财务状况的变化changes in financial position
财务状况良好的企业substantial firm
财务票据financial instrument
财务约束financial repression
财务结算部门settlement department
财务罚款financial penalty
财务罚金financial penalty
财务股东financial shareholder
财务融资financial accommodation
财务表格financial table
财务规则financial regulation
财务规定financial requirement
财务计划financial project
财务计划书financial proposals
财务负担financial implication
财务/财政捐款financial contribution
财务责任制fiscal responsibility system
财务账册financial books
财务贷款financial loans
财务资产financial principal
标准普尔附属机构投资者管理服务公司 (IMS) 所提供的各公司的财务资料及相关统计资料的电脑档案Compustat
财务资源规则financial resource rule
财务资金financial principal
财务部门financial arm
财务重大性financial based materiality
财务重组financial restructuring
财务/金融分析员financial analyst
财务限制financial constraint
财务项目financial project
财务预测financial projections
财务风险曝光financial risk exposure
财务风险模拟分析simulation analysis of financial exposure
财务风险管理控制financial risk management control
财务黑洞financial blackhole
附属财务公司captive finance company
附属财务公司affiliated finance company
非负债型财务off-balance finance
非重大财务问题non-financial based materiality
预测财务报表pro forma financial statement
预测财务pro forma statement
预计财务信息pro forma financial information
首席财务chief financial officer (CFO)
财务杠杆high leverage