
Terms for subject Economy containing 财务 | all forms | in specified order only
不履行财产方面的债务的契据deed of default on property
专用财务报表special-purpose financial statement
为公司财务而服务的银行业务corporate banking
他们从财务主管那里领取工资和津贴They receive their wages and benefits from the financial
他们正在根据将来利润的估计起華一个财务报告They are drawing up a financial report based on estimate of future profits
付款请求书已提交给财务处长The payment requisition has been submitted to the chief of financial department
私人 企业财务business finance
企业财务finance business
企业财务稳定性分析security analysis
企业财务资料管理处administrative agency of business financial data
会计师签证的财务报告书certified financial statement
伪造式窜改财务报表cook the books
你方应向我方提供完整详细的财务报告和其他必需的资料You shall provide us with complete and detailed financial statement and other necessary information
信息技术在财务方面的应用accounting use of information technology
公司财务状况指标fixed assets test
关于我们的业务和财务情况,请向东京商业银行东京总行查询For our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our banker n., the Commercial Bank of Tokyo, Head Office, Tokyo
关于笔方的业务情况和财务情况,请向中国银行北京总行查询As to our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our bank, the Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing
内部财务收益率internal financial rate of return
农业工程项目财务估算financial estimates of agricultural neering project
农业项目财务评价financial evaluation of agricultural project
私人农场财务farm finance
出资财务贡献financial contribution
分布财务报告line-of-business reporting
分期付款财务hire purchase finance
分期付款财务公司hire purchase finance company
分组汇总的财务报表grouping financial statement
分部财务报告the segment reporting
初步财务分析评价preliminary financial evaluation
初步财务效果印象initial financial impression
财务指标finance indicators
在调查终止之前,他不得辞去财务主任的职务He was not permitted to resign from his post as finance director before the termination of investigation
美国地方财务人员协会Municipal Finance Officer's Association
地方财务人员协会municipal finance officer’s association
基建财务计划financial budget of capital construction
基本建设财务预算capital construction financial budget
外部财务outside financing
她把财务报告书的摘要送给了经理She sent the director an extract of the statement
如卖方判断买方的财务能力已削弱时卖方可要求发货之前先行支付现款The seller can require cash payment before shipment if he judges that the buyer's financial responsibility becomes impaired
如果经销商的财务状况不足以保证进一步发货的付款时,制造商有权撤销订货单If the distributor's financial condition is inadequate to warrant the payment for further shipments, the manufacturer shall have the right to cancel the order
如果贵方对我方的财务责任有什么怀疑,贵方可以拒绝交货If you have any doubt about our financial responsibility, you may decline to make deliveries
季度财务报告quarterly financial report
宏观范围的财务活动macrofinancial activities
审定财务决算书audit financial statement
审定财务报表audit financial statement
对外公布的财务报告external reporting
工程项目的财务模拟financial simulation of specific project
年度财务结算报告annual financial report
应付财务困难的准备金drought resistance
微观范围的财务活动the microeconomic financial activities
总的财务情况total financial picture
我们可向财务科报销We can submit an expense account to the treasurer's office
我们对分公司的财务状况了解得很清楚We know very well about the financial affairs of the affiliated company
我认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into details of the financial statement
我认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into detail of the financial statement
所有报表都得由财务总裁会签All statements have to be countersigned by the finance director
所有票据和现金应该由财务监督保管All bills and money shall be in the custody of the finance controller
所涉财务问题financial implications
所需财务援助financial assistance requirement
扣押债务人的财产the attachment of debtor's property
扣除税收后的净额编制财务报表net-of-tax reporting
报表没有正确反映出公司的财务状况The statements did not give a correct picture of the company's financial position
最佳财务政策optimal financial policy
月度财务收支计划monthly revenue and expenditure budget
有关财务的专家意见financial counseling
有限公司的财务工作corporation finance
期中财务决算表interim financial statement
期中财务状况表interim position statements
未审核的财务报表an unaudited financial statement
未审核的财务报表unaudited financial statement
每一位候选人应提出一份说明自己财务状况的报表Each candidate should put forward a statement setting forth his financial position
每三个月向股东发送一次公司的财务报表The financial statement of the company should be submitted to the shareholders every three month
流动财务状况分析current position analysis
浏览财务报告scan the financial report
消费者财务consumer finance
独立财务顾问independent-financial advisor
企业的生产财务计划output and finance plan
百分率统一度量式财务报表common size financial statements
破产债务人财产bankrupt's estate
示范性财务报.表pro-forma financial statement
管理及财务规则administrative and financial regulation
维持财务收支平衡maintain the balance between revenue and expenditure
综合财务会计general financial accounting
综合财务报表consolidated financial statements
联营公司应选定专业会计师和代理人来检査各位合伙人的账册、票据、财产和业务The joint venture company should select expert accountants and agents to check the books, paper n., property and business of the partners
股东为了估算本人拥有的股票的价值,必须阅读公司的年度财务报表Stockholders must read the annual financial statement of a company in order to evaluate their own holding
股东们在年度股东大会上讨论公司的财务状况The shareholders discussed the company's financial situation at the annual general meeting
行政及财务administrative and financial services
计划财务服务组project financial services group
该店卷入了财务清算,我方不得不终止与该店订的协议The store became involved in receivership n., and we had to terminate the agreement with
该银行要求审阅其借款人的财务报表The bank required financial statements from its borrowers
财务一揽子计划financial package
财务上的努力financial struggle
财务与经济分析financial and economic analysis
财务与经营比率financial and operating ratios
财务与计划资料网financial and program information network
财务主任是公司的主要财务主管A treasurer is the main financial officer of a company
财务主管机关financial executive institute
财务乱摊派unjustified financial levies
财务事项financial transactions
财务代理银行的职能functions of fiscal agent
财务价格financial price
财务会计custodial accounting
财务会计公报statement of financial accountings
财务会计公报statement of financial accounting
美国财务会计准则委员会Financial Accounting Standards Board
财务会计基础the fundamentals of financial accountings
财务会计处an accountant branch
财务会计标准委员会 106 号标准美国财务会计标准委员会 1990 年颁布的第 106 号标准,要求企业改变安排退休员工待遇的方式,把给退休员工的待遇和福利看成是一种延期报酬的方式FASB 106Standard Number 106 of the Financial Accounting Standards Board
财务会计标准的解释FASB Interpretation
财务作用fiscal function
财务保证人financial guarantor
财务信誉最优级triple A credit rating
财务偿付费用debt service charges
财务公司financing corporation
财务内部收益率financial internal rate of return
财务决算financial statement
财务净现值financial net present value
财务净现值率financial net present value ratio
财务净现值率finance net present value rate
财务净现值百分比finance net present value percent
财务分析financial analysis
财务分析analysis of financial data
财务分析比例ratio for financial analysis
财务利差financial spread
财务制度financial systems
财务制裁financial sanction
财务单位机构,金融机关financial institution
财务财政地位financial standing (信誉)
财务finance director
财务契约financial covenant
财务奖励制度financial incentive system
财务应付款项fiscal charges
财务开支授权the spending authority
财务征询意见表a financial questionnaire
基建财务快速报告financial flash report on (capital construction)
财务总监chief financial officers
财务总监chief financial officer
财务情况变动表statement of changes in financial position
财务报告financial paper
财务报告分析financial statement analysis
财务报告制financial reporting system
财务报告制度financial reporting system
财务报告在提交给董事会之前应仔细审核The financial report should be carefully checked before submission to the board of directors
财务报告程序financial reporting procedures
财务报表financial report
财务报表a financial account
财务报表中的盈余部分surplus section
财务报表报告期the reporting period for financial statement
财务报表法accounting, financial statement methed
财务报表注释explanatory notes to the financial statement
财务报表物价调整机制the restatement mechanism
财务报表的逐年比较the year-to-year comparison of financial statement
财务报表编制标准rules for the preparation of financial statement
财务报表附件schedule of financial statement
财务担保financial guarantee
财务援助financial aid
财务援助需要financial assistance requirement
财务支持financial support
财务收入financial income
财务收入及费用表statement of financial income and expense
财务收益financial return
财务收益financial income
财务收益率financial rate of return
财务整顿straighten out financial affairs
财务服务financial service
财务服务部Department of Fiscal Services
财务机构finance house
财务权限与从属关系line of the delegation of financial authority
财务杠杆financial lever
财务条例financial regulations and rules
财务检察官office of controller’s accounts
财务检査financial review
财务比率financial ratios
财务比率financial ratio
财务活动financing activities
财务混乱general chaos in bookkeeping
财务状况the financial situation
财务状况financial standing fin. stndg
财务状况报告financial status report
财务状况表示式financial position form
财务状况计算书statement of condition
财务a treasurer office
财务科长chief financing
财务秘书financial secretary
财务稳定性financial stability
财务稽核长a treasurer controller
财务管理management through finance
财务管理和监督制度financial management and control systems
财务细则financial rules
财务经理finance director
财务经理finance manager
美国财务经理人协会financial executive institute
财务结构financing construction
财务结果financial results
财务结算表financial statement
财务行政机构和程序financial administration machinery and procedures
财务观点financial point of view
财务计划financing plan
财务负担financial commitments
财务责任证书certificates of financial responsibility
财务账户a financial account
财务账户account of finance
财务费用finance costs
财务资产的组合portfolios of financial assets
财务部门treasure's department
财务顾问服务financial advisory service
财务顾问服务公司financial service
财务预算管理the financial budget management
财务预算编制budgeting financing
财务预计the proforma finance
财政事务the financial matters
财政事务financial matters
财政咨询服务社financial advisory service
英国财政部财务秘书Financial Secretary to the Treasury
贸易财务trade financing
资产负债表财务状况式financial position form of balance
资产负债表反映了公司的财务状况The balance sheet reflects the firm's financial position
资产负债表清清楚楚地反映出财务状况The balance sheet fairly presents the financial position
资本租赁与财务融资租赁的比较capital lease compared to financing lease
资金成本财务费用financial costs
边际财务收益marginal financial return income
边际财务收益marginal financial return
过渡性财务the bridging finance
追溯性财务报表调整retroactive restatement
销售部抱怨财务部不停地干预他们的工作The sales department complained of continual interference from the financial department
附有说明的财务报表descriptive financial statement
静态财务报告a static statement
预算及财政业务budgetary and fiscal operation
预计财务报表forecast financial statement
食物进口的财务负担financial weight of food imports