
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 财务 | all forms | in specified order only
债务净现值与财政收入比率的目标NPV of debt-to-fiscal revenue target
债务净现值与财政收入比率的目标net present value of debt-to-fiscal revenue target HIPC Initiative
国际财务报告准则International Financial Reporting Standards
《国际货币基金组织的财务安排和运作》Financial Organization and Operations of the IMF
基金组织财务年度financial year of the Fund
外部审计机制、中央银行的法律结构和独立性、财务报告做法、内 部审计机制、内部控制制度external audit mechanism, legal structure and independence of the central bank, financial reporting practices, internal audit mechanism, and the system of internal controls IMF, safeguards assessments
履行财务义务performance of financial obligations
经审计的财务报表audited financial statements
财务保证financial assurances
财务保证financing assurances
财务信息公开financial disclosure
财务公司finance house
财务公司finance company
财务和行政管理系统处Financial and Administrative Systems Division
财务年度financial year
财务年度fiscal year
财务报告financial reporting
财务报表financial statement
财务状况financial condition
财务状况financial position
财务状况报表statement of assets and liabilities
财务状况报表balance sheet statement
财务状况报表statement of condition
财务状况报表general balance sheet
财务状况报表statement of financial position
财务状况报表statement of financial condition
财务状况报表balance sheet
财务约束financial discipline
财务纪律financial discipline
财务记录financial records
财务运作和报告处Financial Operations and Reporting Division
财务Finance Department
财务雄厚的投资者deep-pocket investor
财务雄厚的投资者deep-pocketed investor
财政业务一处、二处、三处Fiscal Operations Division 1, 2, 3
财政事务专家小组fiscal panel
财政事务部Fiscal Affairs Department
财政事务部图书馆Fiscal Library