
Terms containing 财产 税 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一般财产税general property tax
interntl.trade.专卖税和无形财产税条例franchise and intangibles tax
econ.世袭财产税the settled estate duty
econ.世袭财产税settled estate duty
interntl.trade.个人财产税personal property tax
IMF.个人净财产税taxes on personal net wealth
econ.买卖财产税tax on sale of property
busin.产权和财政责任课税法tax equity and fiscal responsibility act
busin.企业财产税capital levy
busin.企业财产出售减免税business property relief
econ.免税财产property free from encumbrance
tech.免税财产exempt property
tech.免税财产交换non-taxable exchanges of property
IMF.公司财产净值税taxes on corporate net wealth
econ.农业财产税简写为AHTagricultural holding tax Ind
tech.财产税net wealth tax
interntl.trade.减少低工资者和老年人的财产税措施circuit breaker
econ.可征税财产taxable property
busin.因未缴税而取消赎回权的没收财产tax foreclosure
textile应付财产税property tax payable
textile应收财产税property tax receivable
busin.应税财产taxable property
busin.应税财产rateable property
econ.应税财产值taxable property valve
securit.应税财产所有权tax title
fin.应纳税财产rateable property
econ.应纳税财产ratable property
tech.承租人支付可能增加的财产税条款tax stop clause
econ.按财产所在地征税的规定the situs rules
busin.按财产所在地征税的规定situs rules
busin.普通财产税general property tax
busin.欠税财产拍卖tax sale
econ.欠税财产拍卖证tax sale certificate
econ.欠税财产的拍卖tax sale
tech.没收无遗嘱的财产税doctrine of intestate escheat
textile特定财产税special property tax
textile私人财产税personal property tax
tech.私人财产税private property tax
tech.税前现金流量财产价值before-tax cash flow to equity
tech.课税估定财产价值assessed value
textile财产净值税net worth tax
tech.财产出租税property rental tax
econ.财产增值税the appreciation duty
textile财产增值税appreciation duty
econ.财产增值税appreciated tax
tech.财产增值税accession tax
fin.财产增益税accession tax
earth.sc.财产增益税accessions tax
securit.财产应税价值ratable value
tech.财产应课税价值rateable value
econ.财产所得增益accession tax
fin.财产所得税accession tax
fin.财产抵税拍卖scavenger sale
commer.财产税property tax (包括:动产税 (personal property tax),不动产税 (real property tax))
econ.财产税wealth tax
fin.财产税income from property
textile财产税estate duty
IMF.财产税property tax
IMF.财产税tax on property
textile财产税worth tax
exhib.财产税capital levy
interntl.trade.财产税tax on profit
econ.财产税general property tax
busin.财产税包括动产税和不动产税property tax
tech.财产税charge on assets
securit.财产税收投资信托基金estate duties investment trust
tech.财产税留置权property tax liens
tech.财产评税值assessable value of property
textile财产转移税capital transfer tax
econ.财产转移税tax on transfer of property
commer.财产转移税统一抵免unified transfer tax credit
tech.财产转移税统一抵免额unified transfer tax credit
fin.财产转让税tax on transfer of property
fin.财产转让税property transfer tax
busin.货物及财产税tax on goods and property
econ.赠与及财产税a gift and estate tax
econ.退伍军人财产税免税veteran s' property tax exemption
tech.退伍军人财产免税权veterans's tax exemption
IMF.非经常性财产税nonrecurrent taxes on property
IMF.非经常性财产税nonrecurrent levies on property
proj.manag.须缴纳遗产税的财产property liable to estate duty