
Terms for subject Economy containing 财产 | all forms | in specified order only
一切财产的留置权general lien
一旦发现有人占用你的财产,你可以控告他犯有非法扣押罪You may proceed against any person found in occupation of your property as guilty of unlawful detainer
一般财产general property tax
不动产的附属财产property accessory to immovable
不可再生的有形财产non-reproducible tangible assets
不可移动的财产immovable goods
不完全私有财产qualified property
不履行财产方面的债务的契据deed of default on property
不生产财non-reproducible goods
不能再生产财物non-reproducible goods
不能再生产财货non-reproducible goods
世袭财产the settled estate duty
世袭财产settled estate duty
个人财产personal possessions
个人财产personal asset
为了人员和财产的安全承包商必须遵守一切现行的法律、法令和规章制度For the safety of persons and property, the contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect
为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation
买卖财产tax on sale of property
交付使用财产property turned over for operation
银行价值分析10要素产品利润、人员、个性、有形传输系统、组合、产品、程序、房产和财产、计划化、潜力profit, people, personality, physical delivery system, portfolio, products, processes, plant and property, planning, potential
以工厂财产抵押担保的银行贷款bank loan secured by mortgage on factory foundation
以租入财产担保的公司债券bond secured by leased property
优先分配财产的股份stock preferred as to assets
你可以充分利用法律的力量来收回自己的财产You can apply the full power of the law to get your property back
侵占财产disseizin (不动产等)
保护国家财产protect state property
保险财产interest insured
信托财产fiduciary estate
倒算财产seize back confiscated property
免税财产property free from encumbrance
全部财产total assets
全部财产,包括有形的和无形的,都已岀售了All the property n., both tangible and intangible, has been sold
全部财产的转让general assignment
公共财产的无排他'性the nonexclusive nature of public goods
公共安全和对工程及财产的防护protection of the public and of work and property
公司财产权利等的剥夺corporate divestiture
公司破产后,她失去了所有财产All she possessed was lost in the collapse of her company
公有财产public property
公有财产property in common
公有财产public domain property
公有财产community property
公有财产原则community-property principle
公社所有财产communal property
共同财产收益community income
共有财产community of goods
共有财产中归后死者所得的联合保险the survivorship insurance
共有财产原则community property principle
共有农场财产co-shared farm property
关系财产损坏的诉讼property claim
再生产财reproducible goods
农业财产简写为AHTagricultural holding tax Ind
农场的财产farm asset (动产和不动产)
财产net worth
财产net wealth
剩余财产residual assets
剩余财产处理条款a residuary clause
剩余股权财产residual equity
取消赎回权财产的管理management of foreclosed properties
受托信用保营的财产fiduciary property
可以自主的财产independent property
可征税财产taxable property
合法私有财产legitimate private property
后得财产抵押条件an after-acquired property clause
因不付款而被扣押的财产seizure of property on default of payment
因该国的货币贬值,公司的财产得重新估价The company's properties have to be revalued since the currency of that country has been devalued
固定财产immovable property
固定财产fixed property
固定财产real property
固定财产real estate
固定财产landed property
国外财产报表foreign-financial statements
国外财产没收损失foreign expropriation losses
国家强制征用私人财产的权力power of eminent domain
国家继承财产national patrimony
国家自有财产private domain
土地财产担保security in the form of landed property
在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况时,承包商必须采取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
处理折旧财产的收益gain on dispositions of depreciable property
外国信托资产和财产foreign trusts and estates
夫妇财产契约a marriage settlement
夫妇财产契约marriage settlement
奴隶财产slave property
如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss
实际财产real property
实际占有的财产chose in possession
家庭财产family possessions
家庭财产保险dwelling contents floater
财产拥有权的共同所有joint tenants with rights of survivorship
财产损失的责任liability damage to property
财产的优先权prior lien on property
财产的要求权claim to property
财产投资于企业sink fortune in enterprise
小额财产slender means
小额财产的管理administration of estimates of small value
工业财产industrial property
工业财产industry property
巴黎国际财产保护协会Paris Convention for the Protection of International Property
市有财产communal property
应付财产property taxes payable
应税财产taxable property valve
应纳税财产ratable property
应计折旧财产depreciable property
当发生危及财产的紧急事故时,应提供必要的材料和安装必要的设备During an emergency endangering property, necessary materials and equipment should be furnished and installed
待处理财产损失property losses awaiting handling
待处理财产盈余surplus assets in suspense
待处理财产盘盈increment of properties to be settled
待处理财产盘盈property over awaiting handling
总括财产floating property
我们应如何处理卖价不到公平市价的财产问题?How shall we treat the property sold at a price less than its fair market value?
我们必须遵守由官方发布的保障人身或财产安全的通令We have to comply with the orders of the public authority for the safety of persons or property
所得财产的减值reduced value of acquired property
扣押财产the seizure of assets
扣押债务人的财产the attachment of debtor's property
扣留财产seizure of assets
抵押财产letter of hypothecation
抵押财产the hypothecated asset
拥有的财产holding (尤指股票、债券等)
持有财产所带来的费用如税款等,分期付款购货等的附加价格carrying charge
指定继承人继承的土地财产the fee tail
财产所在地征税的规定the situs rules
政府财产及企业所得government income from property and enterpreneurship
政府财产清单inventory of government property
无形财产immaterial goods
无形财产intangible property
最佳财产分派曲线optimum portfolio curve
有价证券财产property in placements
有形material property
有形财产tangible goods
有所有权但未实际拥有的财产chose in action
未开发财产the undeveloped property
未开发财产undeveloped property
未抵押的财产unmortgaged estate
某一个人死后,其最近血亲将首先继承其财产When somebody dies, his next of kin will inherit his property first
查封财产令状warrant of attachment
査封财产the sequestration of property
根据协议,财产应是可转让、可分割的The property is to be transferable and divisible according to the agreement
欠税财产拍卖证tax sale certificate
欠税财产的拍卖tax sale
此处所述一切财产必须归买主所有All properties said hereunder must revert to the buyer
死者公有财产property owned by decedent
死者的财产the decedent's estate
残余财产分配优先liquidation preference
每期折旧后财产情况condition per cent
没收财产confiscation of property
法院命令把财产退还本公司,我们感到欣慰We were relieved that the court had ordered the restitution of assess to our company
法院指定破产财产管理人命令receiving order
消极财产the negative form of property
消极财产negative form of property
添置财产拨款the appropriation for addition of property
添置财产拨款appropriations for additions of property
火险保单上关于已抵押财产的赔偿顺序条款full contribution mortgage clause
灾害财产property suffering casualty
特定财产保险specific covered property insurance
特定财产借契上指明的 留置权specific lien
特许财产及意外险保险人chartered property & casualty underwriter
生产性财产productive property
生产财productive goods
企业的生产财务计划output and finance plan
生产财物production goods
生产财物producer’s goods
生产资财productive assets
生存者财产享有权right of survivorship
用以抵偿国债的遗赠财产bequest's for reduction of national debt
盈余增建的财产adoption to property through (surplus)
甲方将所有权利、 债权和财产全部出让给乙方Party A remised to Party B all the right, claim and property
破产财产接管人receiver in bankruptcy
破产企业的财产清理价值break-up value
破产债务人财产bankrupt's estate
破产的财产bankrupt's estates
破产程序中的财产管理人a receiver in bankruptcy
破产者的财产bankrupt's estates
破产财团a bankrupt estate
确保私有财产sustain private property
禁止财产转移法令disabling statues
私人财产private means
私人财产总括保险单personal property floater policy
私有财产private domain
私有财产制度system of private property
私有财产制度institution private property
私有财产继承权right to inherit private property
租回已出售的财产lease back
租赁财产lease hold property
租赁财产权益equities in leased property
租赁财产的公平价值fair value of leased property
租赁管业财产lease hold property
第三者财产抵债third-party attachments
第三者财产抵押third party attachment
终身财产所有权life interest
继承财产inheritance property
综合总括财产floating property
综合财产floating property
联营公司应选定专业会计师和代理人来检査各位合伙人的账册、票据、财产和业务The joint venture company should select expert accountants and agents to check the books, paper n., property and business of the partners
股东的财产净值the stockholder's equity
自有农场财产owner-farmed holding
英国的公有财产crown estate
获救财产the salved property
蓄意破坏他人财产的行为a malicious mischief
蓄意破坏他人财产的行为malicious mischief
被保财产interest insured
诈骗财产obtaining property by deception
诽谤所有权和财产slander of title and property
负的财产杠杆作用negative financial leverage
财产property (权)
财产不受侵犯inviolability of property
财产买卖资助融资洽商property finance negotiation
财产交换reciprocal transfer of property
财产估价property valuation
财产保险费premiums for property insurance
财产信托会计the accrual in fiduciary accounting
财产共同所有人joint tenant
财产共有人co-owner of property
财产关系property relation
财产净额net wealth
财产分散diffusion of property
财产遗产分配distribution of an estate (inheritance)
财产功能说functional theory of property
财产商品总分类账general ledger for properties and commodities
财产因素和行政因素的化合体fusion of property and administrative factors
财产因素和行政因素的融合the fusion of property and administrative factors
财产增值税the appreciation duty
财产增值税appreciated tax
财产增减表schedule of increase and decrease properties
财产处理能力disposal capacity
财产委托关系fiduciary relationship
财产归属property ownership
财产例如土地总收入gross yield of the property
财产意外损失the unexpected property loss
财产所得增益accession tax
财产抵押贷款透支overdraft on deposit loans against property
财产捐献contribution of property
财产授与清算协议property settlement agreement
财产授予人的剩余财产包括其遗嘱在内The Settlor's residuary estate includes the testament of the settlor
财产收入ownership income
财产改良准备reserve for improvement on property
财产proprietary (的)
财产the legal title to property
财产right of property
财产权转移passing of property
财产査封attachment of property
财产检査inspection of property
财产毁损任保险property damage liability insurance
财产the reality of laws
财产reality of law
财产清査与验收property inspection and receipt
破产企业的财产清理价值break-up value
财产灾害保险property damage insurance
财产牺牲sacrifice of property
财产状况financial condition
财产状况condition of the assets
财产的交换exchange of property
财产的共有community of goods
财产的变卖a sale of property
财产的损失property damage
财产的社会性质social nature of properties relations
财产的让渡the abalienation of property
财产的转让deeds and conveyance
财产的转让deed and conveyance
财产监护人a guardian of estate
财产磨损、废弃、陈旧及不合用准备reserve for wear, tear, obsolescence, or, inadequacy
财产租用的自有农场owned farm with rented properties
财产积累储蓄契约a property accumulation saving contract
财产general property tax
财产wealth tax
财产管理人an estate administrator
财产管理人an administrator of an estate
财产管理权right to administer properties
财产继承inheritance of property
财产编号the numbering of property
财产股息dividend in kind
财产自然论natural theory of property
财产负债表property balance sheet
财产转移税tax on transfer of property
财产转让transfer property
财务资产的组合portfolios of financial assets
账外财产the off-the-books property
货物或财产的担保物权security interest in goods or property
资产负债表反映了公司的财务状况The balance sheet reflects the firm's financial position
资产负债表清清楚楚地反映出财务状况The balance sheet fairly presents the financial position
资产负债表财务状况式financial position form of balance
资本财的生产力productivity of capital goods
资本财的边际生产品marginal product of capital goods
赠与及财产a gift and estate tax
起诉要求让与财产sue for one's livery
足以自立的财产independent property
这一财产根据合约转让给了他The property was demised to him on a contract
这一小小的疏忽导致了生命财产的惨重损失This slight neglect resulted in the great loss of life and property
这些规则适用于优先认购股,也同样适用于其他财产的优先购买权The rules apply to stock options and equally to options for other property
这家公司是一个美国商人的唯一财产This company is the sole property of an American merchant
这是你的财产,你可以出售、授与或转让给其他任何人This is your property, and you may sell, grant and convey to any other person
追还被没收财产seize back the confiscated property
退伍军人财产税免税veteran s' property tax exemption
通用财产的表all-purpose financial statement
通过法律手法指定把财产授与settle one's property on (somebody, 某人)
遗赠全部财产universal legatee
重置财产repossessed properties (地产)
隐蔽性财产hidden wealth
隐蔽的财产hidden wealth
隔代财产转移generation-skipping transfer
集体财产collective property
集体财产community property
集体财产collective goods
非营业财产nonoperating property