
Terms containing 财主 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.业 主财产的保险insurance of client's property
IMF.业主和财产收入entrepreneurial and property income
proj.manag.业主的财产client's property
tech.业主财产clients property
tech.业主财产保险insurance of client's property
securit.主权财富sovereign wealth
IMF.主权财富基金sovereign wealth fund
fin.主权财富基金sovereign wealth funds
IMF.主权财富基金公认原则与做法Santiago principles
IMF.主权财富基金公认原则与做法Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Sovereign Wealth Funds
IMF.主权财富基金国际工作组International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds
fin.主权财富基金国际论坛International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds
securit.主要财务指标principal financial indicator
securit.主要财务数据和指标major financial datas and indicators
securit.主要财务比率key financial ratios
econ.他们从财务主管那里领取工资和津贴They receive their wages and benefits from the financial
fin.储蓄型主权财富基金savings-oriented sovereign wealth fund
fin.全球主权财富基金world's sovereign wealth funds
fin.凯恩斯主义财政政策Keynesian fiscal policy
manag.副财务主任assistant treasurer
econ.可以自主的财产independent property
econ.在调查终止之前,他不得辞去财务主任的职务He was not permitted to resign from his post as finance director before the termination of investigation
econ.埋在地下的无主财宝the treasure trove
fin.妥善处理主权债务和财政风险properly handle sovereign debt and financial risk
tech.实际财产主体actual corpus
fin.战略型主权财富基金strategy-oriented sovereign wealth fund
fin.承担主要的财务援助负担bear the main financial burden of support
busin.无主财产unclaimed property
interntl.trade., lat.无主财产res nullius
busin.无主财产unowned property
securit.无主财产bona vacantia
busin.无主财物bona vacantia
securit.无人主张所有权的财物unclaimed property
agric., econ.更改财产户主change of title of property
China, polit.有关社会平等主体间财产关系和人身关系的法律laws concerning property and personal relations between individuals with equal standing in society
econ.此处所述一切财产必须归买主所有All properties said hereunder must revert to the buyer
fin.王室财务主管Treasurer of the Household
China, law社会主义的全民所有的财产socialist property owned by the whole people
China, law社会主义的公共财产socialist public property
fin.稳定型主权财富基金stabilization-oriented sovereign wealth fund
fin.自主决定的财政政策discretionary fiscal policy
busin.自主理财autonomous financing
busin.自主财产independent property
securit.自主财力funds at one's own disposal
busin.自主财务autonomous financing
interntl.trade.财主美俚,主张金本位的人gold bug
busin.解除债权或受托关系将财产交还原主的契约deed of release
China, law认定财产无主determine a property as ownerless
econ.财主man of wealth
interntl.trade.财主man of property
interntl.trade.财主man of means
econ.财主money bag
econ.财主man of substance
busin.财产合法业主legal owner of property
busin.财产失主owner of lost property
tech.财产失主loser of property
busin.财务主任finance officer
busin.财务主任chief of finance
fin.财务主任financial controller
fin.财务主任科长financial officer
sport.财务主任keeper of treasury vaults
busin.财务主任financial officer
sport.财务主任official treasurer
sport.财务主任finance chairman
econ.财务主任是公司的主要财务主管A treasurer is the main financial officer of a company
fin.财务主管financial controler
fin.财务主管financial executive
busin.财务主管head of the finance
busin.财务主管finance officer
el.财务主管chief financial officer
skiing财务主管chief of finance (treasurer)
securit.财务主管financial controller
fin.财务主管finance executive
environ.财务主管finance chief
busin.财务主管人financial administrator
fin.财务主管人员finance officer
econ.财务主管机关financial executive institute
busin.财务保守主义financial conservation
busin.财务副主任assistant treasurer
busin.财务管理主要原则main guidelines for financial management
avia.财务系统主表financial system master tables
fin.财务自主financial autonomy
tech.财务自主autonomous financing
econ.财政上的民主主义financial democracy
IMF.财政主导fiscal dominance
commer.财政主计官pay master general
fin.财政保守主义的监督者watchdog of financial conservatism
econ.财政民主financial democracy
econ.财政民主the financial democracy
tech.财政联邦主义fiscal federalism
brit., busin.财政部主paymaster general
fin.财政部主计长paymaster general
commer.这位不诚实的财务主任私吞公司公款The dishonest treasurer diverted funds from the company's treasury
fin.预防型主权财富基金preventive sovereign wealth fund