
Terms for subject Commerce containing 负担M费用 | all forms
应有某人负担的费用expenses chargeable on (sb.)
我们不想让你方负担不必要的费用We don't want to involve you in unnecessary expenses
按照规定,卖方应领取许可证并负担所有费用It's stipulated that the seller shall obtain the license and bear all costs
船方不负担装卸及平舱费用free in and out and trimmed
船方不负担装卸、理舱及平舱费用free in and out, stowed, trimmed
船方不负担装卸费用free in and out (亦缩为 F.I.O.)
租船船方不负担装货费用free in
船方负担装卸货费用gross terms
费用由我方负担Please insure the goods at our cost against damage in transit
附加费用将由买方负担The extra charges will fall upon the buyer
附加费用由买方负担The additional charges are for the buyer's account
除非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account