
Terms for subject Economy containing 负担 | all forms | in specified order only
负担卸卡车free in and out of trucks
负担装卸货车卡车费用free in and out of trucks
买方不负担卸费free discharge
产生国库负担的契约contract resulting in treasury obligation
仲裁费应由败诉的一方负担The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party
价值担负物carrier of the value
你方可调换所有不合格部件,费用由我方负担You can replace all the defective parts at our expense
使负担burden (如债务、捐税等)
使负重担如债务等burden manufacturing or factory overhead
债务偿还事务的实际负担debt-servicing burden
债务偿还事务的实际负担real burden of debt service
关税负担incidence of duty
具有充分担保的负债fully-secured liabilities
减轻债务负担reduction or cancellation of debt
减轻农民负担lighten the burden on farmers
减轻农民负担alleviate farmers' burden
减轻赋税负担tax mitigation
危险负担risk bearing theory
双方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier
5号信用证规定的包装方法,将使我们负担额外费用The stipulation given in L/C No. 5 on the method of packing will put us to extra expense
合同规定我方应承担更换或修理毁损货物,费用由我方负担The contract provides that we shall undertake to replace and repair the damaged goods at our cost
固定负担inflexible burden
固定负担fixed charge coverage
固定负债对担保资产之比ratio of fixed liabilities to assets held for security
国库负担national charge
如果要重新提交样品,则任何附加测试的费用必须由你方负担In the event of the resubmission of samples you must bear the cost of any additional tests
如这些货物经证实确有缺陷,你方应立即更换或修理,费用由你方负担If the goods are proved to be defective, you should replace or repair them immediately at your cost
实际负担actual burden rate
工厂负担制造费用factory burden
工资负担pay load
负担间接成本the absorbed burden
已吸收费用负担the absorbed burden
很抱歉给你们添了这样的麻烦,又让你们负担了不必需的费用We are very sorry to have involved you in such trouble and unnecessary expenses
我们将向你们提供各种设备,费用由你方负担We will provide you with the accommodations
我方同意负担额外保险费We agree to take on the extra premium
房产税的大部分负担都转嫁到房客身上Most of the burden of property taxes is shifted to the tenants
担任公司的负责工作hold a position of trust (in the firm)
担任负责的工作hold a position of trust
担保负债warranty liability (责任)
担负得起afford (费用、 损失)
负担free of a burden
负担基金no load fund
普通负担特赋债券general obligation special assessment bonds
最大财政负担农场贷款maximum financial burden
有债券担保的负债bonded indebtedness
永久性负担permanent burden
由买方负担费用for the buyer's account
由卖方负担for seller's account
由某人负担for one's account
由某人负担for account of
由运货人负担风险at carrier's risk
由运输公司负担风险company's risk
....的账户【目】, 由……负担account of
目的港码头交货,进口税由买方负担ex quay n., duties on buyer's account (named port of importation)
破损由物主自己负担owner's risk of breakage
磨损由物主自己负担owner's risk of chafing
租佃人负担tenant’s due
租借人负担the tenant's due
租税负担均等论equal diffusion theory
税外负担non-tax payments
税收负担tax bearing
税收的受益人负担原则compensation principle of taxation
税赋负担tax incidence
纳税负担incidence of a tax
纳税负担incidence of taxation
纳税人额外负担bracket creep
自己负担损益on one's own account
自己负担费用ex property
自己负担费用ex propris
船方负担捐税ship pays dues
船方负担装卸费gross charter
船方负担装卸费berth terms
船方不负担卸货费free out
船方不负担卸货费用free out (FO)
船方不负担装卸、 理舵及平舵费用free in and out, stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸及平仓费用free in, out and stowed
船方不负担装卸及理舱free in and out and trimmed
船方不负担装卸及理舱费用free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装卸、平仓及理仓费用free in, out stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸、平舱费free-in-and-out trimmed
船方不负担装卸、平舵费用free-in-and-out trimmed
船方不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费free in and out stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸、理舱费free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装卸费free in and out
船方不负担装卸费用和税款free in and out and taxes
船方不负担装卸费的运费率free in and out freight rate
船方不负担装船费用free in
船方不负担装货费free in
船方不负担装货费用free in (FI)
船方不负担货车费free in wagon
该公司应负担属于销售和发货的一切成本和费用The company shall bear all costs and expenses incident to the sale and delivery
请协助我方把一些样品寄来,费用由我方负担We would ask you to assist us by sending some samples to us for our account
负担共同海损租船general average charter
负担准备burden preparation
负担差价absorb the price difference
租税负担法则law of incidence
负担的义务an obligation assumed
负担….费用pay for
负担额外费用put to extra expense
负担额对照表liability balance
财力负担限度limit of financial capacity
财务负担financial commitments
货主负担漏损险owner risk of leakage
货主负担甲板风险shipped on deck at shipper's risk
货主负担货损风险owner risk of damage
资助负担contribution theory
超额负担excess burden
部分担保负责partially secured liabilities
非税款负担non-tax receipts
非税款负担non-tax payments
额外保险费由你方负担The extra premium is to be for your account
额外费用应由买房子的那些人负担Those who bought the houses should bear the extra expenses
风险负担risk bearing theory of profit
食物进口的财务负担financial weight of food imports