
Terms for subject Business containing 负担 | all forms | in specified order only
一般间接费用负担general overhead burden
负担装卸货车费用free in and out of trucks
买方负担出口包装费export packing for buyer's account
付息负担interest payment burden
保护性负担protected bear
债务负担load of debt
债务负担burden of indebtness
充分担保的负债fully-secured liability
充分担保负债fully secured liabilities
公司负担风险company's risk
公司利润税负担corporate profit tax liability
减轻人民负担lighten the people's burden
分担偿债负担burden of debt servicing
分担负荷量load sharing
前期负担费用的投资计划即投资者采用分期付款方式投资,期末获得固定利率的收益,但前期须负担开办费、服务费等费用front loading plan
协商负担negotiation charge
危险负担risk bearing theory
固定负债与担保资产之比ratio of fixed liabilities to assets held for security
固定费用负担保障倍数fixed charge coverage ratio
外界负担风险实体outside risk-bearing entity
负担的费用absorbed burden
已吸收负担absorbed burden
税收理论平均负担equality of sacrifice
征税负担incidence of a tax
承担负债assumed liabilities
代人承担负债assumed liabilities
担保负债warranty liability
拨款与负担appropriation and encumbrance
负担能力课税说ability theory of taxation
按载货负担能力收取运费制度charging what the traffic will bear
支付应负担的费用pay ones way
收益所能负担利息的倍数times of interest payable by carrying power
负担基金"no load" fund
最终借款者的利息负担interest burden for end-borrowers
有限连带负责担保制度limited joint and several guarantee system
沉重负担crushing burden
沉重的负担white elephant
没有负担的财产unencumbered estate
流通费用负担burden of circulation expense
消费者负担load of customers
漏损险由货主负担owner's risk of leakage
物价暴涨负担支付cost escalation cover
由买方负担on buyer's account
由买方负担for buyer account
由卖方负担on seller's account
由我方负担be covered by us
由…担负rest with
由…负担at one's cost
由货主负担的风险at owner's risk
由货主负担风险at owner's risk
留置权及其他权利负担lien and other encumbrance
税外负担non-tax burden
税收的合法负担formal incidence of tax
船方负担税捐steamer pays dues
船方不负担装人卡车货车费用free into wagon
船方不负担装人卡车货车费用free into truck
船方不负担装卸的运费率free in and out freight rates
船方不负担装卸货费用free in and out
船方不负担装卸费和积载费free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装卸费和税款free in and out and free taxes
船方不负担装卸费,积载和平舱费free in and out, stowed and trimming
船方不负担装货费已包含在运费内free in
菅运负担working liability
行业之间利息负担不均loans differs form trade to trade
行业之间利润负担burden of interest on bank
间接税课税负担tax incidence
负担债务liability for a debt
负担均等equalization of burden
负担均等化equalization of burdens
负担均衡equalization of incidence
负担损失bear loss
负担货物的一切费用及风险bear all cost and risks of the goods
负荷分担方式load sharing mode
负载分担处理机load sharing processor
负连带责任的担保joint and several guarantee
货主负担货损险owner's risk of damage
费用负担分配burden apportionment
费用负担burden rate
资力负担statement of resources and obligations
资力与负担resources and obligations
赋税负担burden of taxation
赋税负担tax burden
运费由卖主负担carriage paid home
部分担保负债partially secured liability
间接负担overhead burden
难以负担的费用prohibitive expense