
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
一般运输、协和通讯科General Transport, Coordination and Communications Section
东亚海洋协机构Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia
中立解人凯图米莱•马西雷爵士Facilitator neutral of the National Dialogue (Sir Ketumile Masire, former President of Botswana)
为新能源和可再生能源动资金区域协商会议Regional Consultative Meeting on the Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy
亚太经社会/世界银行收入分布户口查数据项目ESCAP/World Bank project on household survey data on income distribution
亚太经社会人力资源开发国家协中心网ESCAP Network of National Focal Points for Human Resources Development
亚太经社会区域综合农村发展机构间协行动计划Interagency Coordinated Plan of Action on Integrated Rural Development in the ESCAP Region
亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展区域机构间协行动计划Regional Inter-agency Coordinated Plan of Action on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋可持续工业发展和结构整区域 论坛Regional Forum for Sustainable Industrial Development and Restructuring in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋湿热带粗粮、豆类、根茎和薯类作物研究和发展区域协中心Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tubers in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific
亚洲近岸海域矿物资源联合勘探协委员会Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas
人事查员办公室Ombudsman Unit
人道主义事务协Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
人道主义事务协人道协调厅Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
促进亚洲及太平洋工业结构整汉城行动计划Seoul Plan of Action for Promoting Industrial Restructuring in Asia and the Pacific
促进联合国在政府间一级对非洲和平、安全与发展这些相互关联的问题作出协一致的反应coordinated and coherent United Nations response
保护海洋环境免受陆上活动污染全球行动纲领协Global Programme of Action Coordination Office
保护海洋环境免受陆上活动污染全球行动纲领协Coordination Office of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities
信息和通信技术协员小组Information and Communications Technologies Coordinators Group
信息系统协委员会Information Systems Coordination Committee
修改/整边界variations of the boundary
健康整预期寿命health-adjusted life expectancy
全球化执行协Executive Coordinator, Globalization
全球海洋环境污染Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment
全球环境基金协办公室Global Environment Facility Coordination Office
全球行动纲领协Global Programme of Action Coordination Office
全球行动纲领协Coordination Office of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities
军事协委员会Military Coordination Commission
军事协委员会Military Coordination Committee
刚果人对话解人Inter-Congolese Dialogue, Facilitator of the
到期债券的refinancing of maturing securities
区域协机制Regional Coordination Mechanism
区域协Regional Coordinating Unit
中非共和国恢复和平与稳定各项区域倡议harmonization of the various initiatives
和监察联合委员会协监委Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board
方案支助Coordination Programme Support
机制Coordination Mechanism
南盟七姐妹:区域发展协和改进扶贫项目设计SAARC Seven Sisters: District Development Coordination and Improved Poverty Project Design
可持续生产和消费执行协Executive Coordinator, Sustainable Production and Consumption
商业趋势business tendency survey
国家查委员会National Commission of Inquiry
国家人力资源开发协中心网Network of National Focal Points for Human Resources Development
国家协中心national focal point
国家协委员会Country Coordinating Mechanisms
国家协机构national coordinating bodies
国际查委员会International committee of inquiry
国际解委员会International Mediation Committee (中非共和国)
国际警察协International Police Coordination Board
地中海污染监测和研究协方案Coordinated Mediterranean Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme
地震测深,深层穿透地震deep seismic sounding
处理人口普查和查数据软件包工作组Working Group on Software Packages for Processing Census and Survey Data
外地需求评估Field Needs Assessment Study
多学科特别查队multidisciplinary special investigation teams
多道地震multichannel survey
大会第51/45N号决议范围内特别强巩固和平的常规武器控制/限制和裁军准则Guidelines on conventional arms control/limitation and disarmament, with particular emphasis on consolidation of peace in the context of GA Res. 51/45N
太平洋户口查和国家户口调查能力方案户口调查方案讲习班Pacific Workshop on Household Surveys and the National Household Survey Capability Programme NHSCP
妇女状况与刑事司法制度全球Global Survey of the Situation of Women and the Administration of Criminal Justice Systems
家庭经济活动查讨论会Seminar on Surveys of Household Economic Activities
小型武器问题协行动Coordinated Action on Small Arms campaign to limit traffic and use of handguns in Africa south of the SaharaA/C.1/53/L.41
工作地点差价整数post adjustment
工作地点差价整数乘数post adjustment multiplier
工作地点差价整数问题咨委会调整数咨委会advisory committee on post adjustment questions
布隆迪和平进程解人高级顾问Senior Adviser to the Facilitator of the Burundi peace process
布隆迪问题国际司法查委员会International judicial commission of inquiry for Burundi
环境environmentally stressed
环境方面的科学与技术问题部门会议Sectoral Meeting on Science and Technology with Special Emphasis on the Environment
技术查组technical survey team
指导各国养护和协利用两国或多国共有自然资源的环境领域行为原则Principles of Conduct in the Field of the Environment for the Guidance of States in the Conservation and Harmonious Utilization of Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States
排雷行动协中心Mine Action Coordination Centre
援助协员会议meeting of aid co-ordinators
政策协和机构间事务Policy Coordination and Inter-agency Affairs
新能源和可再生能源协中心会议Meeting of Focal Points on New and Renewable Sources of Energy
方案协和管理股Programme Coordination and Management Unit
方案和协委员会Committee for Programme and Coordination
日常解小组day-to-day Mediation Group
最不发达国家、内陆和岛屿发展中国家特别协Special Coordinator for Least Developed, Landlocked and Island Developing Countries
最不发达国家协Least Developed Countries Coordination Unit
最不发达国家协LDS Coordination Unit
最不发达国家支助和协LDC Support and Coordination Unit
最高协理事会Supreme Coordination Council
有效查和记录酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的原则Principles on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment
机构间环境协Inter-Agency Environment Coordination Group
核查执行和协Verification Implementation and Coordination Staff NATO
检察和查厅Office for Inspections and Investigations
横向lateral move
欧洲共同体委员会关于共同体内环境和自然资源状况资料的收集、协和确保一致问题试验项目的工作方案Commission Work Programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community
欧洲大规摸森林损害Large-scale Forest Damage Survey in Europe
欧洲环境信息协方案Coordination of Information on the Environment in Europe
浮游生物连续记录仪Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey
温度控储存和运输能力"冷链"climate-controlled storage and transport capability cold chain
犯罪查和刑事司法国际会议与展览International Conference and Exhibition on Criminal Investigations and Justice
环境协委员会Environment Coordination Board
环境协Environmental Coordinating Unit
环境规划署/人道协厅联合环境股Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit
甚高频/超高频-频收发机VHF/UHF-FM transceivers
生态系统功能失ecosystem dysfunction
生活费整数cost-of-living adjustment
air conditioning
紧急反应协Coordination of Emergency Responses
组织间协委员会Interorganizational Coordinating Committee
组织间协委员会Inter-Organization Coordinating Committee
结构整方案对环境的影响讲习班Workshop on the Environmental Impacts of Structural Adjustment Programmes
综合保安和查支助integral security and investigation support
缺碘性失iodine deficiency disorder
美国地质USGSUS geological survey
联合协结构Joint Coordination Body
联合国关于犯罪趋势、刑事司法制度的运作和预防犯罪战略的第二次查研讨会Research Workshop on the Second United Nations Survey of Crime Trends, Operations of Criminal Justice Systems and Crime Prevention Strategies
联合国关于犯罪趋势、刑事司法制度的运作和预防犯罪策略的United Nations Survey of Crime Trends, Operations of Criminal Justice Systems and Crime Prevention Strategies
联合国刑事司法统计United Nations statistical criminal justice survey
联合国向阿富汗提供人道主义援助协办事处UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan
联合国执行首长协理事会United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination , formerly the Administrative Committee on Coordination ACC
联合国系统行政首长协理事会Chief Executives Board
联合国系统行政首长协理事会United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
联合国系统行政首长协理事会Chief Executive Board
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网年度联合方案协会议Annual Joint Programme Coordination Meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网联合方案 协会议Joint Programme Coordination Meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
臭氧层协委员会Coordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer
薪差、生活费整数和扶养津贴专家委员会Committee of Experts on Salary Differentials, Cost of Living Adjustments and Dependency Allowances
行政协会药物管制小组委员会ACC Subcommittee on Drug Control
行政首长协United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
行政首长协Chief Executives Board
行政首长协Chief Executive Board
装备回本国repatriation of equipment
西亚经社会/环境规划署环境协ESCWA/UNEP Environmental Coordination Unit
规划和协委员会Planning and Coordinating Committee
动和艰苦环境计划Mobility and Hardship Scheme
动财务资源促进新能源和可再生能源高级别区域协商会议High-Level Regional Consultative Meeting for Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy
查委员会,以调查政治犯问题和布隆迪的监狱状况Commission of Inquiry to investigate the question of political prisoners and prison conditions in Burundi
解人Facilitator of the Burundi peace process
解员conciliator or mediator
负责协柬埔寨人道主义援助方案的秘书长特别代表Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Coordination of Cambodian Humanitarian Assistance Programmes
质量整生命年quality-adjusted life year
资源Resource Mobilization
资源动股Resource Mobilization Unit
达尔富尔国际查委员会International Commission of Inquiry for Darfur
金融查股financial investigation unit
阿富汗援助协Afghan Assistance Coordination Authority
陆空基地站收发机幅/调频air-ground base station transceivers AM/FM
难民营协Camp Coordinator
非洲和最不发达国家特别协员办公室Office of the Special Coordinator for Africa and the Least Developed Countries
非洲联盟解小组Mediation Team
非洲联盟解小组African Union Mediation
TCDC-ECDC项目活动审查和制定国家协中心会议Meeting of TCDC-ECDC National Focal Points on Review of Activities and Formulation of a Programme
驻地和人道主义协Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator
鸦片冬季快速评估Opium Winter Rapid Assessment Survey