
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
专用只存储器private read-only memory
专题判thematic interpretation
中间intermediate read-out
主存写通道main storage read/write channel
交替只存储器alterable read only memory
人工manual read
人工判manual interpretation
人工胶片出器manual film reader
代码信号判coded data decoder
仪表总total indicator reading
仪表指示interpreting of instrument
出绕组bit-sense winding
位置position readout
低温出电子设备cryogenic readout electronics
侦察照片判中心reconnaissance interpretation center
信号signal reading
信息information read
先进光符阅advanced optical character reader
光字体optical font sensing
光学数经纬仪optical reading theodolite
光学只存储器optical read only storage
光学字符阅optical character reader
光学指示出器optical mark reader
光标阅optical mark reader
光阅optical reader
全息只存储器holographic read-only memory
军事判military interpretation
军事目标判military target interpretation
初始照片判报告initial photographic interpretation report
解译地质图interpretation geological map
执行程序judge perform program
检索表interpretation keys
要素interpretation element
误差reading error
半可变只存储器semi-changeable ROM
半自动胶片判semi-automatic film reader
卡片阅card reader
卫星出站satellite readout station (美国导弹预警卫星地面站)
卫星判信息satellite interpretation message
卫星照片判satellite photographic study
即时照片判报告immediate photo interpretation report
发送终端专用可编程只存储器XPP transmit personality PROM
变量器只存储器transformer read-only store
光盘compact disk-read only memory
光盘存储器compact disk-read only memory
存储器nonerasable storage
存储器调试ROM debugging
方式read-only mode
永久性存储器read-only, permanently woven memory
输入带read-only input tape
可擦可改写的只存储器erasable and alterative ROM
可擦可编程序只存储器erasable PROM
可擦除可编程只存储器erasable programmable read-only memory
可改写的只存储器read-mostly memory
可改写的只存储器read-only, electrically alterable memory
可改写的只存储器electrically-alterable read-only memory
可重编程序的只存储器reprogrammable read-only memory
合成孔径雷达判系统synthetic-aperture radar interpretation system
信号read back signal
固定掩模型只存储器fixed mask type ROM
图像判imagery interpretation
图像判picture interpretation
图像判image interpretation
图像判中心Imagery Interpretation Center
图像判imagery interpreter
图像判图解imagery interpretation key
图像判报告imagery interpretation report
图像判、报告和利用系统imagery interpretation, reporting, and exploitation system
图像判标志image interpretation key
图像判统计map interpretation statistics
图像判装置imagery interpretation unit
图像判设备imagery interpretation facility
图像判语言picture interpretation language
地图判map interpretation
地图易map legibility
地形判topography interpretation
地形判topographic interpretation
地面数据出设备ground readout equipment
处理和判中心Processing and Interpretation Center
处理和判processing and interpretation facility
处理和判设施processing and interpretation facility
多阶段判multistage interpretation
定性判qualitative interpretation
实时判real-time interpretation
导弹坐标出系统missile readout system
导弹坐标出系统missile coordinate readout system
带掩模的只存储器masked ROM
frame readout
彩色地图出系统colour map-reader system
slow write,fast read
战术图像判tactical imagery interpretation facility
战术图像判设施tactical imagery interpretation facility
手动胶片判manual film reader
接收终端专用可编程只存储器2 reinforced pyrolytic plastic 增强的热解塑料receive personality PROM
插入可编程序只存储器plug PROM
数字digital readout
数字出机逻辑单元digitizer logical unit
数字式自动数跟踪器digital/automatic readout tracker
数据data read out
数据出设备data-takeoff equipment
数据判分析中心Data Interpretation Analysis Center
数据判软件data judge software
数据截获和判系统data acquisition and interpretation system
数据采集和判系统data acquisition and interpretation system
数码管出装置nixie readout
文件拒document reject rate
文件阅机子系统document reader subsystem
方位角azimuth reading
日光下可sunlight readable
时间time readout
地图decipherable map
机器可的存储媒体machinable medium
标准写存储器standard read/write memory
标号卡阅labelling reader
森林判forest interpretation
森林判模片forest interpretation templet
植被直接判标志marks of vegetative interpretation directly
正向read forward
仪表的气压出口barometric pressure readout window
照片处理和判设备photographic processing and interpretation facility
照片阅photographic reading
照相判photographic interpreter
照相判设备photointerpretation facility
熔性只存储器fusible read-only memory
现场可变只存储器field alterable ROM
电可控只存储器electrically controllable read-only storage
电可擦除可编程只存储器electrically erasable programmable read only memory
电可编程只存储器electrically programmable read only memory
电可编程序只存储器electrically programmable read only memory
电子图形阅figure-reader electronic device
电擦除只存储器electrically erasable read only memory
电擦除可编程只存储器electrically erasable programmable read only memory
电改写只存储器electrically alterable ROM
目视判visual interpretation
式玻璃管液位计direct-reading glass tube liquid level indicator
式红外direct-readout infrared (辐射仪)
罗经direct-reading compass
直接direct read-out
直接出数据卫星direct readout satellite
直接出数据赤道气象卫星direct readout equatorial weather satellite
直接出气象卫星direct readout weather satellite
直接数平衡机direct reading balancing machine
直接判标志marks of interpretation directly
直接判标志direct interpretation mark
相片照片photo interpretation
相片地质判geological interpretation of photograph
瞬时instantaneous readout
写头magnetic read/write head
磁光字符阅magnetic optical-character reader
磁墨水字符阅magnetic ink character reader
磁鼓信息印出drum dump
磁鼓信息印出,转储drum dump
磁鼓信息drum dump
穿孔带信息块阅punched tape block reader
立体判stereoscopic interpretation
coarse reading
精密照相判设备precision photographic interpretation facility
紫外线可擦除只存储器Uverom ultraviolet erasable read-only memory
紫外线可擦除可编程只存储器ultraviolet erasable programmable read only memory
线line readout
fine reading
终端专用可编程只存储器personality programmable read only memory
网膜字符岀器retina character reader
网膜字符阅retina character reader
胶片判film reader
胶片判检查film reading check
自动胶片automatic film reader
自动出器automatic reading machine
自动数仪器self-reading instrument
视频扫描光字符阅videoscan optical character reader
信号read signal
入初始程序read initial program
软盘写口access hole
写和计算read, write and compute
写存储器read write memory
写存储器read-write memory
写磁头R/W head Reading/writing Head
写语句read and write statement
写通道read write channel
写通道read-write channel
出位sense bit
出信号sensing signal
出信息sense information
出元件sensing element
出头sensing head
出寄存器readout register
出指令sense order
出放大器门sense amplifier gate
出时钟readout clock
出矩阵read-out matrix
出线sense line
出集成电路readout integrated circuit
分散read scatter
地址计数器read address counter
存储器read memory
放电路sense amplifier circuit
仪表registering balloon
示值偏差deviation of reading
数准确度accuracy of reading
数刷reading brush
数显微镜reading microscope
数脉冲reading pulse
标志地址read home address
程序read routine
语句read statement
通道开始read channel initialize
跟踪球出数据ball readout
输入阅input reader
输入阅程序input reader
罗经distant-reading compass
通用地址出装置general address reading device
罗经distant-reading compass
间接判标志marks of interpretation indirectly
间接判解译标志indirect interpretation mark
器控制继电器reader control relay
静态写存储器static read/write memory
静态只存储器static ROM
非破坏non-destructive read-write
非破坏nondestructing readout
非破坏non-destructive read-out
非破坏性nondestructive read
马赫数表Machmeter reading
高度出口altitude readout window (仪表的)
高速数系统high-speed reading system
高速纸带阅high speed paper tape reader