
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一写多光盘write once, read multiple
不破坏信息non-destructive read-write
中空地图判medium level map reading
传感器sensor reading
信息处理机纸带processor tape read
信息获取和判information acquisition & interpretation
信用卡卡机credit card reader
出设备optical reading equipment
光代码取机optical code reader
光学字母阅装置optical character reader
光学字符optical character reading
光学特性optical character reading
光盘只存储器compact disc-read only memory
全指示full indicator reading
再编程只存储器reprogrammable read only memory
创建,取,更新,删除create, read, update, delete
利用激光干涉测量法的数字式角度digital angular readout by laser interferometry
千分表全full indicator reading
卡片电容只存储器card capacitor read only storage
双向数仪表zero center instrument
双极只存储器bipolar read only memory
发送终端专用可编程只存储器transmit personality prom
read only
地址存储器read only address register
存储器read only storage
存储器地址read only memory address
存储器基本输人-输出系统read only memory basic input/output system
存储器时钟read only memory clock
操作功能read only utility
永久性编织存储器read only permanently
可擦可重写可编程只存储器erasable programmable read-only memory
可擦除只存储器erasable read only memory
可擦除可编程只存储器erasable programmable read only memory
可擦除可编程只存储器erasable editable programmable read only memory
可机machine readable code
可编程序只存储器programmable read only memory
合成孔径雷达判系统synthetic aperture radar interpretation system
后勤标号与阅符号logistics markings and reading symbols
国家照片判中心national photographic interpretation center
国家照片判中心national photographic interpretation centre (美国)
图像判photo interpretation
导航计算机数字出装置navigation computer unit readout
彩色地图出系统colour map reader system
战术信息处理和判tactical information processing and interpretation
战术信息处理和判系统tactical information processing and interpretation system
指示器总total indicator reading
指示器最大最小total indicator variation
指示器满刻度full indicator reading
接收终端专用可编程只存储器receive personality PROM
控制只control read only memory
数字digital read-out
数字取头digital readout head
数字式人子系统digital read-in subsystem
数字式出系统digital readout system
数字式只光盘存储器digital videodisk read only memory
数字式角度digital angle readout
数据收集/机器可代码data collection/machine readable code
数据组出器data block reader
无损non-distractive readout
无损nondestructive reading
明文明码plain-language readout
服务板照明/出开关service panel light/readout switch
机动式陆军地面图像判中心mobile army ground imagery interpretation center
机器易代码machine readable code
森林判模片forest interpretation templet (template)
森林立地条件判forest site interpretation
模拟只存储器analog read only memory
油量指示器fuel indicator reading
照片判photo interpretation
照相判中心photo interpretation center
电力可控只存储器electrically controllable read only storage
电压出装置voltage readout unit
电可擦只存储器electrically erasable read only memory
电可擦除可编程只存储器electrically-erasable programmable read only memory
电子可改写只存储器electronically alterable read only memory
电子图形阅figure reader electronic device
电子坐标仪出系统electronic coordinatograph readout system
电子阅electronic readout machine
电容只存储器capacitive read only store
电容只存储器capacitive read only memory
电容器只存储器capacitor read only memory
电控可变只存储器electrically alterable read only memory
电擦除可编程序只存储器electrically erasable programmable read only memory
式加速度计direct-reading accelerometer (仅用于飞行试验)
式红外direct readout infrared (辐射仪)
直接出红外辐射仪direct readout infrared
直接高度和特征direct altitude and identity readout
破坏destructive readout
破坏性出器destructive readout
磁墨水字符出器magnetic ink character recognition
磁盘文件disk file read
空速指示air speed indicator reading
空速表airspeed indicator reading
穿孔卡或穿孔带出器card or tape reader
穿孔带数器punched paper reader
穿孔带数器punched tape reader
紫外线可擦只存储器ultraviolet erasable read-only memory
紫外线可擦除只存储器ultra violet erasable read only memory
紫外线可擦除可编程只存储器ultra-violet erasable programmable read only memory
紫外线可编程只存储器ultra-violet ultraviolet programmable read only memory
紫外线可编程只存储器ultraviolet ultraviolet programmable read only memory
终端专用编程只存储器personally programmable read only memory
结构分析与矩阵判系统structural analysis and matrix interpretive system
航图测map reading
航空母舰空中交通管制中心 ——直接高度特征carrier air traffic control center-direct altitude identity readout
航空照片图机air photo reader
航空照片判中心组central interpretation unit
航空相片判aerial photograph interpretation
详情判allocated detailed report (photographic interpretation)
详情判报告detailed report (photographic interpretation, 相片判读)
人频率read frequency
/写read-write (read/write)
-写read-write (read/write)
/写接口read/write interface
出元件sensor element
出印刷机read printer
出计数器read out counter
卡组件card reader unit
卡装置card reader unit
取放大器read amplifier
read back
跑道情况runway condition reading
辅助取显示器auxiliary readout display
辅助存储与出组件auxiliary storage and playback assembly
转速表distant-reading tachometer
远程图机remote map-reader
仪表的远距出口distance readout window
通用数字出器-2common digitizer-2
遥控出器remote readout unit
reading light
数器zero reader
非易失性存储器non-volatile memory read error
ROM 预处理器只存储器preprocessor
预定高度出口command altitude readout window
马赫表Mach meter reading
仪表的高度出口altitude readout window
高速出器high speed reader
高速卡片岀器high speed card reader
高速阅high speed reader