
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing | all forms
一写多光盘write once read many
一写多光盘write once, read many
一写多光盘compact disc-WORM
一写多光盘write once read many times optical disc
一写多光盘write once read many optical disc (WORM optical disc)
一写多光盘CD-write once read many
一次写多次光盘CD-write once read many
一次写、多次可光盘write once, read many
专用、共享写exclusive read, shared write
专用 、写exclusive read/write
Usenet 专题组的串线式新闻阅程序threaded newsreader
一机读human read/machine read
仪表自动automatic meter reading
传播专题论坛阅trumpet newsreader
出线bit sense line
信息出线information read wire
信用卡阅credit card reader
字符阅optical character reader
标记阅optical mark reader
光字符阅optical character reader
光学条码阅optical bar-code reader
光学条码阅optical bar code reader
光盘disc read head
光符阅optical character reader
全字体阅omnifont reader
共享shared read exclusive write
串扰write-to-read crossfeed
写后read after write
写后直接光盘技术direct read after write
—写多光盘WORM optical disc
写时直接direct read during write
分散scatter read
分类阅sort reader
reverse read
光盘read only optical disc
光盘CD-read only memory
光盘compact disk read-only memory
光盘存储器compact disc-ROM
光盘存储器CD-read only memory
存储non-erasable store
存储器read-only storage
存储器启动程序startup ROM
终端read-only terminal
可擦编程只存储器erasable PROM
可擦编程只存储器erasable and programmable read-only memory
可擦只编程器erasable ROM
可擦可编程只存储器erasable programmable read-only memory
可改写的只存储器read-mainly memory
可编程只存储器reprogrammable ROM
可编程只存储器programmable ROM
周围出比read around ratio
周期cyclic readout
sum readout
和数传送sum readout
校验read-back check
地址出器address sensor
地址出线address read wire
多写多光盘write any read many
字符阅character reader
平均值数计average-reading meter
并行parallel read
广域微处理机指示器出电子系统variable area micro processor indicator readout electronics
循环loop write to read
擦程序只存储器flash EPROM
手写体阅script reader
扩充式可编程只存储器extended programming read-only memory
扩充结构的只光盘compact disc-ROMXA
接触出模块contact sense module
控制存储器control read-only memory
掩模型只存储器mask ROM
数字数据data read-out
数字数据digital read-out
文档阅document reader
新型光学符号阅advanced optical character reader
美国国会图书馆发行目录machine-readable catalog
机器可machine sensible
机器可目录machine readable catalog
条码人器OCR wand
条码阅optical wand
标记mark sensing
标记mark reading
标记出纸mark sensing sheet
标记卡片阅mark card reader
标记卡阅labeling reader
标记纸阅mark sheet reader
标记阅badge reader
每分钟卡张数cards per minute
熔丝编程只存储器fusible link PROM
用户可注释user-readable comments
电可擦只存储器electrically-erasable read only memory
电可擦可编程只存储器electrically erasable PROM
电可擦可编程只存储器electrically erasable programmable read only memory
电可改写的只存储器electrically alterable read-only memory
电可改写的可编程只存储器electrically alterable programmable read only memory
电可编程只存储器electrically programmable readonly memory
GUI 的gooey
"HTTP://"的简短hot potato
系统direct-reading system
破坏信息destructive readout
破坏性destructive read out
破坏性出操作destructive read operation
出头magnetic reading head
磁性墨水字符阅magnetic ink character reader
磁盘写头disk head
磁盘出信号disk sense signal
票单阅设备voucher reading device
科普popular science reading
穿孔带出器perforator-tape reader
符号阅mark sensing ticket
紫外线可擦可编程只存储器ultraviolet-erasable programmable read only memory
紫外线可擦除的只存储器ultraviolet erasable ROM
纸带出器tape-reading head
纸带出器tape reader
缩微胶卷阅film reader
脱机阅程序offline reader
自动卡机automatic card reader
自动化可索引automated readability index
自动检测和出设备automatic checkout and readiness equipment
计算机出装置computer readout device
计算机输入和出设备computer entry and readout equipment
各类手册先查阅手册,再来提问read the flaming friendly manual
常见提问先读 FAQ, 再来提问read the FAQ
手册read the manual
read in
人 / 解释程序reader/interpreter
人原语read primitive
read and write
/写保护read/write protector
写周期read-write cycle
、写存储器read/write memory
写密钥read/write key
/写时间access time
出 、写入和计算read, write and compute
出和数sum readout
出电路sense circuit
出线read wire
出脉冲read pulse
噪声read noise
均衡read equalization
探头read tap
操作read operation
放大器sense amplifier
数据线read data line
选择线read select line
read lock
错误read error
辅助auxiliary read out
边写边read while write
边写边write while read (read while write)
边写边光盘技术direct read during write
运算出检验arithmetic reading test
连续反向backward read continuous
邮政光符阅postal OCR
重写regenerative reading
银行支票取终端draft capture
条码技术失败bad read
Windows 上的 trumpet 阅程序trumpet
电子邮件通知read notification
速率rate of reading
zero reading
非破坏nondestructive readout
非破坏性non-destructive readout
非破坏性non-destructive read
非破坏性出存储器non-destructive readout memory
高速出器high-speed reader