
Terms containing 请 注意 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.他提请我们注意报表中的一则错误He called our attention to the error in the statement
econ.请注意,由于市场价格频繁波动,所有报价有效期仅一周Please note that these quotations are open for a week only because there are frequent fluctuations in the market price
sport.号运动员请注意!马上到检录处Attention please! Athlete No. come to the call room right now (immediately)
station.在此示例中,请注意,我们使用活页夹标题作为提要的标题Notice in this sample, we use the binder's title for the feed's title
econ.如果你方同意我方的安排,请在注有"同意并接受"字样下签名If you agree with our arrangement, please sign under the words "Agreed to and accepted"
gen.我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am
econ.此刻,我方愿请你方注意议定的条件At this juncture n., we would like to call your attention to the terms agreed upon
gen.注册后,您可以在网上支付。请您注意保护个人信息After registration, you can pay it online. Be careful about your personal information
econ.甲方有权提请乙方注意Party A shall have the right to call to the attenuation of Party B
econ.注意for your attention
tech.请你注意for your attention
econ.请原谅我们没有注意到你在2月 21日信中所提之事Please accept our apologies for ignoring what you said in your letter of Feb 21
commer.请对此事密切注意Please give this matter your close attention
busin.请注意for your attention
commer.请注意please notice
interntl.trade.请注意please note
inf.请注意mind you
econ.请注意你方未开出所需的信用证We invite your attention to the fact that you have not yet opened the required L/C
commer.请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account
econ.请注意回示please note and return
econ.请注意在这些新产品的质量方面不要有任何缺陷Please see to it that there is no defect in the quality of the new products
econ.请注意我们的付款条件是保兑的、不可撤消的、见票即付的信用证Please note that our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable and sight L/C
econ.请注意我方建议对本协议作出修改Please note that we suggest modifications to the agreement
gen.请注意referring to telegram
gen.请注意收听无线电广播referring to radio
commer.请注意本页背面规定Please notice the regulations overleaf
proj.manag.请注意查收for your attention
econ.请注意这两个条款是互相矛盾的Please note that these two clauses are mutually inconsistent
econ.请注意随后通知caution advised until further notice
econ.请注意,首批岀口商品的质量代表公司的声誉Please note that the quality of the initial export represents the repute of our firm
gen.车辆转弯,请注意安全Corner, please pay attention to safety