
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不得申扣押船舶no application for arrest of a ship
专利求书patent written request
专利国际申international application for a patent
专利申right to patent application
专利申right to apply for a patent
书写申write an application
书面written request
书面仲裁申written application for arbitration
享有保险金求权be entitled to claim the insurance money
代位求赔偿权利right to indemnity by subrogation
仲裁claims for arbitration
作为第三人申参加诉讼apply for participation in court proceeding as the third party
依法申责任限制apply limitation of liability according to law
保险金求权right to insurance claims
保险金求权claim to insurance compensation
债权人的申application of a creditor
债的求权debt claim
共同common request
共同海损分摊的求权claim with contribution in general average
具体诉讼concrete litigation request
再审申retrial petition
募股申application for public offer of stocks
单独就损害赔偿提岀separately apply for compensation for damage
受理海事证据保全申accept an application for maritime evidence preservation
受理申的部门department that accepts an application
变更诉讼modify the claims
口头申make the application orally
向人民法院申apply to the people's court
向保证人求付款demand payment from the guarantor
向国务院报立项apply to the State Council for preliminary approval
向第三者求赔偿daim compensation against the third party
和解申application for compromise
回避申application for withdrawal
增加诉讼additional claim
复议申application for reconsideration
将法律草案表决稿提常务委员会全体会议表决refer the final version of a draft law to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for a vote
将草案提十届全国人大五次会议审议的决定the decision on submitting the draft to the Fifth Session of the Tenth National Peopled Congress for deliberation
将议案提常务委员会全体会议审议refer a bill to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for deliberation
就该海事relate to the maritime claim
应受让人申at the request of the transferee
开业申application for opening business
形成提大会审议的法律草案hence the present draft submitted to the Seston for the deliberation
投标邀written invitation for bidding
submit... to and request
中央人民政府决定report to the Central People's Government for decision
立项apply for preliminary approval
法律草案按计划提审议bills be submitted for deliberation on schedule
会议审议refer such proposals to the congress for deliberation
会议审议be referred to a session for deliberation
会议审议submit to a session for deliberation
将法律案会议审议refer such proposals、a legislative bill to the congress for deliberation
会议审议be submitted to a session for deliberation
全体会议通过submit to the plenary meeting for approval
复审motion in error
大会全体会议表决be submitted to the plenary meeting of the session for voting
大会全体会议表决be voted on at a plenary meeting
审查批准submit a request for examination and approval
审议、表决submit the drafts for deliberation and put them to the vote
常务委员会会议决定submit to a plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for approval
常务委员会会议审议submit the bills to the Standing Committee for deliberation
常务委员会全体会议表决request the Standing Committee to put the draft to vote at a plenary meeting
批准submission for approval
批准逮捕书submit a written request for approval of arrest
提出make a request
提名并报nominate and to report to
收到申书之日起after receiving the application
放弃诉讼waiver of claim
根据最高人民检察院检察长的提based on recommendations of the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate
根据最高人民法院院长的提based on recommendations of the President of the Supreme Peopled Court
民事权利civil claim
海上拖航合同的求权claims with sea towage
海事求人maritime claimant
海事求人的担保guaranty provided by a maritime claimant
海事求保全maritime claim
海事求保全条件condition for a maritime preservation
海事求的实现fulfillment of the maritime claim
海事强制令申application for a maritime injunction
海难救助的求权claims with salvage at sea
由主席团提大会全体会议决定be presented by the Presidium to a plenary meeting for approval
由委员长提常务委员会任免appoint or remove upon recommendation by the Chairman of the Standing Committee
专利的权利right to apply for a patent
书副本duplicate of the application
事由reasons for application
交流apply for an exchange
人民法院强制执行apply to a people's court for compulsory enforcement
仲裁apply for arbitration
作出赔偿决定apply for a compensation decision
停止执行apply for suspension of the execution
入境事由purpose stated in the entry application
公务员回避apply for the public servant's avoidance
公司债券上市交易file an application for the listing of the corporate bonds
兼职律师执业apply to practice as a part-time lawyer
参加仲裁活动apply for participating in arbitration
参加诉讼apply to participate in the proceeding
变更登记application for alteration of registration
商标注册application for trademark registration
回避request withdrawal
回避apply for withdrawal
复审apply for review
复验apply for re-inspection
就业援助apply for employment aid
广告审查apply for examination of the advertisement
开立账户apply for opening an account
律师执业apply for the legal practice of a lawyer
扣押船舶apply for arresting a ship
执行书application for enforcement
撤诉apply for withdrawal of the prosecution
撤销apply for rescission
支付令apply for a payment order
application date
filing date of the application
更正登记apply for correction of the registration
期限applying time limit
未获许可failure to obtain permission for the application
right of application
海事强制令apply for a maritime injunction
海事强制令错误wrongfully submit an application for a maritime injunction
海事证据保全apply for maritime evidence preservation
海事证据保全错误wrongfully submit an application for maritime evidence preservation
登记债权apply to register the creditors, right
的提出file of one's application
破产apply for bankruptcy
终止拍卖apply for stopping the auction
股票上市file an application for the listing of one's stocks
行政复议apply for administrative reconsideration
补正apply for rectifications
补领apply for reissue
裁定再审rule to be retried upon application
解散application for dissolving
退出apply for renunciation
监狱提处理意见书prison's written recommendation for handling
相互mutual requests
离婚application for divorce
自动许可申application for automatic licensing
船舶碰撞的求权daim with collision of ship
行使代位求赔偿权利exercise the right to indemnity by subrogation
代表被推选或者受邀deputies upon recommendation or invitation
被申defending party to the application
被申person against whom the application is made for
解除海事求保全cancellation of maritime preservation
设立申application letter for the establishment
证券上市申application for securities listing
证券发行申文件application for securities issuance
宽刑appeal for mercy
诉讼litigation request
客送礼treat or gift
求付款demand payment
求保全claim preservation
求刑事司法协助request judicial assistance
求协助assistance requested
求外国法院承认和执行request recognition and enforcement by a foreign court
求延期开庭request for postponing the hearing
求总额aggregate of all claim
求损害赔偿提起的诉讼lawsuit brought on daims for damages
求救助request for assistance
求权利救济request for remedy
求范围scope of the claim
求调解request conciliation
求赔偿apply for compensation
求赔偿保险金claim insurance money
求赔偿的权利right to claim indemnity
求返还request return
求返还财产request the return of one's property
赔偿求人claimant for compensation
辞去代表职务的the request of a deputy for resignation
国务院作出解释submit to the State Council for explanation
递交申file an application
招标invited biding
有关人士invite other persons concerned
重新申仲裁apply for arbitration again
随机邀randomly invite
驳回其申reject the application
驳回申回避reject the application for withdrawal