
Terms containing 误差 限 | all forms | in specified order only
manag.一定限度的误差margin of error
qual.cont.上限误差upper tolerance limit
tech.严格误差界限rigorous error limits
el.参比极限误差reference limiting error
el.参考极限误差reference limiting error
agric.后验误差界限posterior error bound
el., meas.inst.基准极限误差reference limiting error
space姿态误差限制器attitude error limiter
agric.容许误差限limit of allowable error
tech.容许误差极限limit of allowable error
tech.容许误差极限limit of permissible error
tech.容许误差极限limit of admissible error
agric.容限误差tolerance error
commer.抽样误差限sampling error limit
avia.整体截断误差限global truncation error
busin.无限小误差infinite smail error
busin.无限小误差概率infinite small error probability
tech.无限小误差概率infinitesimal error probability
oil有限状态误差finite-state error
avia.有限误差导航系统bounded error navigation system
el.极限基准误差limiting reference error
busin.极限抽样误差limit sampling error
tech.极限瞄准误差角limiting sighting error angle
oil极限误差worst error
space极限误差limit error
el., meas.inst.极限误差limiting error
space极限误差limited error
tech.极限误差ultimate error
expl.粒度误差容限tolerance of wrong size
stat.误差线margin of error
el.误差margin of error
tech.误差margin of error
space误差容许限error allowance
tech.误差容限error tolerance
tech.误差容限error margin
eng.geol.误差极限error limit
auto.误差极限limits of error
hydroel.st.误差极限limit of error
met.误差极限error margin
tech.误差极限maximum allowable error
tech.误差界限margin of error
space误差界限bounds on error
busin.误差界限bound on error
tech.误差界限error threshold
expl.误差界限limit of error
avia.误差界限error bound
tech.误差相对极限relative limit of error
eng.geol.误差限error limit
archit.误差限margin of error
tech.误差限制值values of error limit
plast.误差限limit of inaccuracy
hydroel.st.误差限limit of error
avia.误差限error limit
space误差频率极限error frequency limit
econ.误差频率限度error frequency limit
tech.象限横摇误差quadrant intercardinal rolling error
tech.象限误差quadrant error
space象限误差[差错]quadrantal error
avia.象限误差quadrantal error
avia.象限误差修正quadrantal error correction
tech.象限误差修正器quadrantal error corrector
tech.象限误差成分quadrantal component of error
el.超限误差overrun error
tech.超限误差outlier error
busin.错误误差容许限misleading error allowance
agric., stat.限定误差limited error