
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing 误差 | all forms | in specified order only
不可分辨性误差indistinguishability error
误差的关系related to error
像素数量误差pixel number error
像素距离误差pixel distance error
全局误差最小化global error minimum
加权误差目标函数weighted error target function
反向传播误差校正backward-propagation error correction
图像阵列均方误差squared error averaged over an image array
基本的最小平方误差聚类算法basic minimum-squared error clustering algorithm
失配误差mis-matching error
学习误差收敛曲线learning error convergent curve
平均绝对误差Mean Absolute value of Error
拉普拉斯均方误差Laplacian mean squared error
最小分类误差准则least classification error rule
最小均方误差准则least mean square error rule
最小均方误差函数minimum mean error function
最小均方误差滤波器least mean square filter
正向预测误差功率forward prediction error power
滤后估计误差filtered estimation error
确定性误差deterministic error
累计量化误差accumulated quantified error
视差误差检测与校正disparity error detection and correction
误差修正校正学习error-correction learning
误差协方差矩阵error-covariance matrix
误差平方和sum squared error
误差性能error performance
误差性能曲面error-performance surface
误差曲面error surface
误差检测折中曲线curve of Detection Error Trade-off
贝叶斯误差Bayes error
边界误差boundary error
逼近误差approximation error