
Terms for subject Project management containing 语言 | all forms | in specified order only
一种 Java 描述语言JavaScript
一种编程语言Visual Basic
一种编程语言Visual Basic Scripting Edition
中级语言intermediate language
主导语言governing language
仲裁语言language of arbitration
协议书语言language of agreement
可扩展标签语言extensible markup language (XML)
合同语言language of contract
声明'性标签语言declarative markup language
如果你是统计学的老手、你也许更喜欢使用直观的命令语言、快捷、方便地分析数据If you are a statistically-savvy user, you might prefer to use its intuitive command language, and analyze your data swiftly and with ease
它是一种结构化程序设计语言、非常适合结构化程序设计It is a structured programming language, is very suitable for the structure of the program design
实用摘要和报表语言practical extraction and report language
应用程序开发语言application development language
当发生致命错误时、公共语言运行库默认将被禁用When a fatal error occurs, the common language runtime is disabled by default
扩展标签语言XML (extended markup language)
数据表达语言data description language
机器码汇编语言或C语言等高级语言编译后的最终结果machine code
标准通用标签语言Standard Generalized Markup Language
标签语言mark-up language
海明威小说的语言艺术linguistic art of Hemingway's novels
然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据结构表示、那么这种情况就可以简化了However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure
生成的类中的属性或方法的名称可能是目标编程语言的关键字It is possible for the name of a property or method in a generated class to be a keyword in the target programming language
种程序语言Visual Basic for Applications
结构化查询语言、一种用于查询和修改关系数据库的标准语言Structured Query Language, a standard language for querying and modifying relational databases
编译型语言compiled language
自然语言处理natural-language processing
自然语言识别natural-language recognition
虚拟现实模型语言virtual reality modeling language
设计语言与传统绘画design language and traditional painting
C 语言C
c 语言编程的一个面向对象的版本c++
语言艺术linguistic art
语音识别和自然语言处理技术仍处于初期阶段Speech recognition and natural language processing are technologies still in their infancy
超级文本标签语言hypertext markup language
这种汇编语言输出表是支持调试的有用工具This assembly language output listing is useful as a debugging aid
通用标签语言标准Standard Generalized Markup Language
非言语沟通nonverbal communication
页面描述语言的规则定义的一种字体PostScript font
黑客用专门的计算机语言写程序、软件A hacker is usually a person who writes software programs in a special computer language