
Terms containing 询证 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.个人询访证据personal interview evidence
China, law公证法律咨询legal consultancy services related to notarization
tech.否定询证negative confirmation
China, law咨询论证consultation and assessment
cryptogr.在线证书状态查询online certificate status protocol
econ.我们将向银行询问信用证是否已到We will inquire at the bank whether the L/C has arrived
econ.最近询盘的增多证实了对玩具需求的增长Latest increase in enquiries confirms the rise of demand for toys
fin.欠款的通信询证verification of outstandings by correspondence
interntl.trade.正面询证positive confirmation
IT注册、接入认证和状态查询协议register, admission and status
interntl.trade.肯定询证positive confirmation
China, law证券投资咨询securities investment consultancy
securit.证券投资咨询机构securities investment consulting organization
securit.证券查询函confirmation request securities
interntl.trade.询证confirmation request
econ.询证circular for confirmation
IT询问和应答验证challenge and reply authentication
IT询问握手认证协议challenge handshake authentication protocol
China, law询问查证interrogation and investigation
telecom.询问-联络认证协议challenge-handshake authentication protocol
China, law询问证人question a witness
el.质量保证咨询委员会Quality Assurance Advisory Committee
interntl.trade.通函询证circular for confirmation
interntl.trade.通函询证circulars for confirmation
China, polit.重大问题集体决策制度、专家咨询制度、社会公示和社会听证制度、决策责任制度systems for making collective decisions on major issues, for soliciting opinions from experts, for keeping the public informed and holding public hearings, and for accountability in policymaking
textile银行询证bank confirmation
cryptogr.验证查询verification query