
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
"不要再说!"机器人喊道No more talking! The robot yelled
与接收连接器建立 SMTP 会后、该会话将使用其匿名访问令牌启动After an SMTP session is established to a receive connector, the session starts with an anonymous access token for that session
个别谈individual interview
互联网电Internet telephone
交互会interactive session
你可以定制对屏幕的背景、字体与图标You can customize the background, font and icons of dialog screens
假设 8% 的年回报率的、这足以把1美元变成100多美元That's enough to turn $ 1 into over $ 100, assuming an 8% annual return
免费电号码free call numbers
可以用信用卡或别的方式付款、接下来两年之内的某个时间、她会给你打电You pay by credit card, or whatever, and then she will call you sometime in the next two years
国际电与电报咨询委员会Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique
在''另存为"对框的"文件名"框中、键人要用于生成报告的文件的名称、然后单击"保存"In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type the name of the file that you want to use for the report, and then click Save
在家办公的员工可以通过电和传真与国外客户很好地交流The employee at the home office can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine
如果你退出一次编程会、你所有的全局变量就被系统保存到磁盘上的一个文件里If you quit your session, all your global variables were saved by the system to a disk file
如果纽约州的电网络属于一个独立的企业、那它早就破产了If the telephone network in New York State was a stand-alone business, it would already be in bankruptcy
如果说有什么不同的、他似乎比自己的两位前任更热衷于探讨上调目前5%的销售税问题If anything, he appears keener on discussing an increase in sales tax from its current 5 per cent than either of his predecessors
式交互conversational interaction
模式conversational mode
OSI/RM 将计算机网络体系结构划分为应用层、表示层、会层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次OSI/RM classify the structure of the network into application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer and physical layer
2005年、中国已成为世界第四大经济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的、甚至是世界第二大经济体It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity
旧式普通电服务plain old telephone service
CAI 是个安排学生到预先设计了学习计划的会模式的电脑上的教育观念CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan
用户会已准备好安装应用程序User session is ready to install applications
web phone Web
务员把这些情况键入计算机终端The operator keys the facts into the computer terminal
音识别及有关技术虽已发展多年、 但因受硬件和软件的限制、 以往并未普及Voice recognition and related technologies have been around for years but were uncommon because of hardware and software limitations
这些电线也称为干线These telephone lines are also known as trunk lines