
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
myth A traditional or legendary story, usually dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, heroes or events, that is with or without determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, but is used to explain some practice, rite or phenomenon of nature, or to justify the existence of a social institution (传统或传说故事,通常涉及鬼神、祖先、英雄或其事件,无论是否有确定的事实基础或合乎常情的解释,但常用来解释一些实践、习俗或自然现象,或证明一种社会制度存在合法性。)
speech An address or form of oral communication in which a speaker makes his thoughts and emotions known before an audience, often for a given purpose (演讲者通过发表或口头交流的形式向听众阐明自己的想法和情绪,通常是为了特定目的。)