
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing | all forms
七位制电编号PQR 为局号,ABCD 为用户编号PQRABCD
三方交替通brokers call
三方会议电three-party conference
三方通three-party conference
上海贝尔电设备制造公司1983 年成立,1999 年改名为上海贝尔有限公司Shanghai Bell Telephone Equipment Manufacturing Co.
不公开的电号码簿private listing
专用局线路exclusive exchange line
专用电号码簿private listing
专用通personal call
专用通计费系统private automatic message accounting system
业务电话务员zero operator
业务通service call
日本个人手持电标准日本的双向无绳电话标准personal handyphone
日本个人手持电系统personal handyphone system
日本个人手提电系统建立在 PSTN 基础上的双向无绳电话系统personal handy system
个人电号码簿individual directory
用户交换机中继线务量group traffic
cross talk
串音单位crosstalk unit
单位crosstalk unit
补偿compensation of crosstalk
主人留录音message record
主叫用户电号码rear side phone number
乙类电公司传统的有线市话公司,以 FCC B Block 频段经营蜂窝个人通信业务B carrier
优先插人通executive right-of-way (PBX 功能)
业务session service
协议数据单元session protocol data unit
协议机session protocol machine
密钥session key
式处理conversational process
式的交互方式conversational interactive
式监控系统conversational monitoring system
式程序设计conversational programming
式远程作业输人conversational remote job entry
控制session control
服务session service
服务用户session service user
服务用户session service user (SS-user)
状态session status
会聚式会议电meet-me conference
会议电telephone conference
会议电telecommunication conference
会议电业务conference telephone service
会议电桥分器汇接器conference bridge
会议电汇接机converting and control board for conference telephone
会议电汇接机conference telephone converting and control board
会议电终端机conference telephone terminal
传真电号码facsimile telephone number
传统电业务plain old telephone service
美俚传统电网业务与高级新业务pots and pans
传送传报文业务transmission of a verbal message service
住宅电residence telephone
住宅电residential telephone
住宅电telephone (home)
住宅电布线residence wiring
倒排电号码簿按电话号码排序而不是按用户分类或用户名的字顺排序inverted directory
倒置inverted speech
倒置串inverted crosstalk
候选移动电交换局candidate MSC
值班alert station
线路ceased line
先付费、后呼叫的公用电postpay paystation
先投币后使用的公用电prepay telephone
先投币后使用的公用电prepay paystation
免提式电speaker phone
免提电hand-free telephone set
免提电hands-free telephone
免提电hands-free telephone set
免提电hand-free set
免费优待电franking privilege call
免费电free call
免费电业务freephone service
分布极不均匀的务负荷skewed traffic
分机呼叫务员station-to-attendant call
分类电簿号码identification directory number
分组packet voice
分组音通信voice over packet
分组音通信packet voice communication
分组化音网packetized voice network
列人电簿的号码listed directory number
列车调度电系统train dispatching telephone system
包月制用户超出当月限定通次数后的计次呼叫local measured call
北欧移动电系统Nordic mobile telephone system
区外长foreign area toll
区长途电zone centre
区间电呼叫通话费高于市话,低于长话local measured call
单局制电single office exchange
单方向音输出monologue output
单独讲solitary talk part
同时通受话时可同时送话simultaneous talking
同时通simultaneous calls
同线电bridging telephone
同线电bridging set
同线电party line system
同线电振铃party line ringing
后呼叫的公用电post-pay paystation
地面电设备land-based telephone equipment
均匀高峰因数小于 1 的话务smooth traffic
多媒体付费电multimedia payphone
多局制电交换区multi-office exchange
多局制电交换区multioffice area
多局制电交换区multioffice exchange
多局制电交换区multi-office area
多用户同线电线路multiparty line
多路音频率multi-channel voice frequency
多路载波电multi-channel carrier telephony
大容量蜂窝移动电high capacity cellular mobile telephone
大浪涌务量heavy surge traffic
头戴受head phone
头戴式受head-gear receiver
头戴式受head receiver
头戴送受器线路head circuit
子母式无绳电cordless telephone, 1st generation
字符模式电检索信息网日本可视图文的业务名称character pattern telephone access information network
存储memory ticket
小型市small office
小型市small local exchange
屏幕电一种因特网应用screen phone
业务local service
人工交换台local switchboard
交换机local switch
交换机local exchange
公司与 IXC 相对local exchange carrier LEC
公司telephone company
公司wireline exchange carrier
公司垄断该 LATA 内的本地网业务,1996年修订电信法,本地业务开放竞争,不再由 LEC 垄断local exchange carrier
local service area
local area
local access and transport area
central office
local exchange
local central office
local telephone exchange
telephone central office
local telephone office
local office
central office (CO)
局单元通常以万门为一单元central office unit
服务区local telephone service area
服务区local area
/汇接合用式交换机local/tandem exchange
/汇接合用式交换系统local/tandem switching system
汇接交换机local tandem exchange
/汇接合用交换系统combined local/transit switching system
/汇接合用交换系统combined local and tandem switching system
/汇接组合交换机combined local/transit exchange
/汇接组合交换设备combined subscriber/transit unit
测量台local test desk
用配线电缆urban wire
电缆local cable
电路local telephone circuit
目的地local destination
移机不改号业务local number portability
系统local telephone system
线路local line
线路网local line network
local telephone network
local network
跳越跳过本地网,直接经专线或卫星电路进人长话网local bypass
转接交换机local transit exchange
转接局local transit exchange
通话自动计费系统local automatic message account
通话自动计费系统local automatic message accounting system
/长话合用式交换机local/toll exchange
/长话合用式交换系统local/toll switching system
-长话合用combined local-toll
/长话合用交换机combined local/toll exchange
市内务量local traffic
市内电交换区local exchange area
市内电公司exchange carrier
市内电号码local number
市内电local exchange
按市内呼叫方式拨叫的市郊电呼叫local measured call
带式ribbon microphone
帧中继音通信voice over frame relay
常规电业务原指不具备程控用户新功能的老式电话业务;现指从 ISDN、xDSL 等类用户网路中分路出的普通电话业务plain old telephone service
当前live traffic
录音电phone mate
录音电recording telephone set
截接拦截务员interception operator
手持式移动电hand phone
手持电mobile telephone
手持电mobile phone
日本手持电personal handyphone
手提电mobile phone
手提电mobile telephone
手提电portable phone
手提电personal handyphone
手机通时使用扬声器或有线耳机,并使手机尽量与身体保持距离,能有效减少辐射Using your cell phone's speaker or connecting a wired headset - while keeping the handset away from your body - drastically reduces radio frequency exposure
按实际成本制定电费率不用贴补政策拉平费率, 美国的郊区电话公司一般因贴补政策可增加收人,因而反对 de-averagingde-averaging
按比例分摊务给各路由的设施proportionate bidding facility
按键式电可用按键向电话局发送双音多频数字信令push-button station
按键式电机的"二次呼叫" 键即"flash" 键recaU
按键电原 Bell System 的数据通信电话机商品名称TOUCH-TONE telephone
按键讲开关press-to-talk switch
按需分配电通道DA voice channel
铁路搬道员电switchman's telephone
收费通charged call
改进型移动电系统20 世纪60年代美国的大区制系统,现已被蜂窝系统取代Improved Mobile Telephone Service
改进型移动电系统20 世纪60年代美国的大区制系统,现已被窝系统取代Improved Mobile Telephone Service
放弃的lost traffic
政务电government call
最新的电号码簿up-to-date directory
有人值守公用电attended public telephone
有峰peaked traffic
有效effective traffic
有效音电平active speech level
有效会协议数据单元valid SPDU
有效通permissible call
有源送active microphone
有线电.fixed-line telephone
有限limited traffic source
有限防护的音设备limited protection voice equipment
未通的呼叫refused call
本地主电host local office
本地电公司local exchange carrier (LEC)
本地电服务区local access and transport area (LATA)
本地电服务区local telephone service area
本地电服务区local access and transport area
本地电电路local telephone circuit
本地电系统local telephone system
本地电计次收费制local measured service
本机电池LB set
标准作测试标准用master telephone
标准电传送参照系统设在日内瓦 ITU 的标准系统master telephone transmission reference system
桌式电desk set
模拟务量artificial traffic
模拟artificial voice
横跨大西洋电电缆Transatlantic Telephone Cable
次对secondary half-session
次通secondary half-session
欧洲数字无绳电标准digital European cordless telephone
汇接式会议电meet-me conference
洛克希德会检索服务系统Lockheed dialog retrieval service
流人的务量intensity of traffic offered
测试通test call
电平leak level
用户station equipment
用户也包括用户保安器等附属设备telephone station
用户所有的-电公司代维护的电信设备customer-owned and telephone company maintained
用户电号码station number
用户电号码subscriber's directory number
用户电subscriber's set
用户电线subscriber's telephone line
用户设定的长公司default carrier
用户通计费信息详细记录station message detail recording
用户通计次器station message register
用手摇发电机呼叫的磁石式电交换机local battery magneto call telephone exchange
复式人工交换局甲台务员A operator
甲类电公司alternate carrier (A carrier)
甲类电公司alternate carrier
IP 电voice over IP
IP 电voice over IP (VoIP)
IP 电Internet phone (IPhone)
IP 电Iphone
业务phone service
业务telephone service
业务basic service
中继线telephone trunk
临时接线telephone patch
主线main telephone line
交换中心telephone switching center
交换区telephone exchange area
交换区①一个交换局的业务区 GB ②多个交换局,但属于统一资费的业务区 USexchange area
交换局central office
交换机wire center
交换机telephone exchange
产业telephone industry
telephone stall
代答业务由电话局或 PBX 话务台代答telephone answering service
会议telephone conference
传输voice transmission
信号telephone signal
公司英、美以外的英语地区所创的名词public telephone operator
公司业务carrier service
公司服务区carrier service area
公司的营业区carrier service area
公司的设备telephone company-owned equipment
分区的三位数代号area code
分局minor exchange
分机telephone extension
分机并接于电话主机extension station
分级分区制hierarchical arrangement
IP 电IP card IP
calling card
号码directory number
号码四位编号制欧洲习惯:M= 千位,C =百位,D= 十位,U =个位,完整的交换码为 OPQ-MCDU; 我国为 PQR-ABCD, 美国为 NXX-XXXXMCDU
网页号码簿address book
号码簿内不列号码的电话保密电话或临时电话unpublished phone number
号码簿内不列号码的电话保密电话或临时电话unlisted phone number
号码簿内不列号码的线路保密电话或临时电话unlisted line
号码簿的商务目录及广告页yellow pages
号簿telephone directory
呼叫telephone call
型通路telephone-type channel
增音机telephone repeater
密度telephone density
telephone central office
局容量capacity of telephone exchange
局级别office class (class 1 ~5, 一附录三)
微软视窗系统开放体系结构应用编程接口Telephony Application Programming Interface
微软视窗开放体系结构应用编程接口Telephony Application Programming Interface
总局switching central
投票televoting (VOT)
投票业务即智能网的 400 业务televoting
接线器phone patch
接通注意: "through" 在英国英语中为"电话接通",但在美国英语中为"通话完毕"put-through
支局satellite office
支局satellite exchange
普及率telephone penetration
暂停call park
电脑网络上的服务器telephone server
由 Novell 和 AT&T 两公司开发的服务应用编程接口Telephony Service Application Programming Interface
由 Novell 和 AT&T 两公司开发的服务应用编程接口Telephony Services Application Programming Interface
station set
telephone instrument
机侧音sidetone of a telephone set
机叉簧telephone hook switch
机的座机fixed set
机钩键telephone hook switch
用户telephone subscriber
用户线line loop
用户部分telephone user part
英 BT 公司用无源光纤网络Telephone Passive Optical Network
窃听器telephone tap
簿号码directory number
簿号码-设备号码翻译表directory number-to-equipment translation table
线phone line
行业telephone industry
计费单打印ticket printout
费率telephone rate
软绳phone cord
telephone ringer
英国银行业务First Direct
销号取消已挂号电话disannul a call
telephone booth
隔音室sound-proof telephone cabinet
集线器station line concentrator
高普及率high penetration of telephone
电仿真electrical artificial voice
电动式electrodynamic microphone
电子复式自动电交换机electronic multiple automatic exchange
电容式筒放大器condenser-transmitter amplifier
电报电共线制composite system
有线电视网电缆电有线电视网经营的电话业务cable telephony
有线电视网电缆电有线电视网上经营的电话业务cable phone
电脑务员外线直接拨人用户交换机,再由电脑自动转接到分机direct inward dialing to extension automatic transfer
电脑与电综合computer-telephony integration
电路交换circuit-switched voice
社区电分局community branch exchange
第一代无绳电cordless telephone, 1st generation
第三代无绳电系统cordless telephone system, 3rd generation
CT-2第二代数字无绳电系统digital cordless telephone system, second generation (CT-2)
第二代无绳电系统按英国 MPT-1375标准即 CT2/CAI 标准开发的数字式无绳电话系统cordless telephone system, 2nd generation
cr-2第二代无绳电系统cordless telephone system, second generation
等效呼叫equated call
等效随机equivalent random traffic
网上电Web phone
网上行cyber jargon
网络电在Internet, intranet,LAN 等网络上利用 IP 协议通话Iphone
网络电在Internet, intranet, LAN 等网络上利用 IP 协议通话IP phone
网络电在Internet, Intranet, LAN 等网络上利用 IP 技术通话voice over IP VoIP
网络电在Internet, Intranet, LAN 等网络上利用 IP 技术通话voice over IP
网络电Internet phone (IPhone)
网络电技术利用 IP 协议的 Internet, intranet, LAN 等网络电话技术IP telephony
网际协议电IP phone
老牌的本地电公司美国1996 年电信法案中的名词,与 CLEC 相对incumbent local exchange carrier ILEC
老牌的本地电公司美国1996 年电信法案中的名词,与 CLEC 相对incumbent local exchange carrier
聋人电deaf-aid telephone
美军联合统一电通信优先制joint uniform telephone communication precedence system
联合统一电通信优先制美军武装部队 AUTOVON,autodin, 等系统中joint uniform telephone precedence system
联机对系统on-line interactive system
脉冲式电pulse-type telephone set
脉码调制PCM voice
虚拟电virtual telephony
蜂窝电cellular phone
蜂窝电cell phone
蜂窝电公司cellular company
蜂窝电公司cellular carrier
蜂窝电手机cellular handset
蜂窝电系统cellular telephone system
buzz word
文件jargon file
调度电总机设备master station service system
调度电系统dispatching telephone system
调度电系统dispatcher telephone system
贝尔电制造公司美国 ITT 公司比利时子公司,1987 年 1 月并人法国 Alcatel 公司,成为 Alcatel-Bell TelephoneBell Telephone Manufacturing Co.
贝尔电实验室Bell Telephone Laboratories
贝尔电实验室Bell Laboratories
贝尔电研究所现属于 Lucent TechnologiesBell Telephone Laboratories
贝尔电研究所现属于 Lucent TechnologiesBell Laboratories
负荷务的测量measurement of the amount of traffic carried
负荷务量amount of traffic carried
负荷的traffic carried
负荷的务量intensity of traffic carried
按钮press-to-talk switch
送受transmitter and receiver
适于传送音模拟数据或传真的线路,电路,信道voice grade
适于传送音模拟数据或传真的线路,电路,信道voice grade
逐个加人的会议电add-on conference
递增式会议电add-on conference
信道active telephone channel
分钟数message minute
单位traffic unit
单自动记录automatic ticketing
-振铃键talk-ring key
收费指示器message charge indicator
时呼叫第三方参加add-on third party
电路speaking circuit
终止termination of a call
结束end of conversation
联络信号talking sign
自动计费方式automatic message accounting
自动计费系统automatic message accounting
自动记录和计费automatic message recording and accounting
计数器message register
计次器service register
计次器service meter
计费业务message metering service
计费器message meter
账单信息message billing information
accounts of call
talking key
限时释放message-timed release
通用电电子公司General Telephone and Electronic Corp
美国通用电电子公司General Telephone and Electronics Corporation
通电phone call
键控电key telephone
键控电key master telephone
键控电key telephone set
键控电系统key telephone system
键控电系统key system
键控电装置key telephone unit
键控电适配器key telephone adapter
镇]电分局community branch exchange
防爆式电explosion-proof telephone set
防风雨电weather-proof telephone set
阻塞blocked traffic
阻止务员介人attendant exclusion
阿尔卡特-贝尔电制造公司原为比利时 ITT-Bell Telephone, 1987 年成为阿尔卡特公司的子公司,即 Alcatel-BTMAlcatel-Bell Telephone
限呼市barred trunk
静止图像可视电still-picture videophony
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