
Terms for subject Polymers containing | all forms
两亲 RAFT amphipathic RAFT agent
两亲可逆加成断裂链转移amphipathic RAFT agent
亲电electrophilic reagent
人工加速曝置artificial accelerated exposure test
介电击穿dielectric breakdown test
伊佐德冲击Izod impact test (cantilever beam impact test)
伊左德式冲击验机Izod impact tester
伯切菲尔特Burchfield test
低温弯曲low-temperature bending test
冲击回弹性bounce impact elasticity test
冷弯曲cold bending test
冷流验机cold flow tester
切口条冲击试验notched-bar impact test
划格法附着力cross cut test
比齐刺孔验机beach puncture tester
加速天候老化accelerated weathering test
加速曝置accelerated exposure test
动态与静态万能验机dynamic and static universal testing machine
动态力学dynamic mechanical test
动态疲劳验机dynamic fatigue tester
单纱强力验机single thread tester
压缩挠曲compression flex test
压缩永久变形compression set test
双悬臂梁开裂double cantilever beam cleavage test
双扭double torsion test
双轴应力一应变测biaxial stress-strain measurement
反复压缩repeated compression test
古德里奇屈挠验机Goodrich flexometer
古德里奇挠曲验机Goodrich flexometer
可燃性combustible test
可逆加成断裂链转移RAFT agent
哑铃形test dumbbell
圆弧形crescent type specimen
多用验仪universal testing instrument
多用验机universal testing machine
大气老化exposure test
大气老化atmospheric exposure test
天候老化weathering test
威廉姆斯磨耗验机Williams abrasion tester
安全性safety testing
对比blank experiment
尼龙的丙酮测nylon acetone test
屈挠flexing test
屈挠疲劳flex fatigue test
应力弛豫stress relaxation test
应力弛豫验机stress relaxometer
弯曲杨氏模量bending Young's modulus test
弯曲杨氏模量bend Young's modulus test
弹簧式硬度验仪spring type hardness tester
V 形缺口V-notched specimen
V 形缺口冲击V-notched impact test
微黏结法测microbond test
恒速拉伸验机constant rate of elongation testing machine
悬臂梁式冲击Izod impact test (cantilever beam impact test)
抗冲impact resilience test
抗切割cut resistance
抗撕tear test
抗电弧arc resistance test
抗裂cleavage test
折叠crease-flex test
折叠验机crease-flex tester
拉伸强度tensile strength test
拉力蠕变tension creep test
挠曲cross breaking test
挠曲脆性flex brittle test
振荡测oscillatory measurement
摆锤式验机pendulum tester
收缩张力验机shrinkage tension tester
改良型兰伯恩磨耗验机modified Lambourn abrasion tester
改良型阿克隆磨耗验机modified Akron abrasion tester
斜面式强力验机inclined plane tester
斯科特屈挠验机Scott flexometer
新月形验片crescent type specimen
无强度温度no strength temperature test (NST test)
易燃性flammability test
曝光light-exposure test
曝置exposure test
未取向unorientation sample
杜邦屈挠验机du Pont flexural tester
杜邦挠曲验仪du Pont flexural tester
染色dyeing test
标准standardized testing
美国标准局磨耗NBS type abrasion tester
格曼验仪Gehman apparatus
格曼扭力验仪Gehman torsional tester
格曼蠕变验仪Gehman creep apparatus
模型稳定性pattern stability test
正弦应变动态力学sinusoidal-strain dynamic testing
氧化锌黏度zinc oxide viscosity test
氧指数可燃oxygen index flammability test
氧指数可燃oxygen index combustion test
波传递wave propagation test
泰伯磨耗验机Taber abrasion tester
溶剂solvent test
溶度solubility test
漂浮flotation test
热循环heat cycle test
热激变heat shock test
热畸变heat distortion test
焦烧scorching test
环状验片ring type specimen
环结拉伸loop tensile test
球压式硬度ball pressure test
球环法测测软化点ball and ring test
相容性compatibilizing agent
空白control test
维卡针入测Vicat needle tester
缺口notched strip
缺口半径敏度notch radius sensitivity test
withstand voltage test
聚合用polymerization chemical
肖伯弹力验机Schob elastometer
肖珀张力验机Schopper tensile tester
肖珀拉力验机Schopper tensile tester
脆裂强度验计bursting strength tester
脱层delamination test
臭氧龟裂ozone cracking test
芬顿Fenton reagent
英斯特朗型万能验机Instron type universal tester
英斯特朗拉力验机Instron tensile tester
落标falling dart test
落球冲击falling ball impact test
落球冲击drop ball impact test
落球法测定黏度drop ball viscosity test
落重drop-weight test
落重冲击drop-weight impact test
落重撕裂drop-weight tear test
落锤drop-weight test
落锤冲击drop-weight impact test
落锤撕裂drop-weight tear test
落镖冲击dart drop impact test
裤形撕裂trouser' stear piece
褪色stripping test
角形验片angle type specimen
start up
费尔斯通挠曲验机Firestone flexometer
起球验机pilling tester
过滤性能filterability test
通气量泡沫塑料air flow test
酸煮沸氨基塑料制品acid boiling test
银纹弯曲形式bending-form test for crazing bending mod-ulus
阿克隆磨耗验机Akron-abrasion tester
阿克隆磨耗验机Akron abrader
零强度时间zero strength time test
马丁Martin test
高分子polymer reagent
高分子polymer reactant
高分子polymeric reagent
高温曝置high-temperature exposure test
高速拉伸high-speed tensile test
黏块抗剪block shear test
龟裂引发test for crack initiation