
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 试验 | all forms | in specified order only
三轴试验triaxial test
三轴试验triaxial test apparatus
三轴剪切试验triaxial shear test
三轴压力试验triaxial compressive force test
三轴拉伸试验triaxial extension test
不固结不排水试验unconsolidated undrained test
不固结排水剪切试验unconsolidated drained shear test
不排水三轴试验unconsolidated undrained triaxial test
不排水三轴剪切试验unconsolidated undrained triaxial shear test
伸长试验extension test
光弹试验photoelastic test
冲击试验dynamic loading test
冲剪试验punching shear test
冲剪试验collision test
冲剪试验punch shear test
冲弯试验impact bending test
冷弯试验cold bend test
分级试验classification test
制动试验braking test
加载试验loading test
动力贯入试验dynamic penetration test
动载试验dynamic load test
十字板试验vane test
十字板剪切试验vane-shear test
单桩静载试验pile static loading test
单桩静载试验的沉降量amount of settlement of static loading for single pile
单桩静载试验的沉降量amount of settlement of single pile static loading test
单轴压力压缩试验uniaxial compression test
单轴抗拉试验uniaxial tensile strength
单轴拉伸试验uniaxial tension test
厂方试验manufacturer's test
压入试验push-in test
压缩疲劳试验compressive fatigue test
压裂试验compression splitting test
原位试验in-place test
原位土工试验inplace soil test
原型试验full scale test
原状土剪力试验in-place soil shearing test
可行性试验feasibility test
各向不等压不排水固结试验anisotropically undrained consolidated test
各向不等压固结不排水试验consolidated anisotropically undrained test
各向等压固结不排水试验consolidated isotropically undrained test
吸水试验absorption test
周期加载三轴试验cyclic triaxial test
周期荷载试验cyclic load test
固结不排水三轴压缩试验consolidated-undrained triaxial compression test (CU-test)
固结不排水剪切试验consolidated undrained shear test
固结快剪试验consolidation quick test
固结快剪直接试验consolidated quick direct shear test
固结慢剪直接试验consolidated slow direct shear test
固结慢压试验consolidated slow compression test
固结慢压试验consolidation slow compression test
固结排水三轴压缩试验consolidated drained triaxial compression test (CD-test)
固结排水剪切试验consolidated-drained shear test
圆形板荷载试验loading test with circular plate
圆锥触探试验cone penetration test (CPT)
圆锥贯入试验cone penetration test
试验soil test
土工试验geotechnical test
土工试验earthwork test
土工试验方法的标准standards for soil test method
土承载试验soil bearing test
基岩试验bed-rock test
多级三轴试验multistage triaxial test
实尺试验full size test
实验室试验inhouse test
实验室试验laboratory testing
密度试验test of density
密度试验density test
对比试验comparative test
屈服试验yield test
岩心试验core test
工地试验field experiment
工地试验field test
工地试验field laboratory
工程试验engineering laboratory
工程地质试验engineering geological test
平板荷载试验plate bearing test
平板荷载试验plate loading test
平面压缩应变试验plane compression strain test
平面拉伸应变试验plane extension strain test
延度试验ductility test
弯曲疲劳试验flexural fatigue test
弯曲疲劳强度试验flexural fatigue strength test
慢剪试验consolidated drained direct shear test
慢剪试验slow shearing test
慢剪试验slow shear test
慢速试验slow test
慢速加载试验slowly loading test
慢速加载试验slow-loading test
手撼试验dilatancy test
打桩试验pile driving test
打桩试验piling test
扭 转试验experiment on torsion
扭 转试验torsional test
扭 转试验torsion test
扭剪试验torsional shear test
承载试验load bearing test
承载板试验plate bearing test
抗渗试验impermeability test
拉伸试验tension test
拉伸试验tensile testing machine
拉力试验pulling test
拉压疲劳试验tension and compression fatigue test
拔桩试验withdraw test of pile
拔桩试验pile pulling test
拔桩试验pile pull-out test
挤压试验extruding test
振动试验vibrating test
振动台试验shaking table test
振动疲劳试验vibration fatigue test
排水三轴试验drained triaxial test
收料试验acceptance test
断裂模量试验modulus of rupture test
旁压试验lateral loading test
无侧限试验unconfined test
无侧限抗压强度试验unconfined compressive strength test
更新的精密试验more recent careful experiment
有用的试验数据available test data
材料试验报告report for material testing
材料试验报告material testing report
材料疲劳试验fatigue test of materials
松弛试验relaxation test
标准贯入试验锤击数blow count of standard penetration test
桥梁试验列车bridge testing train
桥梁结构试验bridge structural test
桥梁载重试验load-test of bridge
桩复打试验pile redriving test
桩的侧向荷载试验lateral pile load test
桩的动荷载试验dynamic loading test for pile
桩的静载试验static loading test for pile
桩荷载试验pile loading test
桩荷载试验loading test for pile
桩荷载试验pile load test
桩载试验test for load capacity of pile
桩载试验test for bearing capacity of pile
桩载试验load test on pile
桩载试验pile loading test
梁的破坏试验beam breaking test
检验试验checking test
检验试验proof test
模型与原型比较试验model-prototype comparison test
模拟试验scale-down test
水饱和试验water saturation test
浸水无侧限抗压试验immersion unconfined compression test
液压试验hydrostatic test
深层触探试验deep sounding test
混凝土立方体试验cube concrete test
混凝土立方体试验concrete cube test
灌浆试验grouting test
物理试验physical test
现场试验in-place test
现场试验test in place
现场十字板试验field vane test (FVT)
现场土试验tested-in-situ of soil
现场荷载试验现场承载试验field loading test
现场荷载试验现场承载试验field bearing test
现场荷载板试验field loading plate test
现有试验结果existing experimental result
疲劳试验endurance test
疲劳试验fatigue-testing machine
直接单剪试验direct simple shear test
砂浆立方体试验mortar cube test
破坏试验destructive test
破坏试验destruction test
破坏试验break test
破坏试验fracture test
破损试验break down test
破损试验destruction test
破损试验destructive test
立方体试验cube test
等速上拔试验constant rate of uplift test
等速贯入试验constant rate of penetration test
精密试验precision test
级配筛分试验grading test
级配筛分试验gradation test
结构试验structure test
结构试验structural experiment
结构试验structural test
维持荷载的试验maintained load test
缩尺真型试验reduced scale proto type model test
耐久试验endurance test
荷兰锥贯入试验Dutch cone penetration test
荷载试验load test
荷载试验loading test pile
荷载板试验loading plate test
落锤试验falling hammer test
触探试验penetration test
触探试验cone penetration test
试验前准备pretest treatment
试验前准备pretest preparation
试验可靠性test reliability
试验testing platform
试验合格pass test
试验和理论研究experimental and theoretical studies
试验testing ground
试验testing site
试验场地testing site
试验场地testing field
试验基地testing basin
试验填方test fill
试验实施experimental execution
试验室试验laboratory testing
试验数据的统计求值statistical evaluation of experimental data
试验曲线experimental curve
试验testing machine
试验样本test sample
试验根据experimental basis
试验桥梁bridge for testing
试验桥梁bridge testing
试验模型trial model
试验模型test model
试验研究experimental study
试验研究investigation of experiment
试验确定的系数coefficient determined by experiment
试验结果experimental result
试验装置experimental installation
试验装置experimental device
试验要求test requirement
试验Resting expenses
试验experimental expenses
贯入试验penetration test
贯入试验锤击数number of blows of standard penetration
贯入度试验penetration test
足尺试验full scale experiment
轴压试验axial compression test
轴向压力试验axial compression test
轻便触探试验light sounding test
轻便触探试验锤击数light sounding test blow count
载荷试验plate-loading test
载荷试验plate-bearing test
载荷试验loading test
载荷试验bearing test
辅助试验subsidiary test
连续加载试验loaded continually test
连续加载试验continual loading test
逐渐加载试验progressive loading test
重塑试验remoulding test
重复试验repeated trials
钢丝和钢绞线的疲劳试验fatigue testing of wires and strands
钢筋冷弯试验reinforcement cold bending test
铆接试验testing of riveted joint
锤击试验hammer testing
震动试验vibratory test
静力压拔试验static pile press-extract test
静力触探试验static cone penetration test
静力贯入试验static penetration test
静载试验statically loading test
静载试验static load test
风洞试验wind tunnel experiment
饱和试验saturation test