
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing 试验 | all forms | in specified order only
中枢听觉试验central hearing test
中线骨导试验median bone conduction test
交叉听反射试验crossed acoustic reflex test
交叉听反射试验contralateral stimulation test
交叉调制试验cross modulity test
交替掩蔽指数言语试验speech with alternating masking index test
传导潜伏期试验conduction latency test
位置性试验position test
位置运动试验positioning test
位觉砂试验otolithic apparatus test
位觉砂功能试验otolith function test
低余力言语试验low redundancy speech test
佛思坦博格试验Furstenberg test
侧转试验laterotorsion test
倍频程掩蔽阈试验threshold of octave masking test
倾倒试验falling test
倾听试验listening test
偏侧试验lateralization test
兰维尔试验Rainville test
共济失调试验组合ataxia test battery
冷热水试验变异caloric test variations
初后期言语辨别试验initial and final speech discrimination test
刺激后疲劳试验poststimulatory fatigue test
前庭功能试验vestibular test
前庭流电试验vestibular galvanic test
加减速度试验acceleration-deceleration test
加速言语试验accelerated speech test
动态平衡试验dynamic equilibrium test
单耳双频响度平衡试验monaural bifrequency loudness balance test
单耳双频平衡试验bifrequency method
卡莱亚罗试验Calaiaro test
压颈测压试验pressure measurement by compression of neck
双温冷热试验bithermal caloric test
双耳两分试验dichotic test
双耳两分参差听话试验dichotic staggered listening test
双耳两分同时试验dichotic simultaneous test
双耳两分同时听话试验dichotic simultaneous listening test
双耳两分整合试验dichotic integration test
双耳两分融合试验dichotic fusion test
双耳两分追踪试验dichotic pursuit auditory tracking test
双耳交替响度平衡试验Fowler test
双耳交替言语试验binaural swinging speech test
双耳交替言语试验binaural alternating speech test
双耳分离言语试验binaural separation speech test
双耳同时中线定位试验simultaneous binaural median plane localization test
双耳同时中线定位试验binaural simultaneous median plane localization test
双耳同时响度平衡试验simultaneous binaural loudness balance test
双耳同时响度平衡试验binaural simultaneous loudness balance test
双耳整合言语试验binaural integration speech test
双耳畸变言语试验binaural distorted speech test
双耳短声试验binaural click test
双耳竞争言语试验binaural competing speech test
双频试验monaural bifrequency loudness balance test
听力试验audiological test
听力试验hearing test
听力试验acoustic test
听力图连续试验serial audiogram test
听敏度试验auditory acuity test
听时试验auditory reaction time test
听觉反应时间试验auditory reaction time test
听觉疲劳试验auditory fatigue test
咀嚼试验mastication test
咽鼓管通气试验Valsalva test
响度平衡试验loudness balance test
响度辨差总和试验differential loudness summation test
嗅瓶试验smell bottles test
嗅觉试验olfactory test
固视试验stare test
垂直书写试验vertical writing test
垂直线试验vertical line test
埃利斯伯格试验Elsberg test
堵耳骨导试验block bone conduction test
声反射衰减试验acoustic reflex decay test
声眼试验sono-ocular test
复响试验recruitment test
外耳道压力平衡试验Flisberg test
奎氏试验Queckenstedt test
姿势试验posture test
姿势试验postural test
安纳贝尔试验Hennebert test
定向试验localization test
定标试验calibration test
宾氏耳内试验Bing entotic test
对侧刺激试验crossed acoustic reflex test
对侧刺激试验contralateral stimulation test
尿含铁血黄素试验Rous test
巴拉尼试验Barany test
巴拉尼冷热试验Barany caloric test
洛克-斯泰格试验Block-Steiger test
布雷内试验在耳道内Brenner test
希齐格试验Hitzig test
干扰试验confusion test
平摆试验parallel swing test
平稳跟随试验smooth pursuit test
延迟反馈听试验key tapping and delayed feedback test
延迟反馈听试验delayed tapping feedback test
延迟反馈听力试验delayed auditory feedback test
延迟反馈听力试验Azzi test
延迟反馈言语试验delayed speech feedback test
延迟旁音试验delayed side-tone test
延长间断时间试验lengthened off-time test
开放声场试验free field test
弗利斯伯格试验Flisberg test
张目一足站立试验stand on a leg eye open test
张目站立试验stand eyes open test
强度时程试验strength-duration test
录声言语听力试验recorded speech test
快速交替言语接受试验rapidly alternating speech reception test
感觉神经敏度级试验sensorineural acuity level test
戈尔特试验Gault test
成环试验Konew test
手杖试验stick test
拉蒙絮凝试验Ramon flocculation test
指误试验pointing error test
指误试验past pointing test
摇摆语声试验swing voice test
敏化言语试验sensitized speech test
斯坦试验Stein test
斯滕格尔试验Stenger test
斯滕格尔言语试验Stenger speech test
施特劳斯生物试验Straus biological test
旋转摆动试验torsion swing test
时间压短言语试验time-compressed speech test
星状步行试验star walking test
曼佐罗试验Manzullo test
最大刺激试验maximal stimulation test
林纳试验阳性Rinne test positive
林纳试验阴性Rinne test negative
林纳试验阴性Rinne negative
标记试验mark test
格鲁伯试验Gruber test
正弦脉冲式旋转试验sinusoidal oscilation rotating test
步行试验walking test
气导试验tests air conduction
水响声试验water gurgle test
波利策试验Politzer test
流电试验galvanic test
混淆试验confusion test
渗透脆性试验osmotic fragility test
滤波言语试验filtered speech test
特殊听力试验special audiometric test
特殊感觉试验organoleptic test
畸变言语试验distorted speech test
疲劳及适应试验test of fatigue and adaptation
病灶诱发或激发试验test of inducing or stimulating disease location
病灶阻消试验test of blocking disease location
盆带肌试验pelvic girdle test
监听口语试验monitored live-voice test
直写试验vertical writing test
直立伸臂试验orthostatic straightening arms test
眼球反旋转试验ocular counter-rolling rotation
眼跟踪试验following test
睫状肌麻痹后试验postcycloplegic test
短增量敏感指数试验short increment sensitivity index test
神经兴奋性试验nerve excitability test
离中心摆动旋转试验eccentric pendular rotation test
突发短声试验sudden burst sound test
简单冷热试验simple caloric test
糖精试验saccharin test
纯音试验pure tone test
纯音听觉倒错试验pure tone paracusis test
纯音阈试验pure tone threshold test
绝对骨导试验absolute bone conduction test ABC
罗姆伯格试验Romberg test
翁鲁维亚固视试验stare test of Honrubia
耳石功能试验otolith function test
耳石器试验otolithic apparatus test
耳语试验whisper test
自动冷热试验autocalori meter
自由场试验free field test
蒂尔试验Teal test
虚警试验false alarm test
蜗睑反射试验cochleopalpebral reflex test
蝶腭神经节试验sphenopalatine test
试验watch test
视动眼震试验optokinetic nystagmus test
视描迹试验following test
视测量障碍试验calibration test
视辨距不良试验ocular dysmetria test
言语试验speech test
言语发音试验speech articulation tests
言语听力试验voice hearing test
言语感知试验speech detection test
言语感知接受试验speech detection reception test
言语接受试验speech reception test
言语整合试验phonetic integration test
言语融合试验speech fusion test
言语识别阈试验speech discrimination threshold test
LOT 试验lengthened off-time test
PBT 试验phonetic balance threshold test
ART 试验auditory reaction time test
DLS 试验differential loudness summation test
试验absolute bone conduction test ABC
语句比较试验competing sentence test
语声试验voice test
语声平衡阈试验phonetic balance threshold test
误减试验Hood attenuation experiment Hood
贝凯希适宜响度试验Bekesy comfortable loudness test
轨道试验rail test method
轨道试验rail method
轨道试验组合rail test battery
轨道共济失调试验rail ataxia test
辨差阈差异试验difference limen difference test
过指试验pointing error test
连续听力图试验serial audiogram test
迷路试验labyrinthine test
重振试验Metz recruitment test
肌反射半衰试验stapedial reflex half decay test
肌反射衰减试验stapedial reflex decay test
镫骨肌反射衰减试验decay of stapedius reflex test
闭目站立试验stand eyes closed test
闭目站立试验Romberg test
间断言语试验interrupted speech test
阈上噪声试验suprathreshold noise test
阈上适应试验suprathreshold adaptation test
阈上音衰试验suprathreshold tone decay test
阈限旋转试验threshold rotatory test
阈音衰减试验threshold tone decay test
阵发性眼震试验positioning test
阿齐试验Azzi test
静力平衡试验static equilibrium test
静立试验station test
非言语试验nonverbal test
韦尔试验Well test
音叉试验tuning fork test
音衰试验threshold tone decay test
音调识别试验pitch discrimination test
颈动脉压迫试验carotid compression test
颈扭转试验neck torsion test
颈部姿势试验tests cervical posture
马茨克尔试验Matzker test
马茨克尔双耳两分融合试验Matzker test
马茨克尔双耳两分融合试验Matzker dichotic fusion test
骨导试验tests bone conduction
骨导听阈试验bone conduction threshold test
骨导言语接受阈试验bone conduction speech reception threshold test
骨导言语识别率试验bone conduction word discrimination test
高低音试验high-low tone test
鼓岬试验promontory test
鼻疽菌素试验mallein test