
Terms for subject Finances containing 试验 | all forms | in specified order only
卖空试验计划short-selling pilot scheme
秤用弹簧弹性复原试验back test
总收益率试验gross profit ratio test
技术革新及试验expense of technical innovation and examination
毛利率试验gross profit ratio test
真假试验true-false test
试验买卖sale on approval (approval sales)
试验研究费帐户experiment and research expense a/c
试验计划pilot program
试验计划庄家pilot program market maker
试验计划证券pilot program securities
递延试验研究费deferred experimental and research expense
酸性试验以流动负债与流动资产作比较acid test (quick ratio, liquidity ratio)
项目的试验研究费用累计accumulated experimental development cost in project