
Terms for subject Drilling containing 试验 | all forms | in specified order only
井漏试验装置lost circulation test facility
亚甲蓝试验methylene blue test
亚甲蓝吸附试验装置methylene blue adsorption kit
使用寿命试验durability test
冲击试验impact testing
美国 Amoco 凯特奥萨钻井试验Catoosa test facility
动态滤失试验dynamic filtration tester
压力综合性试验pressure integral test
压裂试验breakdown test
岩石可钻性试验drillability test machine
回压试验back pressure test
国际材料试验协会International Association of Testing material
地层试验器控制阀DST control valve
地层试验器测试drill stem test
地层压裂试验formation leak-off test
地层压裂试验formation integrity test
地层破裂压.试验leak-off formation strength test
室内试验laboratory testing
室内试验laboratory examination
岩石的巴西劈裂拉伸试验brazilian test of rock
布氏硬度试验ball test
延时漏失试验extended leak-off test
投球试验drop test
挂片腐蚀试验coupon test
排空试验dry test
日本超深钻井与地学试验计划Japanese Ultra-deep Drilling and Geoscientific Experiment
气密试验air-tight test
气密试验tightness test
气密试验air test
水压试验test of water pressure
水封试验water test
泥浆极压润滑试验EP mud tester
泥浆润滑性试验mud lubricity tester
液压操作试验hydraulic operation test
漏失试验leak of test
现场试验spot test
现场试验field trail
疲劳试验torture test
短期渗透性试验short term permeability test
短起下钻试验short trip test
地层破裂压力试验leak-off test
等待试验awaiting trial
等待试验结果awaiting result of trial
维卡针入度试验测试水泥凝结时间Vicat needle test
美国材料试验协会American Society for Testing Material
美国石油学会标准试验程序API test procedure
老化试验aging test cell
耐热试验heat test
膨润土絮凝试验bentonite flocculation test
自喷试验flowing test
落球试验drop test
试样腐蚀试验coupon corrosion test
试验make trial of
试验test pit
试验产品pilot model
试验仪器experimental apparatus
试验台/架laboratory bench
试验钻井experimental drilling
页岩浸泡试验shale exposure
页岩滚动试验shale-rolling test