
Terms for subject Surgery containing 试验 | all forms | in specified order only
上肢过度外展试验hyperabduction of upper limb test
交叉配合试验crossmatching test
交叉配合试验cross matching
佛莱试验Frei test
佩尔特斯试验Perthes test
促胰液素试验secretin test
克匿试验Kerning test
地斯-吉试验Landis-Gibbon test
凝胶扩散凝集试验gel diffusion precipitin test
凝血功能试验coagulation function test
分肾功能试验split renal function test
鲁弟-特伦德伦伯格试验Brodie-Trendelenburg test
半蹲试验semi squat test
单足独站试验Trendelenburg sign
压颈试验pressure measurement by compression of neck
反流试验pH reflux test *pH
呼吸幅度试验respiratory excursion test
唤醒试验awaken test
嗜碱性粒细胞脱试验basophil degranulation test
四个成串刺激试验train of four stimulations test
坐骨神经牵拉试验sciatic stretch test
埃-豪试验Ellsworth-Howard test
夜间阴茎勃起试验nocturnal penile tumescence test
奥伯试验Ober test
奥尔托拉尼试验clunk in test
动脉血流通畅试验Allen test
尿三杯试验three-glass test
尿道抬举试验Marshall-Marchetti test
屈腕试验Leri sign
巴洛试验Barlow test
弹出试验slide out test
弹出试验dislocatable test
弹进试验reducible test
弹进试验clunk in test
微量淋巴细胞毒性试验microlymphocytotoxicity test
抗链球菌溶血素 0 试验antistreptolysin 0 test
拇指捏物试验Froment test
拔毛试验hair-pulling test
拾物试验pick-up test
指端皮肤压迫试验skin pressure test
挺胸试验expansion chest test
推挤试验compression test
放射性核素膀胱输尿管反流试验radionuclide-vesico-ureteral reflux test
放射性纤维蛋白原摄取试验radioactive fibrinogen uptake test
普腊特试验Pratt test
止血带试验tourniquet test
氮平衡试验nitrogen balance test
浮髌试验floating patella test
淀粉耐量试验starch tolerance test
潘氏试验Pandy test
爱德生试验Adson test
特伦德伦堡试验Trendelenburg test
皮神经兴奋试验percutaneous nerve excitability test
直接交叉配合试验direct cross-matching test
直腿屈踝试验ankle dorsiflexion test
睾丸回缩试验testis retraction test
组织相容性试验histocompatibility test
缩胆囊素-促胰液素刺激试验CCK-secretin provocative test
肌丙素试验saralasin test
肢体抬高下垂试验Buerger test
胡佛试验Hoover test
腰大肌试验psoas test
膀胱去神经超过敏试验denervation supersensitivity test of bladder
膝关节过伸试验hyperextension test of knee
膝关节过屈试验overflexion test of knee
致敏淋巴细胞试验primed lymphocyte test
尔茨-戴试验Schultz-Dale test
芬勒斯坦试验Finkelstein test
血型和配血试验blood groups and matching of blood test
血浆鱼精蛋白副凝固试验plasma protamine paracoagulation test
角膜试验corneal test
PABA 试验PABA test
诺伊霍夫试验Neuhof test
贝格试验Buerger test
赫西试验Hussey test
趾端皮肤压迫试验skin pressure test
透照试验transillumination test
酚红试验phenolsulfonphthalein test
酚红试验phenol red test
针刺试验pin-prick test
铬一51 释放试验⁵¹ Cr release assay
锁骨下动脉受压试验Adson test
闭孔肌试验obturator test
闭目直立试验Romberg test
霍曼斯试验Homans test
韦氏试验Weber test
颈动脉压迫试验Mata test
颈静脉压迫试验compression of cervical vein test
马塔试验Mata test
骨导比较试验Weber test