
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 试验 | all forms | in specified order only
一次循环试验one cycle test
中心试验central inspection station
中等规模试验pilot-scale test
乱翻式勾丝试验bean bag snag tester
乱翻式起球试验random tumbler pilling tester
乱翻式起球试验random tumble pilling tester
乱翻式起球试验random tumbler
二氧化氮褪色试验nitrogen oxide gas fading
产值评定试验production assessment test
产品例行试验product Routine test
产品倒行试验product routine test
伦敦纺织试验London Textile Testing House
倾斜燃烧性试验inclined flammability test
儿童睡衣阻燃试验数据data on children's steepwear
克莱姆森强力试验Clemson strength testing
典型试验model test
再曝气试验reaeration test
冲击式强力试验ballistic tester
凸形法折皱弹性试验convex method crease elasticity testing
分离试验parting test
剥离试验parting test
加拿大纺织品试验实验室Canadian Textile Testing Laboratories
加捻退捻试验test by twist untwist method
努普微硬度试验Knoop microhardness test
匀压耐磨试验uniform abrasion method
包装试验pack test
单一产品试验monadic product test
单个实验室的预备试验single-laboratory preliminary trial
原棉成熟度试验cotton fiber immaturity testing
原棉红绿试验red/green test
双轴向拉伸强力试验biaxial tensile test
变形丝试验textured yarn tester
合格试验acceptable test
合格试验与验证试验qualification test and proof test
后续试验successive trials
喷淋试验分级仪spray rating tester
国际材料试验协会International Association for Testing Materials (IATM)
圆盘夹平面顶破强力试验CBR test
土埋试验织物soil burial test fabric
土壤向上渗漏梯度试验upward gradient test (土工布测试)
土壤渗漏梯度比试验gradient ratio test
地毯试验用模拟走廊设备model corridor facility
均匀度试验regularity tester
坐椅静态负荷试验chair leg test (地毯)
垂直式阻燃试验vertical flammability test
垂直式阻燃试验vertical flame
复核试验inspection test
大样试验large sample test
大样试验bulk trial
大规模试验full scale test
奴物紧贴性试验cling test
实验室试验样品laboratory sample
实验室试验样品laboratory test sample
实验室测试人员operators within laboratories
实验室用针织试验tricolab type machine
实验室规模试验laboratory scale test
实验室间试验interlaboratory testing
室外露置试验outdoor exposure test
对扯法冲击强力试验ballistic single rip tear test
对比染色试验test dyeing in comparison
导热性试验thermal conductivity tester
小片试验tablet test
小脚轮椅试验castor chair test
尖锥冲击试验cone penetration impact test
尺寸稳定试验dimensional stability tester
屈曲试验flexing test
市场经营试验marketing experimentation
常规质量管理试验routine quality control test
平面应变拉伸强力试验plane strain tensile test
平面透水性试验planar water flow test
库贝克斯缩水率试验Cubex tester
弯曲疲劳试验Flex cracking test
弹性垫试验elastomeric pad method
强力试验strength test
强力试验tensile testing machine
强力伸长试验elongation strength testing
循环试验round test
循环试验robin test
快速保温试验accelerant incubation
快速沾污试验accelerated soiling method
悬垂性试验drape test
扩大试验enlargement test
批产试验bulk trial
技术性试验technical test
抗水性能试验water resistance tester
抗水性能试验waterproof tester
拉伸试验stretching machine
排除试验elimination test
接受试验approval test
摆辊式耐磨试验oscillatory cylinder method
摆锤式试验pendulum method
擦洗试验scrub washing test
斯托尔摩擦试验Stoll abrasion tester
新产品试验new product test
日晒试验sun exposure test
日本耐气候牢度试验中心Japan Weathering Testing Center
日本颜色适应性试验Japanese Color Aptitude Test
明火试验反应response to open-flame exposure
明火试验open-flame method
是否式概率试验go-no-go type of probability test
暂行试验tentative test
服用试验service test
服装穿着试验garment wear test
期中试验interim test
机械试验mechanical test
条样试验strip test
染小样试验beaker test
染料泳移试验transfer test
染色试验beaker test
标准试验方法standard test method
梯形试样撕破强力试验trapezoid tear tester
棉籽纤维固着力试验cotton seed attachment tester
椅脚静态负荷试验chair leg test
模型稳定性试验人造革模制品热稳定性试验法之一pattern stability test
横向弹性试验transverse elasticity test (土工布疲劳特性)
正常试验位置normal test position
毛织物衬垫热收缩试验hot test
氙弧耐气候牢度试验xenon arc weatherometer
水洗试验方法wash test method
水渍变色试验water spotting
水渗透试验water penetration test
沾污试验soiled fabric
泰勃摩擦试验Taber abrasion testing
洗涤试验laundering test
活体试验in vivo test
流苏染色试验fringe test (拆去部分纱线,染色后进行对比)
涂层耐屈挠龟裂强度试验Flex cracking test
淘汰试验elimination test
渗透袋试验permeability bag test
点滴试验spot test
点滴试验spot test
烘箱含湿试验oven moisture testing
熨烫收缩试验iron tester
牢度试验用布test fabric
现场试验on test
玻璃板升华试验plate test
玻璃板滑动试验glass slide test
布料理化试验physical and chemical test
理化试验physical and chemical test
71 瓦斯卡托缩水率试验Wascator FOM
生产估价试验production assessment test
甲胺阻燃试验methanamine pill test
瞬染泳移试验strike migration test
破坏性试验collapse test
科姆比试验Kombi (测试染料扩散,德国 BASF)
穿着试验wear testing
穿着试验wearer trial
穿着试验wear test
穿着试验wear triat
穿着试验service test
箱式起球试验pill box
系统工程试验计划system engineering test program
纱线强力试验yarn test
纺织试验textile testing
织物一垂直试验vertical flame resistance of cloth
织物压皱试验crumple tester
织物悬垂弯曲试验drape-flex test
织物悬垂性试验drape tester
织物振动疲劳试验fabric shaker tester
织物熔孔试验iron melting hole test
织物穿着试验fabric wearing test
织物透油试验oil transparency test
维拉纤网均匀度试验Wira web levelness tester
缝合牢度试验seam slippage test
缝料试验material testing
缝纫试验sewing test
美国材料试验学会American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
美国材料试验标准American Standard of Testing Materials
美国材料与试验协会American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
美国纺织化学家和染色家协会牢度试验AATCC fastness test
美国织物研究试验Fabric Research Laboratory
美国联邦试验方法标准Federal Test Method Standards
耐压试验compression testing
耐寒试验freezing tester
耐气候试验weathering test
耐氙光试验织物标样xenon reference fabric
耐氙光色牢度试验织物标样xenon reference fabric
耐水渍色牢度试验spotting test
耐汗渍牢度试验perspiration test
耐洗牢度试验wash test
耐洗牢度试验wash fastness tester
耐烟熏色牢度试验gas fading apparatus
耐熨烫牢度试验ironing test
耐电压试验withstand voltage test
耐磨性一充气膜式试验abrasion resistance-inflated diaphragm
耐褪色试验仪曝晒色牢度color fastness to fadeometer exposure
肖伯型强力试验Schopper's strength tester
肖布弹力试验Schob elastometer
能力对比试验proficiency testing
自位轮椅试验castor chair test
舌形双夹撕破强力试验tongue double nip tear test
色牢度试验tests for color fastness
色牢度试验colour fastness test
营销试验marketing test
营销试验marketing experimentation
蘑菇式服装易燃性试验mushroom apparel flammability tester
血液浸润率试验blood-wicking rate test
行走试验walk test
衣着试验clothing test
表面平磨试验surface abrader
袜子压力试验hose pressure tester
试探性试验running test
试生产检验pre-production inspection
试管试验in vitro test
试验小组test panel
试验数据testing data
试验方法规定的允差test method tolerance
试验标准布样check sample
试验滑板test sled
试验滑橇test sled
试验环境atmosphere for testing
试验用多种纤维织物multi-fiber test cloth
试验程序testing procedure
试验程序test routine
试验设备testing apparatus
试验设计experiment design
试验项目testing items
调湿试验humidity test control
质量鉴定系统试验quality evaluation systems test
路德摩擦系数试验Roder tester
踩踏试验walk test
踩踏试验treading test
过滤用土工布筛滤特性试验filter fabric soil retention test
连续试验sequential test
迟缓试验inert test
NAHM适形性试验NAHM form fit testing
透水性试验water penetration test
逐步吸尽匀染试验step-by-step exhaust leveling test
针织试验knit tester
针织物收缩试验knit fabric shrinkage gauge
钉板试验nail test
钉辊试验nail test
长期试验long-term test
防羽绒刺出性试验down-proofness test
防雨试验rain test
集装箱试验container testing
雨水渗透性试验rain penetration test
雨淋试验rain drop test
静态吸收试验static absorption testing
静电吸附试验cling test
风格试验handle tester
验收试验inspection test
验收测试acceptance trial
验收测试acceptable test
鲁特林根织物耐磨试验Reutlingen Webtester