
Terms for subject Technology containing 试转 | all forms | in specified order only
低转矩测试器low torque tester
倒车转弯试验rebend test
六角形滚筒回转试验revolving hexagonal drum test
冲击扭转试验torsion impact test
初次试转initial running-in
制动转子试验blocked rotor rest
厂内试转factory trial
厂内试运转shop trial
厂内试运转factory trial
反向扭转疲劳试验机reverse torsion fatigue testing machine
反复扭转试验repeated twisting test
反转试验reversing test
发动机试转running-in of engine
发动机冷试转设备engine cold running test installation
发动机试运转motoring run
回转半径试验turning radius trial
回转式试验机gyratory testing machine
回转扭曲疲劳试验模型test module for rotational flexure fatigue
回转机试验装置test device for rotary machine
回转试验tactical trial
回转试验turning circle trial
回转试验spiral test
圆形回转试验水池circular turning basin
室内转鼓试验台indoor road tester
扭转剪切试验torsional shear test
扭转剪力试验torsional shear test
扭转断口试验split torsional test
扭转疲劳试验torsional fatigue test
扭转疲劳试验机reverse torsional machine
扭转自由振动试验free torsional vibration test
扭转自由振动试验free torsion vibration test
扭转试验torsional test
扭转试验台torsional rig
扭转试验图torsional test diagram
扭转试验机torsional testing machine
扭转试验机torsional tester
摆动旋转试验pendular rotatory test
旋转式磨料磨损试验机rotary abrasive tester
旋转弯曲疲劳试验rotary bending fatigue test
旋转弯曲试验机rotary bending tester
旋转挂片试验rotary coupon test
旋转振动试验rotating vibration test
旋转球体模拟试验model experiment with a rotating sphere
旋转破坏试验spin burst test
旋转试验whirling test
旋转试验rotation test
旋转试验台whirling test stand
旋转试验台spin-test rig
旋转试验机rotary test rig
旋转边带测试法rotation sideband testing method
无载运转试验no load running test
机械设备试运转mechanical start up
试转换器test translator
满负荷试运转full power trial
试转heat run
电机转子试验装置motor rotor tester
疲劳扭转试验repeated twisting test
磨损试验转数abrasion cycle
空转试验preoperational test
空转试验racing test
空转试验preoperation test
空转调试running-in test
空转调试racing test
系泊试运转mooring trial
线材扭转试验机wire torque tester
翻转试验roll-over test
联合试运转费combining running-in fee
螺旋桨旋转试验propeller whirling test
被动转移试验passive transfer test
设备试运转equipment shakedown
运转test working
试样转移操作sample transfer operation
试车台运转test stand operation
试转preliminary operation
试转速度running-in speed
试运转test running
试运转start-up test
试运转green test
试运转列车trial-trip train
试运转列车test run train
试运转功率trial trip rating
试运转时期running-in period
试运转期break-in period
试运转装置running-in machine
试运转费用trial running expense
试运转费用trial run cost
试运转费用start run cost
试运转过程breaking-in process
试运转顺序start-up trial run procedure
试验运转test running
试验运转test run
试验运转experimental run
转化试验conversion test
转厂试验transplant test
转向测试slew test
转向试验turning test
转向试验steering test
转向试验场steering pad
转子止转试验rotor-blocked test
转杆式冲击疲劳试验rotating bar impact fatigue test
转杆式疲劳试验机rotating beam type machine
转梁式疲劳试验机rotating cantilever beam type machine
转白试验blanching reaction
转盘式路面试验机gyratory testing machine
转轮式耐磨性试验机wheel abrader
转速表试验台tachometer testing table
转速试验speed test
运转准备试验operational readiness test
运转测试operation testing
运转测试performance test
运转测试operation test
运转试验field investigation
运转试验maneuvering trials
运转试验operational test
运转试验duration test
运转适应性试验operational suitability test
重复扭转疲劳试验机endurance testing machine for torsion repeated
长期运转试验long-term running test
阈限旋转试验threshold shift test
阿姆斯勒高频扭转试验机Amsler vibraphone
静载扭转试验static torsional test
高频扭转疲劳试验机high-frequency torque fatigue tester