
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing 试试 | all forms
三相持续短路试验three-phase continous shortcircuit test
三相短路试验three-phase short-circuit test
专家鉴定试验expert certifying test
中性盐雾试验salt spray test
中水头试验台medium-head test stand
中间机组试验pilot-plant test
串级工频试验变压器cascade power-frequency testing transformer
串联谐振试验设备series resonant testing equipment
互馈法试验Hopkinson test
交变冲击抗弯试验alternating impact bearing test
交接试验accepted test
交流试验AC test
交流试验电压AC test voltage
介电试验dielectric test
介质损耗角试验loss tangent test
介质损耗试验dielectric loss test
介质耐压试验dielectric withstanding voltage test
低功率石墨试验用反应堆graphite low energy experimental pile
低温测试test in low temperature
低温测试lower zero test
低温测试freezing test
低滑差率试验low slip test
低频高压试验low frequency high-voltage test
使用寿命试验working life test
使用寿命试验operating life test
例行试验routine test
冲击测试shock test
冲击测试impact test
冲水测试water splashing test
冷态启动试验cold start test
冷态试车cold run
冷态试验cold functional test
减负荷试验load droping test
减速试验deceleration test
分水性能试验water resistance test
分裂试验delamination test
制动试验deceleration test
制动试验台brake testing bench
刷损试验brush wear test
功率因数为 1 的试验unity-power-factor test
功率提升试验power ascension test
功试验dynamometer test
加速热老化试验accelerating thermal ageing test
加速试验ramp test
动平衡及超速试验balancing and over speed test
励磁电流衰减试验field current decay test
匝间短路试验turn testing
匝间绝缘试验turn-to-turn insulation test
匝间耐压试验turn-to-turn voltage test
匝间试验testing between turns
匝间试验器interturn tester
升高电压试验step-up voltage test
半成品试验intermediate test
半成品试验semi-finished test
单梁式冲击试验Charpy test
卡普-霍普金森试验Kapp-Hopkinson test
厂内组装试验shop assembly test
厂内试验factory test
厂内试验test at works
厂内调试factory test
压凸试验cupping test
反转试验reverse rotation test
反馈试验back to back testing
发热试验heat run test
发电机短路试验generator short-circuit test
发电机耐电压试验generator withstand voltage test
变比试验ratio test
叠装试验stacking test
合格试验compliance test
合格试验conformity test
吊摆试验pendulum test
启动温升试验Start temperature rise test
启动试运行commissioning running
启动试运行starting up and trial operation
启动试验starting characteristics test
启动调试starting-up and commissioning test
吸湿试验porosity test
喷淋试验water spray test
噪声测试noise test
圆拉伸试样circular tensile test specimen
场衰减试验field extinguishing test
型式试验engineering test
型式试验type test
埃里克森拉伸试验Erichsen test
堵转试验locked-rotor test
堵转转子试验locked-rotor test
备用励磁机切换试验spare exciter changeover test
外加电压试验separate source test
外加电压试验applied potential test
外加电流试验applied current test
大型发电机线圈寿命试验generette test
定子温升试验stator temperature-rise test
定子绝缘试验规范stator insulation test specification
定子试验器stator tester
定期测试器periodic test set
实尺模型试验full scale model testing
实际加载试验actual loading test
实际水头试验real-head test
实际水头试验台real-head test rig
实际试验real test
密封试验check for leakage
小批试制small scale trial-manufacture
小批试制experimental-lot manufacture
层间绝缘试验layer-to-layer insulation test
层间耐压试验layer-to-layer test
工作方式试验operating duty test
工厂试验test at works
工厂试验inworks test
工厂试验works test
工地试验in-site test
工地试验on-site test
工场试验shop test
工艺试验process test
工频试验power-frequency test
工频试验变压器power-frequency testing transformer
布氏硬度试验机Brinell's machine
常规线圈试验routine coil test
常规试验电压normal test voltage
平均总试验范围average total inspection
平板试样flat plate specimen
平衡试验坑balancing pit
平衡试验坑balanced pit
异步空载试验asynchronous on-load test
张拉试验stretching test
弯曲冲击试验bending impact test
弯曲试验buckling test
弯曲试验装置bend test jig
心轴弯曲试验bending test over a rod
性能试验functional test
总成的成对试验back-to-back test
悬臂梁式冲击试验Charpy test
感应耐压试验induced high voltage test
感应高电压试验induced high voltage test
扁平拉伸试样flat plate specimen
扭转疲劳试验fatigue torsion test
试验commissioning test
投产试验commissioning test
投入运行试验commissioning test
抗剪试验shearing test
折弯试验机folding tester
抽出转子外加电压试验applied voltage test with rotor removed
抽试percent test
持续升压试验continuous voltage-rise test
持续短路试验continuous short-circuit test
持续短路试验sustained short-circuit test
持续负载试验continuous load test
振动试验台vibration test table
损耗正切试验loss tangent test
换向器片间试验bar-to-bar test
换向试验commutating test
接地试验电压earth test voltage
接地试验电压ground test voltage
推力轴承试验thrust-bearing test
散热试验heat dissipating test
数据组功率特性测试data set for power performance measurement
斜面冲击试验incline impact test
断裂试验destruction test
断裂试验break down test
斯温伯试验Swinburne test
无火花换向试验no-spark commutation test
易燃性试验flame test
易着火性试验fire risk test
最低启动试验pull-up test
最大转矩试验交流电动机breakdown torque test
最大转矩试验交流电动机pull-out torque test
机座水压试验frame hydrostatic test
机座泵压试验pressure test of stator frame
机械老化试验mechanical ageing test
材料试验规范material test specification
极性试验器polar indicator
标定辅机试验calibrated driving machine test
校准电机试验法test method with calibrated driving machine
样本试验sampling test
桑普勒相互负载试验Sumpner test
检验试验blank experiment
模拟试样dummy test specimen
模拟试验blank test
模拟试验dummy test
模绕线圈试验装置former wound motorette
欧姆电阻试验ohmic-resistance test
正交试验法orthogonal experimental method
正序试验positive order test
正规试验normal test
比例扁平试样flat subsize test specimen
比较试验comparision test
气密性试验gastightness test
气密性试验air-tightness test
气密试验leakage test
气密试验gas-tight test
水力模型试验hydraulic modeling
水流试验water flow test
污秽耐压试验withstand pollution test
污秽耐压试验pollution voltage-withstanding test
污秽闪络试验pollution flashover test
油切断试验oil trip test
泄漏试验check for leakage
泄风试验air leakage test
测力试验dynamometric test
测功试验dynamometer test
测功试验dynamometric test
测试刷pilot brush
测试插孔test jack
测试线圈measuring coil
测试间test cabinet
浸水测试water dipping test
浸水测试submerse test
涡流试验eddy-current test
淋雨试验wet test
温升试验temperature-rise test
湿热测试damp heat test
滑差试验slip test
满载试验full-load test
漏电压试验leakage voltage test
漏电试验check for leakage
漏电试验leakance test
漏电试验leak age test
漏磁试验check for leakage
漏磁试验flux test
漏磁试验leak age test
灭磁试验field extinguishing test
燃烧试验burning test
爱泼斯坦试验Epstein test
换向片片间电阻试验bar-to-bar test
环境试验environment al test
环火试验flashover test
现场性能试验field performance test
球压试验ball thrust test
球压试验ball impression test
甚低频高压试验very low frequency high-potential test
甩负荷试验load dropping test
电介质击穿试验dielectric breakdown test
电介质强度试验dielectric strength test
电击测试break-down test
电动机运转试验motoring test
电晕试验corona test
电晕起始试验corona inception test
电机温升测试法Kapp method
电枢动平衡试验armature dynamic equilibrium test
电枢动平衡试验armature dynamic balance test
电枢平衡试验armature balance test
电枢温升试验armature winding heat-test
电枢温升试验armature temperature rise test
电枢线圈短路测试仪armature growler
电枢绕组开路灭磁试验field extinguishing test with armature opening
电枢绕组温升试验armature winding temperature rise test
电枢绕组短路灭磁试验field extinguishing test with armature short circuit
电枢绝缘试验规范armature insulation test specification
电气绝缘强度试验electric insulation strength test
电气试验台electric test bench
电流表-电压表试验ammeter-voltmeter test
电源频率试验power frequency test
电能反馈法试验electric back-to-back test
电量放电起始试验partial discharge inception test
电阻测试ohmic-resistance test
疲劳断裂试验fatigue fracture test
盐雾测试salt mist test
真实条件试验full scale test
真机水头试验real-head test
真机水头试验台real-head test rig
真机试验real test
真机试验prototype test
真空衰减试验vacuum decay test
真空降低跳闸试验low vacuum trip test
瞬态试验transient test
瞬时短路试验instantaneous shortcircuit test
磁滞试验Epstein test
空白试验dummy test
空转试验run-idle test
空载试运行no-load trial operation
空载试验running light test
空载试验zero-load test
空载试验open-circuit test
空载饱和试验no-load saturation test
突加励磁试验suddenly applied excitation test
突加应力试验abrupt stressed test
符合性试验compliance test
符合性试验conformity test
等效耐热试验equivalent heat-run test
等效负载试验equivalent load test
线匝试验器turn tester
线圈测试coil testing
线圈测试coil measurement
线圈绝缘试验规范coil insulation test specification
线圈试验器coil tester
线圈试验法coil testing method
线间持续短路试验line-to-line sustained shortcircuit test
组装试验shop assembly test
绕组试验Winding test
绕组试验装置winding tester
绝缘强度试验insulation strength test
绝缘强度试验dielectric strength test
绝缘油试验器insulating oil tester
绝缘测试仪insulation tester
绝缘的加速老化试验voltage aging test
绝缘耐压试验insulation voltage-withstand-endurance test
绝缘试验insulating test
绝缘试验器insulation tester
绝缘试验规范insulation test specification
缩尺模型试验scale model test
老化击穿试验ageing puncture test
耐候试验weather-resistant test
耐压寿命试验voltage-endurance test
耐压试验voltage-level test
耐压试验electric-strength test
耐压试验pressure -withstand test
耐压试验pressure resistance test
耐压试验high-potential test
耐压试验-withstand test
耐压试验voltage-endurance test
耐受电压试验withstand voltage test
耐气候性试验weather-protection test
耐气候性试验climatic robustness test
耐电压试验voltage endurance test
耐电压试验器puncture tester
耐短路试验short-circuit withstand test
耐褶试验folding endurance test
耐震测试quake-proof test
联动试验linkage test
脆断试验brittle fracture test
自动测试器automatic tester
自动测试系统automatic testing system
自然暴露试验field weathering test
艾贝尔闪点试验Abel flashpoint test
荧光探伤试验zyglo test
荧光探伤试验fluorescent-penetrate test
被试电机tested electrical machine
裂解试验delamination test
装配前试验pre-installation test
见证试验eyewitness test
见证试验witnessing test
见证试验witness test
规定试验conventional test
角形试样angle probe
认可试验approval test
test piece
test specimen
试产trial manufacture
试启动experimental starting
试样engineering sample
试环test ring
试行标准draft standard
试车running in
试车preliminary operation
试车台experimental test bed
试车期test-run period
试车期breaking-in period
试车期commissioning period
试车间test-run bay
试车间experimental test bay
试转test run
试运行experimental run
试送电trial line charging
试验台上的试验bench run
试验台上的试验stand test
试验对象test object
试验性反应堆pilot-plant reactor
试验接口test adaptor
试验插片test tab
试验机tested machine
试验机experimental machine
试验样机test prototype
试验棒test bar
试验水头test head
试验用具test appliance
试验电站experimental power station
试验站test plant
试验等级degree of examination
试验箱proof box
试验线路test circuit
试验线路hook up
试验组experimental lot
试验结果的复验性reproducibility of test results
试验绕组test winding
试验装置pilot installation
试验计划experimental design
试验设备pilot equipment
试验量amount of examination
试验间test room
试验顺序sequence of tests
调整试验commissioning test
调试阶段trouble-shooting phase
调试阶段debugging phase
调试阶段commissioning phase
负励试验negative excitation test
负序试验negative sequence test
负序试验negative phase-sequence test
负序试验negative-order test
负载变动试验load change test
负载异步运行试验load asynchronous operation test
负载特性试验load characteristic test
负载试验load trial
起晕试验discharge inception test
超声波测试acoustic testing
超声波试验设备ultrasonic test equipment
超电压试验overpotential test
超负荷与断裂试验overload and rupture test
超速试验规范specification of overspeed test
转子位置可调的加压试验applied voltage test with rotor in adjustable position
转子动平衡试验rotor dynamic equilibrium test
转子动平衡试验rotor dynamic balance test
转子发热试验rotor heating test
转子堵转试验rotor-locked test
转子堵转试验rotor-blocked test
转子平衡试验rotor balance test
转子振荡试验rotor oscillation test
转子止转试验rotor-locked test
转子温升试验rotor temperature-rise test
转子绝缘试验规范rotor insulation test specification
转差试验slip test
轴向负荷试验axial load test
轴承油压下降警报试验low bearing oil pressure alarm test
轴承油压降低跳闸试验low bearing oil pressure trip test
轴承试验装置bearing test jig
轴电压试验shaft voltage test
轻载试验running-light test
过励磁试验overexcitation test
过压试验dielectric test
过压试验overpressure test
过压试验overvoltage test
过流试验excess-flow test
过电压试验hi-pot test
过电压试验excess voltage test
过电压试验overvoltage test
过电流试验overcurrent test
过转矩试验overtorque test
过载试验excess load test
运行前的调试preoperative trouble-shooting
运输试验transporting test
选择试验percent test
逐步测试方法step test procedure
通风试验ventilation test
速度试验speed test
重复启动试验repeat start test
重载试验heavy-loaded test
鉴定试验appraisement test
针入度试验cone penetration test
铁耗试验core loss test
铁芯发热试验ring flux heating
铁芯发热试验loop heating (test)
铁芯损耗试验ring flux heating test
铁芯损耗试验loop heating test
铁芯损耗试验core loss test
铁芯磁化试验core magnetization test
铁芯磁化试验core flux test
铁芯试验flux test
锁定转子外施电压试验applied voltage test with rotor locked
长期运转试验running test
防潮试验wet test
防爆测试explosion-proof test
防腐测试antisepsis test
防蚀测试corrosion-proof test
防霉试验fungus test
附加试验additional test
降压试验voltage drop test
霉菌测试mould test
霉菌测试mildew test
霍普金森试验Hopkinson test
非散热试验样品non heat-dissipating specimen
非破坏性试验non-destructive test
预先试验preliminary test
额定负载试验rated-load test
飞逸试验runaway test
验收试验hand-over test
验收试验acceptance test
高压直流试验装置high-voltage DC test set
高压绝缘试验high-voltage insulation test
高压试验tension test
高压试验器high-tension tester
高压试验设备high-tension testing apparatus
高水头试验台high-head test stand
高海拔试验high-altitude test
高温抗拉试验elevated temperature tensile test
高温测试high temperature test
高电压试验-potential test
高电压试验hypot test
高电压试验设备high-voltage testing equipment
黑带试验black band test
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