
Terms for subject Construction containing 试试 | all forms
三轴快试quick triaxial test
主〔基本〕测试台primary test board
亚声速流中的超声速区模型试验法bump method
亚尔登模盘环路测试法一种借助惠斯登电桥原理找寻输电线故障的方法Ayrton-Mother ring test method
从各个水平位置取出的液体试样all-level sample
作试验run an experiment
压缩试验confined compression test
全级试样all-level sample
全面综合(性)试验comprehensive test
共振法试验resonance method test
再用试件reusing sample
几何畸变测试geometry tests
击穿试验puncture test
判决 〔决定性〕试验crucial test
刷损试验brushing test
动物试验容器animal chamber
十字接头抗裂试验cruciform cracking test
压密试验test consolidation
带钢,钢丝反复弯曲试验ductilimeter test
发展中的试验电台development test station
取试样outgoing materials
台佛尔〔双筒〕磨耗试验Deval abrasion test
同组试样companion specimens
含泥量试验仪sand washer
嗅试法scent test
固结试验test consolidation
圆槽抗裂试验circular-groove-crack test
圆锥筒试验cone test
测土壤密度的土块试验法chunk method
坍落度试验锥slump cone
壁裂试验diametral compression test
复试验振荡器synthetic-pattern generator
安 〔固〕定性试验soundness test
容器〔静态,压力罩〕试验chamber test
射频脉冲发射机试验器carpet tester
尝试〔试探,试凑,试错,逐次逼近〕法try and error method
尝试〔试探,试凑,试错,逐次逼近〕法cut and try method
尝试误差trial-and-error procedure
工作状态〔不停机〕测试设备operational test set
工厂〔工业设备〕试验plant test
已化验的试样dump sample
常应变率试验constant-rate-of-strain test
干试样dry-out sample
平均试验车行程average-test-car run
平行试验的一致性congruity of parallel tests
板材平面弯曲试验camber test
应力试验脆漆层stress coat
厚板180。弯合试验book test
弯曲〔韧性〕 试验pliability test
弹簧弹力〔疲劳〕 试验器spring tester
强度〔耐久,可靠性〕试验reliability trials
engage test
成套〔组合型〕测试系统integrated test system
焊接打压试验bulge test
扩管凸出试验bulge test
抗剪强度试验shear strength tests
抗拔力试验用试件pullout specimen
拉力〔拔桩,张拉〕试验pulling test
土壤排水剪力试验drained shear test
接收〔通信〕机试〔检〕验器set analyzer
携带〔便携〕式测试仪器portable testing set
摇频测试sweep check
散裂〔剥落〕试验spalling test
断裂〔耐久力,击穿,破坏,折断〕 试验breakdown test
断裂试验break-off test
方格测试信号checkerboard pattern test signal
方格测试片measuring grid
旋涡离心力试验whirling test
最不利条件下的试验exaggerated test
核对试样control specimen
对耐火砖格子散裂试验panel spalling test
检査标准用的试样control specimen
汽提〔去膜,去胶〕试验stripping test
沥青混合的性能试验bituminous mixture performance tests
油中含水量测试water in oil test
油料试验机oil tester
金属的流动性试验spiral test
海军试验admiralty test
混凝土坍落度试验slump test of concrete
混凝土捣实因数试验compacting factors test of concrete
混凝土流动桌试验flowtable test of concrete
混凝土立方块强度试验cube concrete test
混凝土维勃稠度试验该试验由瑞典 Bahmer(1940) 完成,英国标准 BS1881 第二部分,通过把一个标准混凝土圆锥变成密实的平圆柱体所用的时间,即 V-B 时间,用 s做单位,规定精确到 0.5 sV-B consistometer concrete
混凝土试配concrete trial mixes
混凝土非破损性试验concrete nondestructive testing
清晰度〔分解力〕测试卡identification resolution chart
清晰度测试楔形束definition wedges
湿度〔水分,含水量〕试验moisture testing
漏电〔渗漏,紧密性〕试验leakage test
燃料消费量试验机mileage tester
燃料系统试验fuel-system run
环道试验satellite road test
短时试验〔测试〕short time test
码头〔系泊〕 试车dock trails
测定管子承重能力的砂承试验sand-bearing test
硬度方法试验hardness method test
碰响试验估计水泥土等相对硬度用click test
窗形约束抗裂试验window type restraint weld cracking test
颗粒级配筛分试验gradation test
综合试验设备〔场地〕test complex
翼片〔小板〕试验tab test
破坏性试验puncture test
联机〔联线,在线〕调试on-line debugging
联机〔联线,在线〕调试debugging on-line
落球试验法drop-ball test
蓄压试验accumulation test
测流动性的螺旋试验spiral test
验性钻孔trial hole
试件号test piece number (Test pc No.)
逐步试凑法trial-and-error procedure
试凑试验cut-and-try work
试开〔车〕test working
试探〔尝试,试凑,试错,逐次逼近〕法try-and-error method
试水阀pet valve
试液位旋塞gauge cock
试算试验,选择,试探,(多次)尝试,逐步渐近cut and trial method
试算试验,选择,试探,(多次)尝试,逐步渐近cut and try method
试车〔磨合,溶解〕期breaking-in period
发动机试运转green test
试配trial mixes
试金法码button weights
试错〔试算,试凑,差试,试配,尝试,逐步逼近〕法method of trials and errors
试错〔试算,试凑,差试,试配,尝试,逐步逼近〕法method of trial and error
试验〔测试〕接点test contact
试验〔假设,推测,预定〕数据tentation data
试验〔暂行〕规范tentative specifications
试验前处理〔准备〕pretest treatment
试验弧刷private wiper
试验样品development type (机)
贯人针人度试验penetration test
超声波脉冲试验ultrasonic pulse method test
基准压力为 3 千克的轻压力洛氏硬度试验机superficial Rockwell hardness tester
轻荷间歇试验light intermittent test
运转〔现场〕试验field investigation
电机的连续升压试验continuous-voltage-rise test
连续试验green test
逾〔超〕常试验exaggerated test
重塑 〔扰动〕试件强度remoulded strength
重荷间歇〔断续重负载〕试验heavy intermittent test
量热计式测试仪器calorimeter instrument
鉴定〔检査,验收〕试验approval test
钢材成分力学试验结果记录表mill sheet
钥孔形缺口冲击试样Charpy key hole specimen
钻〔冲〕孔试验puncture test
闪烁〔循环〕寿命试验cycling life test
附铸主体铸造 试棒和铸件连在一起cast-on test bar
非破损性试验nondestructive test
验证 〔试用〕试验proof test
高碳工具钢的淬火性试验shepherd test
黏度针人度试验viscosity penetration test
黏结强度试验器bond tester
黑电平测试信号artificial black signal