
Terms for subject China containing 试试 | all forms
中国计量测试学会Chinese Society for Measurement
中间试验intermediate testing
以身试法defy the law
先行试点,稳步推进first conduct trials and then proceed steadily
免试入学be exempted from the entrance examinations
全国统一考试national examination
农村综合改革试点trials in comprehensive rural reform
医师资格考试examination for the qualification of a licensed doctor
国家教师资格考试制度national teachers' qualification examination system
国家教育考试制度national education examination system
安排试点补助 9 亿元allocate 900 million yuan in subsidies for trials (to)
开展试点carry out a trials of
开展试点carry out the trials of
开展试点launch the trials of
开展试点carry out a pilot project (to)
执业兽医资格考试制度examination system for the qualification of licensed veterinarian
接种试验vaccinal experiments
推进扩大试点工作proceed with the expansion of trials (to)
改革试点a pilot reform (of)
有试用期undergo a probation period
海上试油test offshore wells
盲文试卷braille exam paper
约定一次试用期agree upon one probation period
综合执法试点experiments conducted on integrated law enforcement
综合配套改革试点trial reforms for comprehensive and sustainable development
试点the pilot project
试点工作work in the trial of (doing)
试点工作a pilot project
试点方案a pilot program
试用买卖sale transaction on trial
试用期间period for trial use
试车场地test grounds
试销期verified period for trial sale
试验基地experimental base
试验示范基地experiment and demonstration base
试验证明prove by experiment
进行改革试点carry out the trial reforms
进行改革试点launch the trial reforms